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Library version: 3.0.4
Library scope: global
Named arguments: supported


A test library providing keywords for OS related tasks.

OperatingSystem is Robot Framework's standard library that enables various operating system related tasks to be performed in the system where Robot Framework is running. It can, among other things, execute commands (e.g. Run), create and remove files and directories (e.g. Create File, Remove Directory), check whether files or directories exists or contain something (e.g. File Should Exist, Directory Should Be Empty) and manipulate environment variables (e.g. Set Environment Variable).

Table of contents

  • Path separators
  • Pattern matching
  • Tilde expansion
  • Boolean arguments
  • Example
  • Shortcuts
  • Keywords

Path separators

Because Robot Framework uses the backslash (\) as an escape character in the test data, using a literal backslash requires duplicating it like in c:\\path\\file.txt. That can be inconvenient especially with longer Windows paths, and thus all keywords expecting paths as arguments convert forward slashes to backslashes automatically on Windows. This also means that paths like ${CURDIR}/path/file.txt are operating system independent.

Notice that the automatic path separator conversion does not work if the path is only a part of an argument like with Run and Start Process keywords. In these cases the built-in variable ${/} that contains \ or /, depending on the operating system, can be used instead.

Pattern matching

Some keywords allow their arguments to be specified as glob patterns where:

* matches anything, even an empty string
? matches any single character
[chars] matches any character inside square brackets (e.g. [abc] matches either ab or c)
[!chars] matches any character not inside square brackets

Unless otherwise noted, matching is case-insensitive on case-insensitive operating systems such as Windows. Pattern matching is implemented using fnmatch module.

Starting from Robot Framework 2.9.1, globbing is not done if the given path matches an existing file even if it would contain a glob pattern.

Tilde expansion

Paths beginning with ~ or ~username are expanded to the current or specified user's home directory, respectively. The resulting path is operating system dependent, but typically e.g. ~/robot is expanded to C:\Users\\robot on Windows and /home//robot on Unixes.

Tilde expansion is a new feature in Robot Framework 2.8. The ~username form does not work on Jython

Boolean arguments

Some keywords accept arguments that are handled as Boolean values true or false. If such an argument is given as a string, it is considered false if it is either an empty string or case-insensitively equal to falsenoneor no. Other strings are considered true regardless their value, and other argument types are tested using the same rules as in Python.

True examples:

Remove Directory ${path} recursive=True # Strings are generally true.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=yes # Same as the above.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=${TRUE} # Python True is true.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=${42} # Numbers other than 0 are true.

False examples:

Remove Directory ${path} recursive=False # String false is false.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=no # Also string no is false.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=${EMPTY} # Empty string is false.
Remove Directory ${path} recursive=${FALSE} # Python False is false.

Prior to Robot Framework 2.9, all non-empty strings, including false and no, were considered true. Considering none false is new in Robot Framework 3.0.3.


Setting Value
Library OperatingSystem
Variable Value
${PATH} ${CURDIR}/example.txt
Test Case Action Argument Argument
Example Create File ${PATH} Some text
  File Should Exist ${PATH}  
  Copy File ${PATH} ~/file.txt
  ${output} = Run ${TEMPDIR}${/} arg


Append To Environment Variable · Append To File · Copy Directory · Copy File · Copy Files · Count Directories In Directory · Count Files In Directory · Count Items In Directory · Create Binary File · Create Directory · Create File ·Directory Should Be Empty · Directory Should Exist · Directory Should Not Be Empty · Directory Should Not Exist · Empty Directory · Environment Variable Should Be Set · Environment Variable Should Not Be Set · File Should Be Empty ·File Should Exist · File Should Not Be Empty · File Should Not Exist · Get Binary File · Get Environment Variable · Get Environment Variables · Get File · Get File Size · Get Modified Time · Grep File · Join Path · Join Paths ·List Directories In Directory · List Directory · List Files In Directory · Log Environment Variables · Log File · Move Directory · Move File · Move Files · Normalize Path · Remove Directory · Remove Environment Variable · Remove File ·Remove Files · Run · Run And Return Rc · Run And Return Rc And Output · Set Environment Variable · Set Modified Time · Should Exist · Should Not Exist · Split Extension · Split Path · Touch · Wait Until Created · Wait Until Removed


Keyword Arguments Documentation
Append To Environment Variable name, *values, **config

Appends given values to environment variable name.

If the environment variable already exists, values are added after it, and otherwise a new environment variable is created.

Values are, by default, joined together using the operating system path separator (; on Windows, : elsewhere). This can be changed by giving a separator after the values like separator=value. No other configuration parameters are accepted.

Examples (assuming NAME and NAME2 do not exist initially):

Append To Environment Variable NAME first  
Should Be Equal %{NAME} first  
Append To Environment Variable NAME second third
Should Be Equal %{NAME} first${:}second${:}third  
Append To Environment Variable NAME2 first separator=-
Should Be Equal %{NAME2} first  
Append To Environment Variable NAME2 second separator=-
Should Be Equal %{NAME2} first-second  

New in Robot Framework 2.8.4.

Append To File path, content,encoding=UTF-8

Appends the given content to the specified file.

If the file does not exists, this keyword works exactly the same way as Create File.

Copy Directory source, destination

Copies the source directory into the destination.

If the destination exists, the source is copied under it. Otherwise the destination directory and the possible missing intermediate directories are created.

Copy File source, destination

Copies the source file into the destination.

