##第10章 创建计算字段
select concat(vend_name,' (',vend_country,')') from vendors order by vend_name;
select concat(RTrim(vend_name),' (',RTrim(vend_country),')') from vendors order by vend_name;
select concat(RTrim(vend_name),' (',RTrim(vend_country),')') as vend_title from vendors order by vend_name;
select prod_id,quantity,item_price from orderitems where order_num=20005;
select prod_id,quantity,item_price,quantity*item_price as expanded_price from orderitems where order_num=20005;
select Now();#返回当前时间和日期
select Trim(' abc ');#去掉串‘ abc ’左右两边的空格
select 3*2;
##第11章 使用数据处理函数
函数 说明
left() 返回串左边的字符
right() 返回传右边的字符
LTrim() 去掉串左边的空格
RTrim() 去掉串右边的空格
upper() 将串转换成大写
lower() 将串转换成小写
length() 返回串的长度
locate() 找出串的一个子串
soundex() 返回串的soundex值
substring() 返回子串的字符
select vend_name,upper(vend_name) as vend_name_upcase from vendors order by vend_name;
select cust_name,cust_contact from customers where cust_contact='Y Lie';
select cust_name,cust_contact from customers where soundex(cust_contact)=soundex('Y Lie');#匹配发音类似于Y Lie的联系名
函数 说 明
now() 返回当前日期和时间
curdate() 返回当前日期
curtime() 返回当前时间
date() 返回一个日期时间的日期部分
time() 返回一个日期时间的时间部分
year() 返回一个日期的年份部分
month() 返回一个日期的月份部分
day() 返回一个日期的天数部分
dayofweek() 返回一个日期的对应星期几
hour() 返回一个时间的小时部分
minute() 返回一个时间的分钟部分
second() 返回一个时间的秒部分
datediff() 计算两个日期之差
date_add() 高度灵活的日期运算函数
date_format() 返回一个格式化的日期或时间串
adddate() 增加一个日期(天、周等)
addtime() 增加一个时间(时、分等)
select now();
select curdate();
select curtime();
select date('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select time('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select year('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select month('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select day('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select dayofweek('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select hour('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select minute('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select second('2013-12-14 21:15:30');
select cust_id,order_num from orders where order_date='2005-09-01';
select cust_id,order_num from orders where date(order_date)='2005-09-01';
select cust_id,order_num from orders where date(order_date) between '2005-09-01' and '2005-09-30';
select cust_id,order_num from orders where year(order_date)=2005 and month(order_date)=9;
函数 说明
abs() 返回一个数的绝对值
sqrt() 返回一个数的平方根
mod() 返回除操作的余数
exp() 返回一个数的指数值
sin() 返回一个数的正弦
cos() 返回一个数的余弦
tan() 返回一个数的正切
pi() 返回圆周率
rand() 返回一个随机数
select rand();
select pi();
##第12章 汇总数据
select avg(prod_price) as avg_price from products; #求平均
select avg(prod_price) as avg_price from products where vend_id=1003;
select count(*) as num_cust from customers;#计算行数
select count(cust_email) as num_cust from customers;#忽略cust_email的null值,只对cust_email有值的行进行计数
select max(prod_price) as max_price from products;#最大值
select min(prod_price) as min_price from products;#最小值
select sum(quantity) as items_ordered from orderitems where order_num=20005;#求和
select sum(quantity*item_price) as total_price from orderitems where order_num=20005;
select distinct prod_price from products where vend_id=1003;
select avg(distinct prod_price) from products where vend_id=1003;
select count(*) as num_items,max(prod_price) as price_max,min(prod_price) as price_min,avg(prod_price) as price_avg from products;
##第13章 分组数据(group by)
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prod from products group by vend_id;
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prod from products group by vend_id with rollup;
select cust_id,count(*) as orders from orders
group by cust_id
having orders>=2;
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prods from products
where prod_price>=10
group by vend_id
having count(*)>=2;
select vend_id,count(*) as num_prods from products
group by vend_id
having count(*)>=2;
select order_num,sum(quantity*item_price) as ordertotal from orderitems
group by order_num
having ordertotal>=50;
select order_num,sum(quantity*item_price) as ordertotal from orderitems
group by order_num
having ordertotal>=50
order by ordertotal;
select 字段名 from 表名
group by ......
order by......
一般在使用group by时,应该也给出order by;
group by 分组一般与聚合函数一起使用