To read and update - create and manipulate - an XML document, you will need an XML parser.
Microsoft's XML parser is a COM component that comes with Internet Explorer 5 and higher. Once you have installed Internet Explorer, the parser is available to scripts.
微软的XML解析器是IE5或更高版本附带的COM组件. 在安装IE后,就可以在脚本中使用这个解析器
Microsoft's XML parser supports all the necessary functions to traverse the node tree, access the nodes and their attribute values, insert and delete nodes, and convert the node tree back to XML.
微软的XML解析器支持所有必要的功能, 包括转换节点树, 存取节点及它们的属性, 插入和删除节点, 及把节点树转换回XML
The following table lists the most commonly used node types supported by Microsoft's XML parser:
Node Type | Example |
Processing instruction | <?xml version="1.0"?> |
Element | <drink type="beer">Carlsberg</drink> |
Attribute | type="beer" |
Text | Carlsberg |
MSXML Parser 2.5 is the XML parser that is shipped with Windows 2000 and IE 5.5.
MSXML Parser 3.0 is the XML parser that is shipped with IE 6.0 and Windows XP.
MSXML解析器3.0版封装在WINDOWS XP和IE6.0中
The MSXML 3.0 parser features:
MSXML 3.0版特点
To create an instance of Microsoft's XML parser with JavaScript, use the following code:
对于JavaScript, 使用下面的代码创建一个微软XML解析器实例
To create an instance of Microsoft's XML parser with VBScript, use the following code:
对于VBScript, 使用下面的代码创建一个微软XML解析器实例
set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") |
To create an instance of Microsoft's XML parser in an ASP page (using VBScript), use the following code:
对于服务器端VBScript, 使用下面的代码创建一个微软XML解析器实例
set xmlDoc=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") |
The following code loads an existing XML document ("note.xml") into Microsoft's XML parser:
The first line of the script above creates an instance of the Microsoft XML parser. The third line tells the parser to load an XML document called "note.xml". The second line turns off asynchronized loading, to make sure that the parser will not continue execution of the script before the document is fully loaded.
Plain XML documents are displayed in a tree-like structure in Mozilla (just like IE).
Mozilla also supports parsing of XML data using JavaScript. The parsed data can be displayed as HTML.
To create an instance of the XML parser with JavaScript in Mozilla browsers, use the following code:
The first parameter, ns, defines the namespace used for the XML document. The second parameter, root, is the XML root element in the XML file. The third parameter, null, is always null because it is not implemented yet.
The following code loads an existing XML document ("note.xml") into Mozillas' XML parser:
The first line of the script above creates an instance of the XML parser. The second line tells the parser to load an XML document called "note.xml".
The following example is a cross browser example that loads an existing XML document ("note.xml") into the XML parser:
Try it yourself
Internet Explorer supports two ways of loading XML into a document object: the load() method and the loadXML() method. The load() method loads an XML file and the loadXML() method loads a text string that contains XML code.
The following code loads a text string into Microsoft's XML parser:
var txt=" var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.async="false" xmlDoc.(txt) ... ... ... |
If you have Internet Explorer, you can try it yourself.