Source must be an existing file. Starting from Robot Framework 2.8.4, it can be given as a glob pattern (see Pattern matching) that matches exactly one file. How the destination is interpreted is explained below.

1) If the destination is an existing file, the source file is copied over it.

2) If the destination is an existing directory, the source file is copied into it. A possible file with the same name as the source is overwritten.

3) If the destination does not exist and it ends with a path separator (/ or \), it is considered a directory. That directory is created and a source file copied into it. Possible missing intermediate directories are also created.

4) If the destination does not exist and it does not end with a path separator, it is considered a file. If the path to the file does not exist, it is created.

The resulting destination path is returned since Robot Framework 2.9.2.

See also Copy Files, Move File, and Move Files.

Copy Files *sources_and_destination

Copies specified files to the target directory.

Source files can be given as exact paths and as glob patterns (see Pattern matching). At least one source must be given, but it is not an error if it is a pattern that does not match anything.

Last argument must be the destination directory. If the destination does not exist, it will be created.


Copy Files ${dir}/file1.txt ${dir}/file2.txt ${dir2}
Copy Files ${dir}/file-*.txt ${dir2}  

See also Copy File, Move File, and Move Files.

New in Robot Framework 2.8.4.

Count Directories In Directory path, pattern=None

Wrapper for Count Items In Directory returning only directory count.

Count Files In Directory path, pattern=None

Wrapper for Count Items In Directory returning only file count.

Count Items In Directory path, pattern=None

Returns and logs the number of all items in the given directory.

The argument pattern has the same semantics as with List Directory keyword. The count is returned as an integer, so it must be checked e.g. with the built-in keyword Should Be Equal As Integers.

Create Binary File path, content

Creates a binary file with the given content.

If content is given as a Unicode string, it is first converted to bytes character by character. All characters with ordinal below 256 can be used and are converted to bytes with same values. Using characters with higher ordinal is an error.

Byte strings, and possible other types, are written to the file as is.

If the directory for the file does not exist, it is created, along with missing intermediate directories.


Create Binary File ${dir}/example.png ${image content}
Create Binary File ${path} \x01\x00\xe4\x00

Use Create File if you want to create a text file using a certain encoding. File Should Not Exist can be used to avoid overwriting existing files.

New in Robot Framework 2.8.5.

Create Directory path

Creates the specified directory.

Also possible intermediate directories are created. Passes if the directory already exists, but fails if the path exists and is not a directory.

Create File path, content=,encoding=UTF-8

Creates a file with the given content and encoding.

If the directory for the file does not exist, it is created, along with missing intermediate directories.

See Get File for more information about possible encoding values, including special values SYSTEM and CONSOLE.


Create File ${dir}/example.txt Hello, world!  
Create File ${path} Hyv\xe4 esimerkki Latin-1
Create File /tmp/foo.txt ${content} SYSTEM

Use Append To File if you want to append to an existing file and Create Binary File if you need to write bytes without encoding. File Should Not Exist can be used to avoid overwriting existing files.

The support for SYSTEM and CONSOLE encodings is new in Robot Framework 3.0.

Directory Should Be Empty path, msg=None

Fails unless the specified directory is empty.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Directory Should Exist path, msg=None

Fails unless the given path points to an existing directory.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Directory Should Not Be Empty path, msg=None

Fails if the specified directory is empty.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Directory Should Not Exist path, msg=None

Fails if the given path points to an existing file.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Empty Directory path

Deletes all the content from the given directory.

Deletes both files and sub-directories, but the specified directory itself if not removed. Use Remove Directory if you want to remove the whole directory.

Environment Variable Should Be Set name, msg=None

Fails if the specified environment variable is not set.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Environment Variable Should Not Be Set name, msg=None

Fails if the specified environment variable is set.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

File Should Be Empty path, msg=None

Fails unless the specified file is empty.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

File Should Exist path, msg=None

Fails unless the given path points to an existing file.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

File Should Not Be Empty path, msg=None

Fails if the specified directory is empty.

The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

File Should Not Exist path, msg=None

Fails if the given path points to an existing file.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Get Binary File path

Returns the contents of a specified file.

This keyword reads the specified file and returns the contents as is. See also Get File.

Get Environment Variable name, default=None

Returns the value of an environment variable with the given name.

If no such environment variable is set, returns the default value, if given. Otherwise fails the test case.

Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, returned variables are automatically decoded to Unicode using the system encoding.

Note that you can also access environment variables directly using the variable syntax %{ENV_VAR_NAME}.

Get Environment Variables  

Returns currently available environment variables as a dictionary.

Both keys and values are decoded to Unicode using the system encoding. Altering the returned dictionary has no effect on the actual environment variables.

New in Robot Framework 2.7.

Get File path, encoding=UTF-8,encoding_errors=strict

Returns the contents of a specified file.

This keyword reads the specified file and returns the contents. Line breaks in content are converted to platform independent form. See also Get Binary File.

encoding defines the encoding of the file. The default value is UTF-8, which means that UTF-8 and ASCII encoded files are read correctly. In addition to the encodings supported by the underlying Python implementation, the following special encoding values can be used:

  • SYSTEM: Use the default system encoding.
  • CONSOLE: Use the console encoding. Outside Windows this is same as the system encoding.

encoding_errors argument controls what to do if decoding some bytes fails. All values accepted by decode method in Python are valid, but in practice the following values are most useful:

  • strict: Fail if characters cannot be decoded (default).
  • ignore: Ignore characters that cannot be decoded.
  • replace: Replace characters that cannot be decoded with a replacement character.

encoding_errors argument was added in Robot Framework 2.8.5 and the support for SYSTEM and CONSOLE encodings in Robot Framework 3.0.

