1. 将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_01中,使用alter table语句为表增加列:"总成绩:sum_score"。
使用update语句,利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 "总成绩";
create table test4_01 as(
select *
from pub.student_41)
alter table test4_01 add sum_score int
update test4_01
set sum_score=(
select sum(score)
from pub.student_course a
where a.sid=test4_01.sid)
2. 将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_02中,使用alter table语句为表增加列"平均成绩:avg_score" (小数点后保留1位)。
update test4_02
set avg_score=(
select avg(score)
from pub.student_course a
where a.sid=test4_02.sid)
3. 将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_03中,使用alter table语句为表增加列:"总学分:sum_credit"。
使用update语句,利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 "总学分";
update test4_03
set sum_credit=(
select sum(credit)
from (select sid ,cid ,max(score) score from pub.student_course group by sid,cid) a natural join pub.course b
where a.sid=test4_03.sid and a.score>=60)
4. 将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_04中。
update test4_04
set dname=(select did
from pub.department a
where test4_04.dname=a.dname )
where dname in (select dname from pub.department)
5. 将pub用户下表student_41及数据复制到主用户的表test4_05中,使用alter table语句为表增加4个列:"总成绩:sum_score"、 "平均成绩:avg_score"、"总学分:sum_credit"、"院系编号:did varchar(2) "。
(1) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 "总成绩";
(2) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计"平均成绩",四舍五入到小数点后1位;
(3) 利用pub.student_course、pub.course,统计 "总学分";
(4) 根据院系名称到pub.department或者pub.department_41中,找到对应编号,填写到院系编号中,如果都没有对应的院系,则填写为00。
update test4_05
set did=(select did
from pub.department a
where test4_05.dname=a.dname
where dname in (
select dname from pub.department
update test4_05
set did=(select did
from pub.department_41 a
where test4_05.dname=a.dname
where dname in (
select dname from pub.department_41
update test4_05
set did='00'
where dname not in (
select dname from pub.department
) or dname is null
6. 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_06中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据:
create table test4_06 as(
select *
from pub.student_42)
update test4_06
set name=translate(name,'/ ','/')
7. 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_07中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据:
update test4_07
set sex=translate(sex,'/性 ','/')
8. 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_08中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据:
create table test4_08 as(
select *
from pub.Student_42)
update test4_08
set class=translate(class,'/级 ','/')
9. 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_09中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据:
create table test4_09 as(
select *
from pub.Student_42)
update test4_09
set age=2012-extract(year from birthday)
where age is null
10. 将pub用户下的Student_42及数据复制到主用户的表test4_10中,对表中的数据进行整理,修复那些不规范的数据:
(1) 剔除姓名列中的所有空格;
(2) 剔除院系名称列中的所有空格;
(3) 对性别列进行规范(需要先确定哪些性别数据不规范,也就是那些和大多数不一样的就是不规范的);
(4) 对班级列进行规范(需要先确定哪些班级不规范)。
(5) 年龄为空值的根据出生日期设置学生年龄(截止到2012年的年龄,即年龄=2012-出生年份),年龄不为空值的不要改变。
create table test4_10 as(
select *
from pub.Student_42)
update test4_10
set name=translate(name,'/ ','/')
update test4_10
set dname=translate(dname,'/ ','/')
update test4_10
set sex=translate(sex,'/性 ','/')
update test4_10
set class=translate(class,'/级 ','/')
update test4_10
set age=2012-extract(year from birthday)
where age is null
序号 |
窗口 |
题号 |
执行语句 |
结果 |
1 |
备用窗口 |
Update test5_00 set age=88 |
2 |
备用窗口 |
结果1 |
select * from test5_00 |
88 |
3 |
备用窗口 |
Commit |
4 |
备用窗口 |
Rollback |
5 |
备用窗口 |
Update test5_00 set age=age+1 |
6 |
备用窗口 |
Rollback |
7 |
备用窗口 |
Commit |
9 |
备用窗口 |
Update test5_00 set age=age+2 |
10 |
备用窗口 |
commit |
11 |
备用窗口 |
结果2 |
select * from test5_00 |
90 |
12 |
备用窗口 |
rollback |
