R package issues and solutions

recently, I met a lot of errors when I install R packages on Rstudio (iMic). Here note down related information for further using:

  1. Install R package GenomicFeatures: 

         error: there is no r package called "XML"

         solution: install.packages("XML", repos="http://www.omegahat.net/R")

    2. install R package ChIPseeker:

        error: there is no package called "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene" 

        solution: google and install by BiocManager::install("TxDb......")

        error: there is no package called"data_table"

       solution: install.packages("data_table", repos="https//Rdatatable.github.io/data.table")

  3. install R package WGCNA"

    error: there is no packages called "Hmisc"