Get File Size path

Returns and logs file size as an integer in bytes.

Get Modified Time path, format=timestamp

Returns the last modification time of a file or directory.

How time is returned is determined based on the given format string as follows. Note that all checks are case-insensitive. Returned time is also automatically logged.

1) If format contains the word epoch, the time is returned in seconds after the UNIX epoch. The return value is always an integer.

2) If format contains any of the words yearmonthdayhourmin or sec, only the selected parts are returned. The order of the returned parts is always the one in the previous sentence and the order of the words in format is not significant. The parts are returned as zero-padded strings (e.g. May -> 05).

3) Otherwise, and by default, the time is returned as a timestamp string in the format 2006-02-24 15:08:31.

Examples (when the modified time of ${CURDIR} is 2006-03-29 15:06:21):

${time} = Get Modified Time ${CURDIR}    
${secs} = Get Modified Time ${CURDIR} epoch  
${year} = Get Modified Time ${CURDIR} return year  
${y} ${d} = Get Modified Time ${CURDIR} year,day
@{time} = Get Modified Time ${CURDIR} year,month,day,hour,min,sec  


  • ${time} = '2006-03-29 15:06:21'
  • ${secs} = 1143637581
  • ${year} = '2006'
  • ${y} = '2006' & ${d} = '29'
  • @{time} = ['2006', '03', '29', '15', '06', '21']
Grep File path, pattern,encoding=UTF-8,encoding_errors=strict

Returns the lines of the specified file that match the pattern.

This keyword reads a file from the file system using the defined pathencoding and encoding_errors similarly as Get File. A difference is that only the lines that match the given pattern are returned. Lines are returned as a single string catenated back together with newlines and the number of matched lines is automatically logged. Possible trailing newline is never returned.

A line matches if it contains the pattern anywhere in it and it does not need to match the pattern fully. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction, and in this case matching is case-sensitive.


${errors} = Grep File /var/log/myapp.log ERROR
${ret} = Grep File ${CURDIR}/file.txt [Ww]ildc??d ex*ple

If more complex pattern matching is needed, it is possible to use Get File in combination with String library keywords like Get Lines Matching Regexp.

encoding_errors argument is new in Robot Framework 2.8.5.

Join Path base, *parts

Joins the given path part(s) to the given base path.

The path separator (/ or \) is inserted when needed and the possible absolute paths handled as expected. The resulted path is also normalized.


${path} = Join Path my path    
${p2} = Join Path my/ path/    
${p3} = Join Path my path my file.txt
${p4} = Join Path my /path    
${p5} = Join Path /my/path/ .. path2  


  • ${path} = 'my/path'
  • ${p2} = 'my/path'
  • ${p3} = 'my/path/my/file.txt'
  • ${p4} = '/path'
  • ${p5} = '/my/path2'
Join Paths base, *paths

Joins given paths with base and returns resulted paths.

See Join Path for more information.


@{p1} = Join Paths base example other  
@{p2} = Join Paths /my/base /example other  
@{p3} = Join Paths my/base example/path/ other one/more


  • @{p1} = ['base/example', 'base/other']
  • @{p2} = ['/example', '/my/base/other']
  • @{p3} = ['my/base/example/path', 'my/base/other', 'my/base/one/more']
List Directories In Directory path, pattern=None,absolute=False

Wrapper for List Directory that returns only directories.

List Directory path, pattern=None,absolute=False

Returns and logs items in a directory, optionally filtered with pattern.

File and directory names are returned in case-sensitive alphabetical order, e.g. ['A Name', 'Second', 'a lower case name', 'one more']. Implicit directories . and .. are not returned. The returned items are automatically logged.

File and directory names are returned relative to the given path (e.g. 'file.txt') by default. If you want them be returned in absolute format (e.g. '/home/robot/file.txt'), give the absolute argument a true value (see Boolean arguments).

If pattern is given, only items matching it are returned. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction, and in this case matching is case-sensitive.

Examples (using also other List Directory variants):

@{items} = List Directory ${TEMPDIR}    
@{files} = List Files In Directory /tmp *.txt absolute
${count} = Count Files In Directory ${CURDIR} ???  
List Files In Directory path, pattern=None,absolute=False

Wrapper for List Directory that returns only files.

Log Environment Variables level=INFO

Logs all environment variables using the given log level.

Environment variables are also returned the same way as with Get Environment Variables keyword.

New in Robot Framework 2.7.

Log File path, encoding=UTF-8,encoding_errors=strict

Wrapper for Get File that also logs the returned file.

The file is logged with the INFO level. If you want something else, just use Get File and the built-in keyword Log with the desired level.

See Get File for more information about encoding and encoding_errors arguments.

encoding_errors argument is new in Robot Framework 2.8.5.

Move Directory source, destination

Moves the source directory into a destination.

Uses Copy Directory keyword internally, and source and destination arguments have exactly same semantics as with that keyword.

Move File source, destination

Moves the source file into the destination.

Arguments have exactly same semantics as with Copy File keyword. Destination file path is returned since Robot Framework 2.9.2.

