为什么scanf比cin快_cin比C ++中的scanf慢得多吗?


I frequently hear that cin is significantly slower than scanf in C++. Is this true? And how to improve the efficiency of cin? It is really nice to use most of time.

我经常听到cin比C ++中的scanf慢得多。 这是真的? 以及如何提高cin的效率? 大部分时间都非常好用。

One discussion about that cin is very slow is here: http://apps.topcoder.com/forums/?module=Thread&threadID=508058&start=0&mc=7

关于该cin的讨论非常慢,请点击此处: http : //apps.topcoder.com/forums/? module=Thread&threadID=508058&start=0& mc=7

Answered by anonymous.

In short: cin is not always slower (can be faster actually, see below) than scanf; add this piece of code and avoid using scanf printf totally:

简而言之: cin并不总是比scanf慢(实际上可以更快,见下文); 添加这段代码,并避免完全使用scanf printf


The special steps taken by libstdc++, at least for version 3.0, involve doing very little buffering for the standard streams, leaving most of the buffering to the underlying C library. (This kind of thing is tricky to get right.) The upside is that correctness is ensured. The downside is that writing through cout can quite easily lead to awful performance when the C++ I/O library is layered on top of the C I/O library (as it is for 3.0 by default).

libstdc ++至少在3.0版中采取的特殊步骤涉及对标准流进行很少的缓冲,而将大部分缓冲留给了基础C库。 (这种事情很难弄对。)好处是可以确保正确性。 缺点是,当C ++ I / O库位于CI / O库的顶部时,通过cout编写很容易导致糟糕的性能(默认情况下为3.0)。

However, the C and C++ standard streams only need to be kept in sync when both libraries’ facilities are in use. If your program only uses C++ I/O, then there’s no need to sync with the C streams. The right thing to do in this case is to call

但是,仅在使用两个库的功能时,才需要使C和C ++标准流保持同步。 如果您的程序仅使用C ++ I / O,则无需与C流进行同步。 在这种情况下,正确的做法是致电

#include any of the I/O headers such as ios, iostream, etc
#include any of the I/O headers such as ios, iostream, etc

You must do this before performing any I/O via the C++ stream objects.

您必须先执行此操作,然后才能通过C ++流对象执行任何I / O。

More at: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc /manual/io_and_c.html

有关更多信息,请访问: http : //gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc /manual/io_and_c.html

Now, lets have some fun:


[zma@office io]$ cat ../../python/1ton.py 

i = 0

while i < 10000000:print i
    i = i + 1
[zma@office io]$ python ../../python/1ton.py > /tmp/in.txt
[zma@office io]$ cat scanf.c 

int main()
    int i;
    while ( scanf("%d", &i) != EOF);
    return 0;

[zma@office io]$ gcc scanf.c 
[zma@office io]$ time ./a.out < /tmp/in.txt 

real        0m 1.645s
user        0m 1.621s
sys         0m 0.015s
[zma@office io]$ cat cin.cc 

int main()
    int i;
    // std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);

    while (std::cin >> i);
    return 0;
[zma@office io]$ g++ cin.cc
[zma@office io]$ time ./a.out < /tmp/in.txt 

real        0m 3.864s
user        0m 3.838s
sys         0m 0.007s
[zma@office io]$ cat cin-no-sync-with-stdio.cc 

int main()
    int i;

    while (std::cin >> i);
    return 0;
[zma@office io]$ g++ cin-no-sync-with-stdio.cc 
[zma@office io]$ time ./a.out < /tmp/in.txt 

real        0m 0.984s
user        0m 0.970s
sys         0m 0.008s

The results above should be clear enough.


A try with scala:

尝试使用scala :

$ cat ReadInts.scala 

object ReadInts extends App {
  valstart = System.nanoTime
  var d = 0
  try {
    while (true) {
      d = Console.readInt
  } catch {
    case _: Throwable => 0
  println("Elapsed " + (System.nanoTime - start) / 1000000000.0 + "s");

$ sbt compile

$ time scala -cp target/scala-2.10/classes/ ReadInts < ./test.txt 
Elapsed 1.050056043s

real	0m1.335s
user	0m1.460s
sys	0m0.079s

For comparison:


$ cat scanf.c 

int main()
    int i;
    while ( scanf("%d", &i) != EOF);
    return 0;

$ gcc scanf.c
$ time ./a.out <../../scala/test.txt 

real	0m1.083s
user	0m1.057s
sys	0m0.020s

The results of the time on Scala is impressive—it achieves similar time as the scanf version in C. Of course, the starting of the JVM/scala takes additional 0.2+ seconds.

Scala上的时间结果令人印象深刻,它实现的时间与C语言中的scanf版本相似。当然,JVM / scala的启动还需要0.2+秒的时间。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/is-cin-much-slower-than-scanf-in-c/

