为感谢所有的意见,现在我知道,有黑客,可以使Windows 32位“地址/承认”以上的内存4GB,但您仍无法使用它。 To be able to fully utilize more than 4GB, you will still need a 64-bit of Windows.为了能充分利用超过4GB的,你仍然需要一个64位的Windows。 Most common problem that people face when using a 64-bit Windows is loading unsigned drivers.最常见的问题时,人们面对的使用64位Windows加载未签名的驱动程序。 It seems that Microsoft has forgotten end users when it introduced a very restricted module of driver signature enforcement in Windows Vista and Windows 7.看来,微软已经忘记了最终用户,它推出了一个非常有限的驱动程序在Windows Vista和Windows 7签名执法模块。 All drivers and system files must be digitally verified or they cannot run when using both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7.所有驱动程序和系统文件必须附有数码验证或他们无法运行时,同时使用32位和64位Windows Vista和Windows 7位版本。 This is an example of unable to load PeerGuardian with the error message “Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file” because of an unsigned driver.这是一个例子,造成无法加载错误信息“视窗PeerGuardian无法验证此文件的数字签名”,因为未签名的驱动程序。
From what I heard, the certificate to perform this signing costs from $300-$500 USD per year.从我听到的证书来执行由300元这个签署费用-每年5000美元。 Not every software developer can afford that especially when their software is free.并不是每一个软件开发人员可以负担得起的,尤其是当他们的软件是免费的。 Fortunately there are ways to force the unsigned drivers to load in x64 versions of Windows 7 and Vista.幸运的是,想方设法迫使未签名的驱动程序加载在x64版本的Windows 7和Vista版本。
有些补习建议键入此命令"bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS"
在命令"bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS"
提示将做工作,但没有在我的Windows 7 X64的旗舰版。 Probably Microsoft has rolled out some updates which disables DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS option.也许微软已经推出了一些升级,这让禁用DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS选项。
There are still a few working ways to load unsigned drivers though.但仍有少数工作方法来加载未签名的驱动,虽然。 The first method is to continuously press F8 when Windows is booted up until you get the Advanced Boot Options, then select “ Disable Driver Signature Enforcement “.第一种方法是不断按F8启动Windows时,直到你得到高级启动选项,然后选择“ 禁用驱动程序签名的执行 ”。
The problem about this method is you have to do that EACH Time when you boot up Windows and if you forgot to select this option, you won't get to load the unsigned drivers and the software won't work.有关此方法的问题是你必须做,每次当您安装Windows启动,如果你忘了选择此选项,你不会得到加载未签名的驱动程序和软件将不能工作。
Second method is to use第二种方法是使用 ReadyDriver Plus ReadyDriver加 by Mr. Orange Sunshine, an enhanced version of the original ReadyDriver by Uhlik.奥兰治先生的阳光,一个由Uhlik原ReadyDriver的增强版本。 It does the same thing as the first method by automatically selecting disable driver signature enforcement.它通过自动选择禁用驱动程序签名强制执行的第一个方法同样的事情。 It modifies the Vista Bootloader to load ReadyDriver, and then makes the appropriate selection to disable Driver Enforcement, based on what you choose to install.它修改Vista启动项加载ReadyDriver,然后使适当的选择禁用驱动程序执法,在你选择安装的。 This tool worked perfectly on my Windows 7 x64.这个工具能极好地视窗7 X64的。
If you don't like your boot loader to be modified, then you should use如果你不喜欢你的引导装载程序进行修改,那么你应该使用 Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 驱动程序签名执法Overrider . 。 This is how you can use DSEO to sign and load the unverified drivers.这是如何使用DSEO签署并加载未经证实的驱动程序。 Run DSEO, click Next, click Yes, select “ Enable Test Mode ” and click Next.运行DSEO,单击下一步,单击是,选择“ 启用测试模式 ”,然后单击下一步。
You should get a confirmation window telling you that Test Mode has been ENABLED.你应该得到一个确认窗口,告诉你测试模式已被启用。 Click the OK button to go back to the DSEO window.点击确定按钮返回到DSEO窗口。 Now select “ Sign a System File ” and click Next.现在,选择“ 登录系统文件 ”,然后单击下一步。 You will now have to type in the specific filename including full path and click OK.你现在在一些具体的文件名包括完整的路径,然后点击类型确定。 For PeerGuardian, it is “C:/Program Files/PeerGuardian2/pgfilter.sys”.对于PeerGuardian,它是“C:/ Program Files文件/ PeerGuardian2 / pgfilter.sys”。 Restart your computer and the driver is now loaded.重新启动您的计算机和货车司机,现加载。
You will notice that there is a watermark at the bottom right of the screen saying Test Mode.你会发现有一个在说测试模式屏幕右下角的水印。
That is normal after you've used Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider to enable the Test Mode.这是正常后,您使用的驱动程序签名执法Overrider,使测试模式。 If you disable Test Mode using DSEO, you won't be able to load the unsigned drivers.如果您禁用测试模式使用DSEO,你将无法加载未签名的驱动程序。 In short, you will need to be in Test Mode in order to load the unsigned drivers.总之,你将需要在测试模式,以加载未签名的驱动程序。 If you can't stand seeing the Test Mode watermark, you can use如果你不能忍受看到水印测试模式,您可以使用 Remove Watermark 删除水印 to take away the watermark.带走的水印。 Just download, run RemoveWatermarkX64.exe and then type the letter Y .只需下载,运行RemoveWatermarkX64.exe然后键入字母 y。 Restart your computer to take effect.重新启动计算机才能生效。 If the watermark is still there after patching, run the tool again and this time hit the R key to rebuilt MUI cache.如果水印是修补后仍然存在,再次运行该工具,这次袭击R键重建的MUI缓存。 Restart and the watermark should be gone by now.重新启动和水印应该已经过去。