13 |
主窗口 |
结果3 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
90 |
14 |
备用窗口 |
Update test5_00 set age=age-2 |
15 |
备用窗口 |
Update test5_00 set age=age-2 |
16 |
备用窗口 |
结果4 |
select * from test5_00 |
86 |
17 |
主窗口 |
结果5 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
90 |
18 |
主窗口 |
Commit |
19 |
主窗口 |
结果6 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
90 |
20 |
主窗口 |
Rollback |
21 |
主窗口 |
Update userbID.test5_00 set age=age-10 |
注意锁等待现象,可以继续后面步骤 |
22 |
备用窗口 |
结果7 |
select * from test5_00 |
86 |
23 |
备用窗口 |
Create table test5_01 as select * from test5_00 |
24 |
备用窗口 |
rollback |
25 |
备用窗口 |
结果8 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
86 |
26 |
主窗口 |
结果9 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
76 |
27 |
主窗口 |
rollback |
28 |
主窗口 |
结果10 |
select * from userbID.test5_00 |
86 |
create table test5_00 as select * from pub.teacher
grant all on test5_00 to user201700301175
update test5_00 set age = 88
select * from test5_00
update test5_00 set age = age + 1
update test5_00 set age = age + 2
select * from test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
update test5_00 set age = age - 2
update test5_00 set age = age - 2
select * from test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
update userb201700301175.test5_00 set age = age – 10
Select * from test5_00
create table test5_01 as select * from test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
select * from userb201700301175.test5_00
create table test5_10(test varchar(20),age numeric (3))
insert into test5_10 values ('结果1','88')
依次插入结果:88 90 90 86 90 90 86 86 76 86
create or replace view test6_01 as
select sid ,name,dname
from pub.student
where age<20 and dname='物理学院'
order by sid
2. 查询统计2009级、软件学院每个学生的学号、姓名、总成绩(列名sum_score)。
create or replace view test6_02 as
select sid ,name,sum(score) sum_score
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where class=2009 and dname='软件学院'
group by sid,name
3. 查询2010级、计算机科学与技术学院、操作系统的学生成绩表,内容有学号、姓名、成绩。
create or replace view test6_03 as
select a.sid ,a.name,b.score
from pub.student a, pub.student_course b,pub.course c
where a.class=2010 and a.dname='计算机科学与技术学院' and c.name='操作系统' and a.sid=b.sid and b.cid=c.cid
4. 找出选修"数据库系统"课程,且成绩大于90的学生的学号、姓名
create or replace view test6_04 as
select a.sid ,b.name
from (select sid from pub.student_course natural join pub.course where name ='数据库系统' and score >90) a,pub.student b
where a.sid =b.sid
5. 找出姓名叫"李龙"的学生的学号及其选修全部课程的课程号、课程名和成绩。
create or replace view test6_05 as
select sid,cid,name,score
from (select sid from pub.student where name='李龙')natural join pub.student_course natural join pub.course
6. 找出选修了所有课程的学生的学号、姓名
create or replace view test6_06 as
select a.sid ,a.name
from pub.student a
where not exists(
(select cid from pub.course) minus
(select cid from pub.student_course natural join pub.student where a.sid =sid)
7. 找出选修了所有课程并且所有课程全部通过的学生的学号、姓名
create or replace view test6_07 as
select a.sid ,a.name
from pub.student a
where not exists(
(select cid from pub.course) minus
(select cid from pub.student_course natural join pub.student where a.sid =sid and score>=60 )
8. 检索先行课的学分为2的课程号、课程名。
create or replace view test6_08 as
select a.cid,a.name
from pub.course a
where exists(
select cid
from pub.course
where cid=a.fcid and credit=2 )
9. 查询统计2010级、化学与化工学院的学生总学分表,内容有学号、姓名、总学分sum_credit。
create or replace view test6_09 as
select sid ,name,sum(credit) sum_credit
from(select sid,name,cid from pub.student natural join pub.student_course where class=2010 and dname='化学与化工学院' and score>=60) natural join (select cid ,credit from pub.course)
group by sid ,name
10. 找出有间接先行课的所有课程的课程号、课程名称。
create or replace view test6_10 as
select a.cid ,a.name
from pub.course a,pub.course b,pub.course c
where a.fcid=b.cid and b.fcid=c.cid