where there is just too much work

Everyday as an employee, you are given a task that should be completed in a timeframe. Because of your training, knowledge and experience you should be able to handle the task without any problem. But as you continue to provide the expected output, more things are ordered from you.


Since you are able to do things flawlessly, an extra task would not be a problem. You readily accept because you know you are up to the task and would like to be recognized as an efficient employee. But before you know it, things start to pile up that you cannot handle all of them anymore.


You may be able to do what is asked of you but you might have already sacrificed far too much that you just do not have the time for yourself or your family.


Before it affects your health and your regular productivity output, stop. An extra task or two is a great thing to show your dedication and loyalty but when there is just too much, you are jeopardizing your company’s future as well as yours.

Saying "No"

It is always best to know your limitations and threshold. When things start to keep piling up, you should be able to say “No”.  It is not a matter of weakness but a matter of knowing what you can and cannot do.

Your company should be able to understand that especially when you are dedicated in your own task.


It is always better to tell your boss or supervisor you cannot handle the task before they are assigned to you. You career will always be on the line when you accept or decline a task but its better to tell them head on that the task will not be completed if the task is left under your care than doing it and not completing it.

Seek Help

Help is only available for those who sought them. When at work, there are times that a task is not really your expertise and doing that yourself would only jeopardize the specific task.


Seek help or advice from an expert so that you can reduce the time frame or ease your responsibility on the task.


A complicated task may not be even a challenge at all if you just know where to seek help and you are in a position to utilize any resources or person. You can outsource your task to a virtual assistant or any freelance expert so you can focus on more challenging tasks.

Avoid Stress

The last thing you will need in your job is stress. It goes without saying that stress can place things in a difficult perspective. When think you are feeling a single sign of stress – stop, take a deep breath.

Walk around the office for a minute or two just to take your mind off work for a short while. This should get you focused on the job at hand again.


Too much work is never a good thing. Know what you can do so that you can limit your tasks and know when to seek help.