If the source and destination are on the same filesystem, rename operation is used. Otherwise file is copied to the destination filesystem and then removed from the original filesystem.

See also Move Files, Copy File, and Copy Files.

Move Files *sources_and_destination

Moves specified files to the target directory.

Arguments have exactly same semantics as with Copy Files keyword.

See also Move File, Copy File, and Copy Files.

New in Robot Framework 2.8.4.

Normalize Path path

Normalizes the given path.


${path} = Normalize Path abc
${p2} = Normalize Path abc/
${p3} = Normalize Path abc/../def
${p4} = Normalize Path abc/./def
${p5} = Normalize Path abc//def


  • ${path} = 'abc'
  • ${p2} = 'abc'
  • ${p3} = 'def'
  • ${p4} = 'abc/def'
  • ${p5} = 'abc/def'
Remove Directory path, recursive=False

Removes the directory pointed to by the given path.

If the second argument recursive is given a true value (see Boolean arguments), the directory is removed recursively. Otherwise removing fails if the directory is not empty.

If the directory pointed to by the path does not exist, the keyword passes, but it fails, if the path points to a file.

Remove Environment Variable *names

Deletes the specified environment variable.

Does nothing if the environment variable is not set.

Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, it is possible to remove multiple variables by passing them to this keyword as separate arguments.

Remove File path

Removes a file with the given path.

Passes if the file does not exist, but fails if the path does not point to a regular file (e.g. it points to a directory).

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. If the path is a pattern, all files matching it are removed.

Remove Files *paths

Uses Remove File to remove multiple files one-by-one.


Remove Files ${TEMPDIR}${/}foo.txt ${TEMPDIR}${/}bar.txt ${TEMPDIR}${/}zap.txt
Run command

Runs the given command in the system and returns the output.

The execution status of the command is not checked by this keyword, and it must be done separately based on the returned output. If the execution return code is needed, either Run And Return RC or Run And Return RC And Output can be used.

The standard error stream is automatically redirected to the standard output stream by adding 2>&1 after the executed command. This automatic redirection is done only when the executed command does not contain additional output redirections. You can thus freely forward the standard error somewhere else, for example, like my_command 2>stderr.txt.

The returned output contains everything written into the standard output or error streams by the command (unless either of them is redirected explicitly). Many commands add an extra newline (\n) after the output to make it easier to read in the console. To ease processing the returned output, this possible trailing newline is stripped by this keyword.


${output} = Run ls -lhF /tmp
Log ${output}  
${result} = Run ${CURDIR}${/} arg1 arg2
Should Not Contain ${result} FAIL
${stdout} = Run /opt/ 2>/tmp/stderr.txt
Should Be Equal ${stdout} TEST PASSED
File Should Be Empty /tmp/stderr.txt  

TIP: Run Process keyword provided by the Process library supports better process configuration and is generally recommended as a replacement for this keyword.

Run And Return Rc command

Runs the given command in the system and returns the return code.

The return code (RC) is returned as a positive integer in range from 0 to 255 as returned by the executed command. On some operating systems (notable Windows) original return codes can be something else, but this keyword always maps them to the 0-255 range. Since the RC is an integer, it must be checked e.g. with the keyword Should Be Equal As Integers instead of Should Be Equal (both are built-in keywords).


${rc} = Run and Return RC ${CURDIR}${/} arg
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc} = Run and Return RC /path/to/example.rb arg1 arg2
Should Be True 0 < ${rc} < 42  

See Run and Run And Return RC And Output if you need to get the output of the executed command.

TIP: Run Process keyword provided by the Process library supports better process configuration and is generally recommended as a replacement for this keyword.

Run And Return Rc And Output command

Runs the given command in the system and returns the RC and output.

The return code (RC) is returned similarly as with Run And Return RC and the output similarly as with Run.


${rc} ${output} = Run and Return RC and Output ${CURDIR}${/}mytool
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0  
Should Not Contain ${output} FAIL  
${rc} ${stdout} = Run and Return RC and Output /opt/ 2>/tmp/stderr.txt
Should Be True ${rc} > 42    
Should Be Equal ${stdout} TEST PASSED  
File Should Be Empty /tmp/stderr.txt    

TIP: Run Process keyword provided by the Process library supports better process configuration and is generally recommended as a replacement for this keyword.

Set Environment Variable name, value

Sets an environment variable to a specified value.

Values are converted to strings automatically. Starting from Robot Framework 2.7, set variables are automatically encoded using the system encoding.

Set Modified Time path, mtime

Sets the file modification and access times.

Changes the modification and access times of the given file to the value determined by mtime. The time can be given in different formats described below. Note that all checks involving strings are case-insensitive. Modified time can only be set to regular files.

1) If mtime is a number, or a string that can be converted to a number, it is interpreted as seconds since the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). This documentation was originally written about 1177654467 seconds after the epoch.

2) If mtime is a timestamp, that time will be used. Valid timestamp formats are YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss and YYYYMMDD hhmmss.

3) If mtime is equal to NOW, the current local time is used. This time is got using Python's time.time() function.

4) If mtime is equal to UTC, the current time in UTC is used. This time is got using time.time() + time.altzone in Python.

5) If mtime is in the format like NOW - 1 day or UTC + 1 hour 30 min, the current local/UTC time plus/minus the time specified with the time string is used. The time string format is described in an appendix of Robot Framework User Guide.


