roylez 主席,给的配置
! vim: fdm=marker
! themes {{{
Xcursor.theme: ComixCursors-Blue-Regular
!Xcursor.theme: Obsidian
!*foreground: #DDEEDD
*foreground: #F6F6F6
*background: #1C1C1C
!*background: #121212
*cursorColor: #ACEA5C
! black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
! normal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
! bold 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
!! husio colors {{{
!*color0: #0d0d0d
!*color8: #0d0d0d
!*color1: #B73F23
!*color9: #C74B2E
!*color2: #82B94A
!*color10: #82B94A
!*color3: #C5CF43
!*color11: #C5CF43
!*color4: #6C89B1
!*color12: #6C89B1
!*color5: #AA6F90
!*color13: #AA6F90
!*color6: #A673BE
!*color14: #A673BE
!*color7: #EDEDED
!*color15: #EDEDED
! }}}
!-- Tango color scheme {{{
!*color0: #2e3436
!*color0: #1e1e1e
!*color8: #555753
!*color1: #cc0000
!*color9: #ef2929
!*color2: #4e9a06
!*color10: #8ae234
!*color3: #c4a000
!*color11: #fce94f
!*color4: #3465a4
!*color12: #729fcf
!*color5: #75507b
!*color13: #ad7fa8
!*color6: #0b939b
!*color14: #00f5e9
!*color7: #d3d7cf
!*color15: #eeeeec
! }}}
!Colorful-Neon {{{
!*color0: #5A5A5A
!*color0: #262729
!!*color8: #554444
!*color8: #3E3E3E
!*color1: #FF4747
!*color9: #FF6767
!*color2: #AFC81C
!*color10: #BFC81C
!*color3: #FDD338
!*color11: #F4D461
!*color4: #619AF4
!*color12: #5496FF
!*color5: #5F5A90
!*color13: #826AB1
!*color6: #47E0FF
!*color14: #2ED9FB
!*color7: #FFFFFF
!*color15: #DEDEDE
! thayer molokai inspired colors {{{
*color0: #1b1d1e
*color8: #505354
*color1: #f92672
*color9: #ff5995
*color2: #82b414
*color10: #b6e354
*color3: #fd971f
*color11: #feed6c
*color4: #56c2d6
*color12: #8cedff
*color5: #8c54fe
*color13: #9e6ffe
*color6: #465457
*color14: #899ca1
*color7: #ccccc6
*color15: #f8f8f2
! Arthur colors -- from Daisuke Aramaki (
! muted tango scheme {{{
!*background: #262729
!*foreground: light grey
!*color0: #3d352a
!*color1: #cd5c5c
!*color2: #86af80
!*color3: #e8ae5b
!*color4: #6495ed
!*color5: #deb887
!*color6: #b0c4de
!*color7: #bbaa99
!*color8: #554444
!*color9: #cc5533
!*color10: #88aa22
!*color11: #ffa75d
!*color12: #87ceeb
!*color13: #996600
!*color14: #b0c4de
!*color15: #ddccbb
! skwid colors {{{
!*foreground: #DDEEDD
!*background: #1C1C1C
!*color0: #1C1C1C
!*color8: #4d4d4d
!*color1: #D81860
!*color9: #F00060
!*color2: #B7CE42
!*color10: #BDE077
!*color3: #FEA63C
!*color11: #FFE863
!*color4: #66AABB
!*color12: #AACCBB
!*color5: #B7416E
!*color13: #BB4466
!*color6: #5E7175
!*color14: #A3BABF
!*color7: #DDEEDD
!*color15: #6C887A
! ---| thayer bright (monokai inspired)|--- {{{
!*color0: #181c18
!*color8: #555555
!*color1: #ff3300
!*color9: #ff6655
!*color2: #75cc2b
!*color10: #95ff58
!*color3: #ffe975
!*color11: #ffef9c
!*color4: #285577
!*color12: #6677ff
!*color5: #ce5c00
!*color13: #f57900
!*color6: #3399ff
!*color14: #99ccff
!*color7: #c4c4c4
!*color15: #ffffff
! ---| Colorful Obsolescence |--- {{{
!*color0: #000000
!*color8: #555555
!*color1: #EE3C3C
!*color9: #FF5555
!*color2: #00BB00
!*color10: #55FF55
!*color3: #FFD955
!*color11: #FFFF55
!*color4: #5555FF
!*color12: #008ED1
!*color5: #992299
!*color13: #FF55FF
!*color6: #00AAAA
!*color14: #00FFFF
!*color7: #BBBBBB
!*color15: #FFFFFF
! }}}
!! 设置 Xftp.dpi(字体分辨率) {{{
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
! }}}
! Lines beginning with ! are comments and are ignored.
NetHack*font: vga
NetHack*autofocus: true
NetHack*background: black
NetHack*foreground: grey
NetHack*map*background: black
NetHack*map*black: grey25
NetHack*map*red: red3
NetHack*map*green: green3
NetHack*map*brown: DarkOrange3
NetHack*map*blue: blue3
NetHack*map*magenta: magenta3
NetHack*map*cyan: cyan3
NetHack*map*gray: gray70
NetHack*map*orange: yellow
NetHack*map*bright_green: green
NetHack*map*yellow: yellow
NetHack*map*bright_blue: blue
NetHack*map*bright_magenta: magenta
NetHack*map*bright_cyan: cyan
NetHack*map*white: white
! }}}
! RXVT-unicode {{{
!urxvt setting
URxvt.geometry: 85x30
URxvt.scrollBar: False
URxvt.scrollstyle: next
!URxvt.scrollBar_right: True
! Use shift+pageup/down to scroll in screen
URxvt.secondaryScroll: True
URxvt.scrollTtyOutput: False
URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: True
URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: True
!set the artificial transparency of the v.t.
