I discarded Matlab of Mathwork company for so long but recently, forced by the demand of one lesson, I need let it back to my computer. Thus, let’s install together this time.
Maybe everybody would think this step was the most painful one for its long time to download.
I believe you can find lots of links to get this software,but if you are not ready, the link below might work.
I just used this link to access matlab for linux as well as for windows. If you find the link above doesn’t work, contact with me. I have a backup file to share.
unzip .zip and a .iso file will come.
keep these two .z0x files together with .zip file, otherwise, you will not get the file after unzipping.
Then you need create a file folder to mount the DVD file (.iso). I choose a new mat folder under my home folder.
However, you can see that the files are locked which means they are not full with permissions. So first, assign them advanced permission.
now let us do it. please notice that if you need install matlab in some root path like default path, you have to add sudo command first.
Then processing is normal and like former versions. To be more convenient, the installation key is below
09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297 using ‘‘license_standalone.lic’’
if you want a network server instead, use another key 31095-30030-55416-47440-21946-54205 (we don’t need as usual, if you use this key, please ensure you know what you are doing!) Corresponding use ‘‘license_server.lic’’ later.
The time of installing depends your hardware and disk speed. Just calm down and wait patiently.
Ok, congratulation! you have an unworkable matlab, hahaha!
A new file – crack file including .lic file and R2018b folder
Do as me, and the product will be activated.
Finish! Try your matlab! Best wishes!
In the end, please unmount the dvd fiel and delete temporary files to keep eleganter.
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