Set Modified Time /path/file 1177654467 # Time given as epoch seconds
Set Modified Time /path/file 2007-04-27 9:14:27 # Time given as a timestamp
Set Modified Time /path/file NOW # The local time of execution
Set Modified Time /path/file NOW - 1 day # 1 day subtracted from the local time
Set Modified Time /path/file UTC + 1h 2min 3s # 1h 2min 3s added to the UTC time

Support for UTC time is a new feature in Robot Framework 2.7.5.

Should Exist path, msg=None

Fails unless the given path (file or directory) exists.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Should Not Exist path, msg=None

Fails if the given path (file or directory) exists.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. The default error message can be overridden with the msg argument.

Split Extension path

Splits the extension from the given path.

The given path is first normalized (e.g. possible trailing path separators removed, special directories .. and . removed). The base path and extension are returned as separate components so that the dot used as an extension separator is removed. If the path contains no extension, an empty string is returned for it. Possible leading and trailing dots in the file name are never considered to be extension separators.


${path} ${ext} = Split Extension file.extension
${p2} ${e2} = Split Extension path/file.ext
${p3} ${e3} = Split Extension path/file
${p4} ${e4} = Split Extension p1/../p2/file.ext
${p5} ${e5} = Split Extension path/.file.ext
${p6} ${e6} = Split Extension path/.file


  • ${path} = 'file' & ${ext} = 'extension'
  • ${p2} = 'path/file' & ${e2} = 'ext'
  • ${p3} = 'path/file' & ${e3} = ''
  • ${p4} = 'p2/file' & ${e4} = 'ext'
  • ${p5} = 'path/.file' & ${e5} = 'ext'
  • ${p6} = 'path/.file' & ${e6} = ''
Split Path path

Splits the given path from the last path separator (/ or \).

The given path is first normalized (e.g. a possible trailing path separator is removed, special directories .. and . removed). The parts that are split are returned as separate components.


${path1} ${dir} = Split Path abc/def
${path2} ${file} = Split Path abc/def/ghi.txt
${path3} ${d2} = Split Path abc/../def/ghi/


  • ${path1} = 'abc' & ${dir} = 'def'
  • ${path2} = 'abc/def' & ${file} = 'ghi.txt'
  • ${path3} = 'def' & ${d2} = 'ghi'
Touch path

Emulates the UNIX touch command.

Creates a file, if it does not exist. Otherwise changes its access and modification times to the current time.

Fails if used with the directories or the parent directory of the given file does not exist.

Wait Until Created path, timeout=1 minute

Waits until the given file or directory is created.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. If the path is a pattern, the keyword returns when an item matching it is created.

The optional timeout can be used to control the maximum time of waiting. The timeout is given as a timeout string, e.g. in a format 15 seconds1min 10s or just 10. The time string format is described in an appendix of Robot Framework User Guide.

If the timeout is negative, the keyword is never timed-out. The keyword returns immediately, if the path already exists.

Wait Until Removed path, timeout=1 minute

Waits until the given file or directory is removed.

The path can be given as an exact path or as a glob pattern. The pattern matching syntax is explained in introduction. If the path is a pattern, the keyword waits until all matching items are removed.

The optional timeout can be used to control the maximum time of waiting. The timeout is given as a timeout string, e.g. in a format 15 seconds1min 10s or just 10. The time string format is described in an appendix of Robot Framework User Guide.

If the timeout is negative, the keyword is never timed-out. The keyword returns immediately, if the path does not exist in the first place.

Altogether 56 keywords. 
Generated by Libdoc on 2018-04-25 23:41:28.


图书馆版本: 3.0.4
图书馆范围: 全球
命名参数: 支持的



OperatingSystem是Robot Framework的标准库,可以在运行Robot Framework的系统中执行各种与操作系统相关的任务。除其他外,它可以执行命令(例如运行),创建和删除文件和目录(例如创建文件,删除目录),检查文件或目录是否存在或包含某些内容(例如文件应该存在,目录应该为空)和操纵环境变量(例如设置环境变量)。


  • 路径分隔符
  • 模式匹配
  • Tilde扩张
  • 布尔参数
  • 快捷键
  • 关键词


因为Robot Framework \在测试数据中使用反斜杠()作为转义字符,所以使用文字反斜杠需要像在中一样复制它c:\\path\\file.txt。这可能不方便,特别是对于较长的Windows路径,因此所有希望路径作为参数的关键字会在Windows上自动将正斜杠转换为反斜杠。这也意味着路径就像${CURDIR}/path/file.txt操作系统无关。

请注意,如果路径只是参数的一部分(如Run和Start Process关键字),则自动路径分隔符转换不起作用。在这些情况下,可以使用${/}包含\/取决于操作系统的内置变量。



* 匹配任何东西,甚至是空字符串
? 匹配任何单个字符
[chars] 匹配方括号内的任何字符(例如[abc]匹配abc
[!chars] 匹配不在方括号内的任何字符


从Robot Framework 2.9.1开始,如果给定路径与现有文件匹配,即使它包含glob模式,也不会进行globbing。


分别以当前或指定用户的主目录开头~~username扩展的路径。生成的路径取决于操作系统,但通常例如在Windows和Unix 上~/robot扩展。C:\Users\\robot/home//robot

Tilde扩展是Robot Framework 2.8中的一项新功能。该~username表单不适用于Jython


某些关键字接受以布尔值true或false处理的参数。如果这样的参数以字符串形式给出,则如果它是空字符串或不区分大小写,则被视为false falsenoneno。无论其值如何,其他字符串都被视为true,其他参数类型使用与Python相同的规则进行测试。


