the top-1 and top-5 error


1. top-1 error: 

  • First, you make a prediction using the CNN and obtain the predicted class multinomial distribution ().
  • 首先,使用CNN预测并得到一个预测类别的多项分布(
  • Now, in the case of top-1 score, you check if the top class (the one having the highest probability) is the same as the target label.
  • 按预测的概率最高的类别和真实的标签是否一致,来计算错误率

2. top-5 error: 

  • In the case of top-5 score, you check if the target label is one of your top 5 predictions (the 5 ones with the highest probabilities).
  • 按真实的标签是否是最高的5个概率之一,来计算错误率
