
raw_input的功能,总的来说,就一句: 将输入的内容读入,并且可以将其赋给相关的变量。
   function 1. just simply put in a value, which will be assigned to certain variable(variables). And this function is to some extent similar as the functions in C++ programming language:  
var_type var_1;
cout <<"input the first variable:";
accordingly,  in python programming, we have the similar useage as follows:
print"how old are you?",
age = raw_input()
Pay attention to the 'comma<,>’at the end of sentence, which is used to temporarily suspend the operation, until a value is given to variable ,and by putting in  the value of  with your keyboard, this value can be meanwhile shown on the terminal.
The running results is the following:
An press-button operation was conducted after inputting the age, after which the variable 'a' was given a value of '465465'. And if you want to print variable 'a', this value will be on the terminal(in general , a screen,hahaha...).Example is given in the following:

print"How old are you?",  
#please keep in mind not leaving out the comma<,>
#if you want to input a value by means of reminding, 
#ie, a scentence shown on the screen tells you to input something ,and you input it.
age= raw_input();
print "How tall are you?",
height = raw_input();
print "you are %r old, and %r tall."%(age, height)
*Running output:*

**function 2.**   using raw_input( ) scentences to remind others somthing:

age = raw_input("How old are you? ")
height = raw_input("how tall are you? ")
print "you are %r old and %r tall" %(age, height)
*Running output:*
![input the variable](
![after input, press button](
![input the variable, and then press button](

another form of reminding: using some peculiar characters as the reminding part
prompt = '>>> ' print "What kind of computer do you have?" computer = raw_input(prompt) print "You said you have a %r " %computer 

Running output:
(use 'prompt' characters(>>>)as a reminding to inform others input value for certain varaibles)

