【记录】ICESat GLAS14命名规则



Variable Description
xx Product number (01, 05, 06, 12, 13, 14, or 15) 产品编号(01、05、06、12、13、14 或15)
mmm Release number for process that created the product 产品版本号
p Repeat ground-track phase (1 = 8-day, 2 = 91-day, 3 = transfer orbit) 地面轨道重复周期(1=8 天,2=9 天,3=转移轨道)
r Reference orbit number; this number starts at 1 and increments each time a new reference orbit ground track file is obtained. 参考轨道数量,从1 开始,每次新增一个参考轨道地面轨迹文件加1
kk Instance number, incremented every time the satellite enters a different reference orbit. instance 号,卫星每次进入不同轨道则增加
ccc Cycle of reference orbit for this phase; the cycle number restarts at 1 every time the instance number changes. The cycle number then increments within the instance (kk) every time Track 1 for that orbit is reached. Most instances begin in an arbitrary track (not 1) because of how the tracks are numbered. 这一阶段参考轨道的cylce 号,一旦instance 号发生变化,cycle 号就重新从1开始。在同一个instance 号下,每次进入轨迹的1 号轨道,cycle 号就增加1。大
多数情况下,instance 从任意跟踪轨迹开始,这取决于轨迹编号准则。
tttt Track within reference orbit; tracks are defined from a reference orbit. Each track begins and ends at the ascending equator crossing. Tracks are numbered such that Track 1 is the closest track to Greenwich Meridian from the east and then contiguous in time after that. For transfer orbits, for which we have no predefined reference orbit, Track 1 is the first track for which we have data for that instance (kk). 参考轨道的轨迹号,取决于参考轨道。每条轨迹都是在升交点开始或结束。通过特定的编号准则将轨迹1 称为从东方开始最接近格林尼治子午线的轨迹。对于转移轨
道,我们没有预定义的参考轨道,轨道1 则是获得该instance 号下数据对应的第一条轨迹。
s Segment of orbit 轨道使用部分
nn Granule version number; the number of times this granule is created for a specific release Granule 版本号
ffff File type; numerical, assigned for multiple files as needed for data of same time period for a specific data product; a multifile granule 文件类型