删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归=真 #字符串通常是正确的。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归= YES #与上述相同。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归= $ {TRUE} #Pcthon True是真的。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归= $ {42} #0以外的数字为真。


删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归=假 #String false为false。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归=无 #字符串no也是false。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归= $ {EMPTY} #Empty字符串为false。
删除目录 $ {PATH} 递归= $ {FALSE} #Python False是假的。

在Robot Framework 2.9之前,所有非空字符串(包括falseno)都被认为是真的。none在Robot Framework 3.0.3中考虑false是新的。

图书馆 操作系统
$ {PATH} $ {} CURDIR /example.txt
测试用例 行动 论据 论据
创建文件 $ {PATH} 一些文字
  文件应该存在 $ {PATH}  
  复制文件 $ {PATH} 〜/ file.txt的
  $ {output} = $ {TEMPDIR} $ {/} arg


追加到环境变量 · 附加到文件 · 复制目录 · 复制文件 · 复制文件 · 伯爵目录,在目录 · 计数目录中的文件 · 清点货物目录 · 创建二进制文件 · 创建目录 · 创建文件 · 目录应该是空的 · 目录应该存在 · 目录不应该是空的 · 目录不应该存在 · 空目录 · 应该设置环境变量 · 不应该设置环境变量 · 文件应该是空的 · 文件应该存在 · 文件不应该是空的 · 文件不应该存在 · 获取二进制文件 · 获取环境变量 · 获取环境变量 · 获取文件 · 获取文件大小 · 获取修改时间 · Grep文件 · 加入路径 · 加入路径 · 列出目录中的目录 ·列表目录 · 列出目录中的文件 · 日志环境变量 · 日志文件 · 移动目录 · 移动文件 · 移动文件 · 规范化路径 · 删除目录 · 删除环境变量 · 删除文件 · 删除文件 · 运行 · 运行并返回Rc · 运行并返回Rc和输出 · 设置环境变量 · 设置修改时间 · 应该存在 · 不应存在 ·拆分扩展 · 拆分路径 · 触摸 · 等待直到创建 · 等待直到删除


关键词 参数 文档
附加到环境变量 name, * values, ** config





附加到环境变量 名称 第一  
应该是平等的 %{名称} 第一  
附加到环境变量 名称 第二 第三
应该是平等的 %{名称} 第一$ {:}第二$ {:}第三  
附加到环境变量 NAME2 第一 隔板= -
应该是平等的 %{} NAME2 第一  
附加到环境变量 NAME2 第二 隔板= -
应该是平等的 %{} NAME2 第一秒  

Robot Framework 2.8.4中的新功能。

附加到文件 路径, 内容, 编码= UTF-8


如果该文件不存在,则此关键字的工作方式与“ 创建文件”完全相同。

复制目录 来源, 目的地



复制文件 来源, 目的地


源必须是现有文件。从Robot Framework 2.8.4开始,它可以作为一个完全匹配一个文件的glob模式(参见模式匹配)给出。下面解释如何解释目的地。





从Robot Framework 2.9.2开始返回结果目标路径。


复制文件 * sources_and_destination





复制文件 $ {DIR} /file1.txt $ {DIR} /file2.txt $ {} DIR2
复制文件 $ {DIR} /文件 - * TXT $ {} DIR2  


Robot Framework 2.8.4中的新功能。

计算目录中的目录 path, pattern = None


计算目录中的文件 path, pattern = None


计算目录中的项目 path, pattern = None


该参数pattern与List Directory关键字具有相同的语义。计数以整数形式返回,因此必须使用内置关键字“ Be Be Equal As Integers”进行检查

创建二进制文件 路径, 内容






创建二进制文件 $ {DIR} /example.png $ {image content}
创建二进制文件 $ {PATH} \ X01 \ X00 \ XE4 \ X00

如果要使用特定编码创建文本文件,请使用“ 创建文件”。File Not Not Exist可用于避免覆盖现有文件。


创建目录 路径



创建文件 path, content =, encoding = UTF-8





创建文件 $ {DIR} /example.txt 你好,世界!  
创建文件 $ {PATH} Hyv \ xe4 esimerkki 拉丁-1
创建文件 /tmp/foo.txt $ {}内容 系统

如果要在不编码的情况下编写字节,则如果要附加到现有文件并创建二进制文件,请使用“ 附加到文件”。File Not Not Exist可用于避免覆盖现有文件。

对Robot Framework 3.0 的支持SYSTEMCONSOLE编码是新的。

目录应该是空的 path, msg =无



目录应该存在 path, msg =无



目录不应该是空的 path, msg =无



目录不应该存在 path, msg =无



空目录 路径


删除文件和子目录,但如果未删除则删除指定的目录。如果要删除整个目录,请使用“ 删除目录”。

应该设置环境变量 name, msg =无



不应设置环境变量 name, msg =无



文件应该是空的 path, msg =无



文件应该存在 path, msg =无



文件不应该是空的 path, msg =无



文件不应该存在 path, msg =无



获取二进制文件 路径



获取环境变量 name, default = None



从Robot Framework 2.7开始,返回的变量使用系统编码自动解码为Unicode。





Robot Framework 2.7中的新功能。

获取文件 path, encoding = UTF-8encoding_errors = strict




  • SYSTEM:使用默认系统编码。
  • CONSOLE:使用控制台编码。在Windows之外,这与系统编码相同。


  • strict:如果无法解码字符,则失败(默认)。
  • ignore:忽略无法解码的字符。
  • replace:替换无法使用替换字符解码的字符。

encoding_errors在Robot Framework 2.8.5中添加了参数,SYSTEMCONSOLE在Robot Framework 3.0中支持和编码。