URxvt.inheritPixmap: True
URxvt.backgroundPixmap: /home/roylez/meidia/pic/wallpaper/crest.xpm
URxvt.tintColor: #999
URxvt.fadeColor: honeydew3
!URxvt.troughColor: sienna
!URxvt.borderLess: True
URxvt.cursorBlink: False
!URxvt.cursorUnderline: True
!URxvt.cursorColor: green
URxvt.colorBD: Wheat
!URxvt.colorUL: white
URxvt.shading: 30
URxvt.fading: 30
URxvt*underlineURLs: true
URxvt.saveLines: 1500
!allow double click to select URL
!URxvt*cutchars: `"()'*<>[]{|}
URxvt*cutchars: `'",;@&*=|?()[]{}
!this makes urxvt to start faster??
URxvt.preeditType: Root
!urgent notification
!URxvt.urgentOnBell: True
!URxvt.keysym.M-v: command:paste
URxvt.keysym.Delete: /033[3~
!italicFont and boldItalicFont undefined
!URxvt.font: xft:Luxi Mono:regular:antialias=True:pixelsize=15,
URxvt.font: xft:Monaco:medium:autohint=True:size=10, /
xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:book:autohint=True:size=10, /
xft:wenquanyi bitmap song:medium:pixelsize=15:antialias=True
!URxvt.boldFont: xft:Luxi Mono:bold:antialias=True:pixelsize=15,
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Monaco:bold:autohint=True:size=10, /
xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:bold:autohint=True:size=10, /
xft:wenquanyi bitmap song:bold:pixelsize=15:antialias=True
! }}}
! xterm {{{
!look and feel
xterm.termName: xterm-256color
xterm.title: xterm
xterm*geometry: 105x33
!xterm*geometry: 100x33
xterm*scrollBar: false
xterm*rightScrollBar: true
xterm*loginshell: true
xterm*borderLess: true
xterm*colorUL: green
xterm*colorBD: wheat
xterm*colorBDMode: false
xterm*colorULMode: true
xterm*veryBoldColors: 4
xterm*cursorBlink: false
xterm*cursorUnderLine: False
xterm*cursorColor: green
!xterm*cursorColor: OliveDrab1
!xterm*cursorColor: RoyalBlue1
!mouse pointer theme
!XTerm*pointerShape: bogosity
XTerm*pointerShape: pencil
XTerm*pointerColor: azure
!saved scrollback
xterm*saveLines: 1000
xterm*fastScroll: true
!highlight selected area
xterm*highlightSelection: true
!fix alt and del key input
xterm*eightBitInput: false
xterm*altSendsEscape: true
xterm*metaSendsEscape: true
xterm*deleteIsDEL: true
!print color and bold/underline attributes
xterm*printAttributes: 2
xterm*printerCommand: cat > ~/xtermdump
!xterm*printerCommand: cat |urlview
!copy&paste related
!xterm*selectToClipBoard: true
xterm*trimSelection: true
!mouse selecting to copy, alt-v to paste,
!Ctrl p to print screen content to file
XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override /
~Shift ~Ctrl
!use mouse wheel to scroll back in GNU Screen, use win key
XTerm*VT100.translations: #override/
!font and locale
xterm*locale: true
xterm.utf8: true
xterm*utf8Title: true
xterm*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label: Default
!xterm*faceName: Monaco:antialias=True:pixelsize=14
xterm*faceName: Monaco:antialias=True
!xterm*faceName: monofur:antialias=True:pixelsize=16
!xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=True:pixelsize=15
!xterm*faceNameDoublesize: Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=16:antialias=True
xterm*faceNameDoublesize: WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono:antialias=True:pixelsize=15.5
!xterm*faceNameDoublesize: Wenquanyi Bitmap Song:pixelsize=15:antialias=True
!xterm*faceNameDoublesize: YaHei Consolas Hybrid:pixelsize=16:antialias=True
xterm*xftAntialias: true
xterm*faceSize: 10
!allow selecting email/url by double click
XTerm*charClass: 33:48,37-38:48,45-47:48,64:48,58:48,126:48,61:48,63:48,43:48,35:48
XTerm*visualBell: true
!urgent trigger
!XTerm*bellIsUrgent: true
! }}}
gnuplot*background: white
gnuplot*textColor: black
gnuplot*borderColor: black
gnuplot*axisColor: black
gnuplot*line1Color: red
gnuplot*line2Color: green
gnuplot*line3Color: blue
gnuplot*line4Color: magenta
gnuplot*line5Color: cyan
gnuplot*line6Color: sienna
gnuplot*line7Color: orange
gnuplot*line8Color: coral
gnuplot*borderWidth: 2
gnuplot*axisWidth: 1
gnuplot*line1Width: 1
gnuplot*line2Width: 1
gnuplot*line3Width: 1
gnuplot*line4Width: 1
gnuplot*line5Width: 1
gnuplot*line6Width: 1
gnuplot*line7Width: 1
gnuplot*line8Width: 1