

在TimesTen Scaleout User Guide中提到:

It is important to ensure that the system clocks of every host in your grid are roughly synchronized. Synchronized system clocks ensure that timestamps of transactions and logs are accurate on all hosts.




[oracle@datahost1 ~]$ sudo yum info chrony
Loaded plugins: ulninfo
Installed Packages
Name        : chrony
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 3.2
Release     : 2.0.1.el7
Size        : 476 k
Repo        : installed
From repo   : anaconda
Summary     : An NTP client/server
URL         :
License     : GPLv2
Description : A client/server for the Network Time Protocol, this program keeps your
            : computer's clock accurate. It was specially designed to support
            : systems with intermittent internet connections, but it also works well
            : in permanently connected environments. It can use also hardware reference
            : clocks, system real-time clock or manual input as time references.


sudo yum install chrony



[oracle@mgmthost1 ~]$ cat /etc/chrony.conf
# Use public servers from the project.
# Please consider joining the pool (
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

# Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift

# Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates
# if its offset is larger than 1 second.
makestep 1.0 3

# Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC).

# Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it.
#hwtimestamp *

# Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust
# the system clock.
#minsources 2

# Allow NTP client access from local network.

# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
#local stratum 10

# Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication.
#keyfile /etc/chrony.keys

# Specify directory for log files.
logdir /var/log/chrony

# Select which information is logged.
#log measurements statistics tracking


# Allow NTP client access from local network.

# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
local stratum 10


[oracle@mgmthost1 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart chronyd


[oracle@mgmthost1 ~]$ chronyc
chrony version 3.2
Copyright (C) 1997-2003, 2007, 2009-2017 Richard P. Curnow and others
chrony comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and
you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the
GNU General Public License version 2 for details.

chronyc> help
System clock:
tracking                    Display system time information
makestep                    Correct clock by stepping immediately
                            Configure automatic clock stepping
maxupdateskew         Modify maximum valid skew to update frequency
waitsync [ [ [ []]]]
                            Wait until synchronised in specified limits

Time sources:
sources [-v]                Display information about current sources
sourcestats [-v]            Display statistics about collected measurements
reselect                    Force reselecting synchronisation source
reselectdist          Modify reselection distance

NTP sources:
activity                    Check how many NTP sources are online/offline
ntpdata [
] Display information about last valid measurement add server
[options] Add new NTP server add peer
[options] Add new NTP peer delete
Remove server or peer burst / [/
] Start rapid set of measurements maxdelay
Modify maximum valid sample delay maxdelayratio
Modify maximum valid delay/minimum ratio maxdelaydevratio
Modify maximum valid delay/deviation ratio minpoll
Modify minimum polling interval maxpoll
Modify maximum polling interval minstratum
Modify minimum stratum offline [/
] Set sources in subnet to offline status online [/
] Set sources in subnet to online status polltarget
Modify poll target refresh Refresh IP addresses Manual time input: manual off|on|reset Disable/enable/reset settime command manual list Show previous settime entries manual delete Delete previous settime entry settime



# Use public servers from the project.
# Please consider joining the pool (
# server iburst
# server iburst
# server iburst

# Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift

# Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates
# if its offset is larger than 1 second.
makestep 1.0 3

# Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC).

# Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it.
#hwtimestamp *

# Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust
# the system clock.
#minsources 2

# Allow NTP client access from local network.

# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
#local stratum 10

# Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication.
keyfile /etc/chrony.keys

# Specify directory for log files.
logdir /var/log/chrony

# Select which information is logged.
#log measurements statistics tracking


systemctl restart chronyd


[oracle@datahost1 ~]$ chronyc
chrony version 3.2
Copyright (C) 1997-2003, 2007, 2009-2017 Richard P. Curnow and others
chrony comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and
you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the
GNU General Public License version 2 for details.

chronyc> sources
210 Number of sources = 1
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^* mgmthost1                     2   6   377    19   +271us[ +324us] +/-   47ms
chronyc> activity
200 OK
1 sources online
0 sources offline
0 sources doing burst (return to online)
0 sources doing burst (return to offline)
0 sources with unknown address
chronyc> tracking
Reference ID    : 0A00000B (mgmthost1)
Stratum         : 3
Ref time (UTC)  : Wed Dec 19 10:20:16 2018
System time     : 0.000195726 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : +0.000053017 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.004054334 seconds
Frequency       : 3.973 ppm slow
Residual freq   : -0.075 ppm
Skew            : 23.666 ppm
Root delay      : 0.077822976 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.002500026 seconds
Update interval : 64.5 seconds
Leap status     : Normal
chronyc> sourcestats
210 Number of sources = 1
Name/IP Address            NP  NR  Span  Frequency  Freq Skew  Offset  Std Dev
mgmthost1                   8   4   454     -0.075     24.249  -2895ns  1797us
chronyc> exit


[oracle@datahost1 ~]$ timedatectl
      Local time: Wed 2018-12-19 18:21:34 CST
  Universal time: Wed 2018-12-19 10:21:34 UTC
        RTC time: Wed 2018-12-19 10:21:35
       Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
     NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: n/a



[oracle@mgmthost1 ~]$ sudo chronyc
chrony version 3.2
Copyright (C) 1997-2003, 2007, 2009-2017 Richard P. Curnow and others
chrony comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and
you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the
GNU General Public License version 2 for details.

chronyc> clients
Hostname                      NTP   Drop Int IntL Last     Cmd   Drop Int  Last
localhost                       0      0   -   -     -       1      0   -   278
datahost3                       5      0   6   -     6       0      0   -     -
datahost1                       4      0   6   -    55       0      0   -     -
datahost4                       4      0   6   -    48       0      0   -     -
datahost2                       4      0   6   -    33       0      0   -     -
chronyc> exit


[oracle@mgmthost1 ~]$ ttGridAdmin hostExec date
Commands executed on:
  ttdatahost1 rc 0
  ttdatahost2 rc 0
  ttdatahost3 rc 0
  ttdatahost4 rc 0
  ttmgmthost1 rc 0
Return code from ttdatahost1: 0
Output from ttdatahost1:
Wed Dec 19 18:22:27 CST 2018
Return code from ttdatahost2: 0
Output from ttdatahost2:
Wed Dec 19 18:22:27 CST 2018
Return code from ttdatahost3: 0
Output from ttdatahost3:
Wed Dec 19 18:22:27 CST 2018
Return code from ttdatahost4: 0
Output from ttdatahost4:
Wed Dec 19 18:22:27 CST 2018
Return code from ttmgmthost1: 0
Output from ttmgmthost1:
Wed Dec 19 18:22:27 CST 2018