获取文件大小 路径


获得修改时间 path, format = timestamp




2)如果format包含任何的话yearmonthdayhourminsec,仅选定部分被返回。返回部分的顺序始终是前一句中的顺序,单词的顺序format并不重要。这些部分作为零填充字符串返回(例如May - > 05)。

3)否则,默认情况下,时间将作为格式的时间戳字符串返回2006-02-24 15:08:31

例子(当修改时间${CURDIR}是2006-03-29 15:06:21):

$ {time} = 获得修改时间 $ {} CURDIR    
$ {secs} = 获得修改时间 $ {} CURDIR 时代  
$ {year} = 获得修改时间 $ {} CURDIR 回归年  
$ {Y} $ {d} = 获得修改时间 $ {} CURDIR 年,日
@ {time} = 获得修改时间 $ {} CURDIR 年,月,日,时,分,秒  


  • $ {time} ='2006-03-29 15:06:21'
  • $ {secs} = 1143637581
  • $ {year} ='2006'
  • $ {y} ='2006'&$ {d} = '29'
  • @ {time} = ['2006','03','29','15','06','21']
Grep文件 path, pattern, encoding = UTF-8, encoding_errors = strict





$ {errors} = Grep文件 /var/log/myapp.log 错误
$ {ret} = Grep文件 $ {} CURDIR /file.txt [Ww] ildc ?? d ex * ple

如果需要更复杂的模式匹配,则可以将Get File与字符串库关键字(如Get Lines Matching Regexp)结合使用。

encoding_errors 参数是Robot Framework 2.8.5中的新功能。

加入路径 基地, *部分




$ {path} = 加入路径 我的 路径    
$ {p2} = 加入路径 我的/ 路径/    
$ {p3} = 加入路径 我的 路径 我的 file.txt的
$ {p4} = 加入路径 我的 /路径    
$ {p5} = 加入路径 /我自己的路/ .. 路径2  


  • $ {path} ='my / path'
  • $ {p2} ='我/路径'
  • $ {p3} ='my / path / my / file.txt'
  • $ {p4} ='/ path'
  • $ {p5} ='/ my / path2'
加入路径 基地, *路径




@ {p1} = 加入路径 基础 其他  
@ {p2} = 加入路径 /我的/基 /例 其他  
@ {p3} = 加入路径 我/基 例如/路径/ 其他 多一个


  • @ {p1} = ['base / example','base / other']
  • @ {p2} = ['/ example','/ my / base / other']
  • @ {p3} = ['my / base / example / path','my / base / other','my / base / one / more']
列出目录中的目录 path, pattern = None, absolute = False


列表目录 path, pattern = None, absolute = False


文件和目录名称以区分大小写的字母顺序返回,例如['A Name', 'Second', 'a lower case name', 'one more']。隐式目录.并且..不会返回。返回的项目将自动记录。




@ {items} = 列表目录 $ {TEMPDIR}    
@ {files} = 列出目录中的文件 / tmp目录 *。文本 绝对
$ {count} = 计算目录中的文件 $ {} CURDIR ???  
列出目录中的文件 path, pattern = None, absolute = False


记录环境变量 级= INFO


环境变量的返回方式与Get Environment Variables关键字的返回方式相同。

Robot Framework 2.7中的新功能。

日志文件 path, encoding = UTF-8encoding_errors = strict

Get File的包装器也记录返回的文件。

使用INFO级别记录该文件。如果您需要其他内容,只需使用Get File和内置关键字Log以及所需级别。


encoding_errors 参数是Robot Framework 2.8.5中的新功能。

移动目录 来源, 目的地



移动文件 来源, 目的地


参数与“ 复制文件”关键字具有完全相同的语义。从Robot Framework 2.9.2开始返回目标文件路径。



移动文件 * sources_and_destination


参数与Copy Files关键字具有完全相同的语义。


Robot Framework 2.8.4中的新功能。

规范化路径 路径



$ {path} = 规范化路径 ABC
$ {p2} = 规范化路径 ABC /
$ {p3} = 规范化路径 ABC /../高清
$ {p4} = 规范化路径 ABC /./高清
$ {p5} = 规范化路径 ABC //高清


  • $ {path} ='abc'
  • $ {p2} ='abc'
  • $ {p3} ='def'
  • $ {p4} ='abc / def'
  • $ {p5} ='abc / def'
删除目录 path, recursive = False




删除环境变量 *名



从Robot Framework 2.7开始,可以通过将多个变量作为单独的参数传递给此关键字来删除它们。

删除文件 路径




删除文件 *路径

使用“ 删除文件”逐个删除多个文件。


删除文件 $ {TEMPDIR} $ {/} foo.txt的 $ {TEMPDIR} $ {/}跳回到bar.txt $ {TEMPDIR} $ {/} zap.txt


此关键字不检查命令的执行状态,必须根据返回的输出单独完成。如果需要执行返回代码,可以使用Run And Return RC或Run And Return RC和Output。

通过2>&1在执行的命令之后添加,标准错误流自动重定向到标准输出流。仅当执行的命令不包含其他输出重定向时,才会执行此自动重定向。因此,您可以在其他地方自由转发标准错误,例如my_command 2>stderr.txt



$ {output} = ls -lhF / tmp
日志 $ {}输出  
$ {result} = $ {CURDIR} $ {/} arg1 arg2
不应该包含 $ {}结果 失败
$ {stdout} = /opt/ 2> /tmp/stderr.txt
应该是平等的 $ {}标准输出 考试通过了
文件应该是空的 /tmp/stderr.txt  

提示: Process库提供的Run Process关键字支持更好的流程配置,通常建议将其替换为此关键字。

运行并返回Rc 命令


返回代码(RC)作为执行命令返回的0到255范围内的正整数返回。在某些操作系统(着名的Windows)上,原始返回代码可能是其他内容,但此关键字始终将它们映射到0-255范围。由于RC是一个整数,因此必须使用关键字Do Be Equal As Integers而不是Should Be Equal(两者都是内置关键字)进行检查。


$ {rc} = 运行并返回RC $ {CURDIR} $ {/} arg
应该与整数相等 $ {} RC 0
$ {rc} = 运行并返回RC /path/to/example.rb arg1 arg2
应该是真的 0 <$ {rc} <42  


提示: Process库提供的Run Process关键字支持更好的流程配置,通常建议将其替换为此关键字。

运行并返回Rc和输出 命令


与Run和Return RC类似地返回返回代码(RC),输出与Run类似。


$ {} RC $ {output} = 运行并返回RC和输出 $ {CURDIR} $ {/} mytool
应该与整数相等 $ {} RC 0  
不应该包含 $ {}输出 失败  
$ {} RC $ {stdout} = 运行并返回RC和输出 /opt/ 2> /tmp/stderr.txt
应该是真的 $ {rc}> 42    
应该是平等的 $ {}标准输出 考试通过了  
文件应该是空的 /tmp/stderr.txt    

提示: Process库提供的Run Process关键字支持更好的流程配置,通常建议将其替换为此关键字。

设置环境变量 名称, 价值


值将自动转换为字符串。从Robot Framework 2.7开始,使用系统编码自动编码设置变量。

设置修改时间 路径, mtime



1)如果mtime是数字或可以转换为数字的字符串,则将其解释为自UNIX纪元(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)以来的秒数。该文档最初是在纪元后的1177654467秒写的。

2)如果mtime是时间戳,将使用该时间。有效的时间戳格式为YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssYYYYMMDD hhmmss


4)如果mtime等于UTC,则使用UTC中的当前时间。这次是time.time() + time.altzone在Python中使用的。

5)如果mtime格式为NOW - 1 dayUTC + 1 hour 30 min,则使用当前本地/ UTC时间加/减时间字符串指定的时间。时间字符串格式在Robot Framework用户指南的附录中描述。


设置修改时间 /路径/文件 1177654467 #给出时间秒的时间
设置修改时间 /路径/文件 2007-04-27 9:14:27 #作为时间戳给出的时间
设置修改时间 /路径/文件 现在 #本地执行时间
设置修改时间 /路径/文件 现在 - 1天 从当地时间减去#1天
设置修改时间 /路径/文件 UTC + 1h 2min 3s #1h 2min 3s添加到UTC时间

支持UTC时间是Robot Framework 2.7.5中的一项新功能。

应该存在 path, msg =无



不应该存在 path, msg =无



拆分扩展 路径




$ {PATH} $ {ext} = 拆分扩展 文件扩展名
$ {} P2 $ {e2} = 拆分扩展 路径/ file.ext
$ {} P3 $ {e3} = 拆分扩展 路径/文件
$ {} P4 $ {e4} = 拆分扩展 P1 /../ P2 / file.ext
$ {} P5 $ {e5} = 拆分扩展 路径/ .file.ext
$ {} P6 $ {e6} = 拆分扩展 路径/ .file


  • $ {path} ='file'&$ {ext} ='extension'
  • $ {p2} ='路径/文件'&$ {e2} ='ext'
  • $ {p3} ='路径/文件'和$ {e3} =''
  • $ {p4} ='p2 / file'&$ {e4} ='ext'
  • $ {p5} ='path / .file'和$ {e5} ='ext'
  • $ {p6} ='path / .file'和$ {e6} =''
拆分路径 路径




$ {PATH1} $ {dir} = 拆分路径 ABC / DEF
$ {} PATH2 $ {file} = 拆分路径 ABC / DEF / ghi.txt
$ {} path3时, $ {d2} = 拆分路径 ABC DEF /../ / GHI /


  • $ {path1} ='abc'和$ {dir} ='def'
  • $ {path2} ='abc / def'和$ {file} ='ghi.txt'
  • $ {path3} ='def'&$ {d2} ='ghi'
触摸 路径

模拟UNIX touch命令。



等到创建 路径, 超时= 1分钟



可选项timeout可用于控制最长等待时间。超时给出超时字符串,例如在一个格式15 seconds1min 10s或者只10。时间字符串格式在Robot Framework用户指南的附录中描述。


等到删除 路径, 超时= 1分钟



可选项timeout可用于控制最长等待时间。超时给出超时字符串,例如在一个格式15 seconds1min 10s或者只10。时间字符串格式在Robot Framework用户指南的附录中描述。


由Libdoc于2018-04-25 23:41:28 生成。


