FAQ in SD-BIL-IV - Processing of billing documents

You'll be able to easily find out the answer/solution by yourself for the most frequently asked questions in SD Billing documents area on this page.

For an easier search, you can use Ctrl + F to find a specific error message, for example.

If you have issues when releasing a billing document to accounting, access the FAQ in Accounting document creation from SD (SD-FI Interface).

If you have issues when canceling a billing document, access the FAQ in Billing Cancellation.


Questions you may have

SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check

How are exchange rates determined in billing documents? 

1481238 - How are different exchange rates (Price, FI postings and Conditions) determined in billing documents

  • If a customer billing document is transferred to Accounting, the exchange rate for Accounting (field VBRK-KURRF) is always determined with exchange rate type M, even though a different exchange rate type is maintained in the customer master record.
  • If a billing document for intercompany billing is transferred to Accounting, the exchange rate for Accounting (VBRK-KURRF) and the pricing exchange rate (VBRP-KURSK) are determined with the exchange rate type from the customer master record. However, exchange rate type M should be used.
  •  In the copying control for billing documents, as of Release 3.0, there is a switch for the pricing exchange rate. If this switch is set, the system always determines the pricing exchange rate for exchange rate type M, even if a different one is entered in the customer master.

22781 - Foreign currency rate for accounting, exchange rate type

I have an unexpected billing document split, or the split did not occur as I expected. What are the causes of billing split and how to analyze them?

1561427 - Billing document split

11162 - Invoice split criteria in billing document

111813 - Billing doc: Collective run differs from individual creation

2451236 - Invoice split due to different partner address

2147181 - Invoice split during intercompany billing for a delivery without an order reference

What about the split criteria for invoice lists?

317935 - Invoice Split Criteria for Invoice Lists

How does VF04 (SDBILLDL) sort the documents to be processed?

111813 - Billing doc: Collective run differs from individual creation

How is the profit center determined in the billing document?

1532865 - FAQ: Profit center in billing document

I want to get rid of billing documents from VFX3. How to proceed?

One possibility to remove the invoices would be to cancel them in VF11. In this case the original invoice and the cancellation billing document get status VBRK-RFSBK = 'E' as explained in note 400000.
With this status the documents will no longer appear in VFX3.
If you do not want to cancel the invoices, you will have to create your own program to change the posting status. In this case, consider SAP Notes 83020 and 381348.

How is cost (or VPRS, or COGS) determined in the billing document?

372772 - How is the cost determined?

  • How can I debug the billing document creation?
  • How to analyze the cause of errors that appear in VF01 error log?
  • How to analyze copy control routines such as requirement routines?
  • How to discover how a field is filled in billing document creation?

Troubleshooting Guide - Billing document creation

  • How are batch items handled in SD billing document?
  • How is cost (or VPRS, or COGS) determined in the billing document in case of batch items?

77414 - Billing during batch split

Wiki page: Batch items in billing document

The delivery contains batch split items and it's proof of delivery(POD) relevant. Cost value in subsequent billing is not calculated based on POD quantity for certain case.

2120919 - Costs for batch split items cannot get adjusted based on POD quantity

How to solve error message VF 003 - "Item category & & cannot be invoiced with billing type &"?

Error VF003 although item category is not relevant for billing

During VF01 the system issues message VF032 "No billing documents were generated. See log". However no log exists.

1718941 - During VF01 the system issues message VF032 but no log exists

How to solve error message VF 342 - "Documentnnnnnnnnnn is currently being processed"?

833111 - Error VF 342 in collective billing run

How to solve error message KI 235?

2240191 - KI235 error happens when SD billing document release to accounting

1881464 - Error KI235 when post IDOC coming from SD billing output

I can bill a sales document that contains a WBS element, even though the status of the WBS element does not include a billing and therefore does not permit the admission of sales revenues. How to prevent this?

165267 - Check for WBS element during billing

  • What billing-relevance should be selected in item Customizing for a third-party item?
  • When is a third-party item displayed in the billing due list and can be billed?
  • One of two or more third-party items of a sales order was ordered and billed. Why is the billing status of the entire order set to 'fully invoiced' although still more third-party items must be billed? (Billing-relevance 'F' is set for the third-party items.)
  • Although the billing status displays 'not invoiced', the third-party item cannot be billed. What could be the reason?

549818 - FAQ: billing status for third-party items in sales order

After the billing of a delivery, the status values in the delivery are reset back to "Not Processed". However, the invoicing status in the delivery has the value "Completely Processed".

2272797 - When you create an invoice, the system resets the status in the delivery 

Item numbering (VBRP-POSNR) is not identical between delivery document and billing document despite copy item number (V_TVCPFLK-POSVO) is set on header level in transaction VTFL.

1707736 - Item numbering not identical between delivery document and billing document despite V_TVCPFLK-POSVO is set

I have issues in program SAPMV60S.

Program SAPMV60S has been replaced by SDBILLDL. It is not maintained anymore. Use program SDBILLDL instead.

I have issues in program RV60SBT1.

As reported in SAP Note 652219, the report RV60SBT1 is obsolete and no longer supported. Use program SDBILLDL instead.

Where can I find more information about cash discount or condition types SKTO and SKTV?

Wiki page: Cash discount in SD 

Dump / Update termination

 Questions you may have

SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check

 How to solve the runtime error SQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC?




After I save a billing document, an update termination occurs and the document number is not stored in the database. How can I solve it?

423130 - Update termination when creating billing document

The dump DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION occurs in program SAPMV60A. How can I solve it?

367296 - A billing document is corrupt: How is it repaired?

An assertion failed (ASSERTION_FAILED) dump occurs while creation of a billing document for a return delivery based on return order.

2362777 - Dump when creating billing document for return delivery 


Questions you may have

SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check

How to proceed when two (or more) identical billing documents (duplicate billing documents) exist for one delivery or order item?

1857518 - Multiple billing documents can be created to a single sales order or delivery

12934 - Two billing documents exist for one delivery note

My billing due list in VF04 (table VKDFS) is wrong.

How can I correct/rebuild the billing due list (table VKDFS)?

301254 - Creation of billing index

386370 - Check report for the billing due list (billing index)

128947 - Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB

1803082 - Different sequence of line items within sales document and billing document in case of billing plan
2102821 - Different sequence of line items within sales document and billing document created in collective run

Report RVV05IVB is not able to correct the billing index.

Check if any userexit listed in the following notes is implemented:

63523 - User exits for billing index as of 3.1G
42307 - User exits for the billing index up to Rel. 3.0F

The billing status (VBUP-FKSAA) of a sales document is wrong. How to correct it?

Run report SDVBUK00.

207875 - Using report SDVBUK00

1472007 - Document flow status needs to be corrected

The billing status (VBUP-FKSTA ) of a delivery is wrong. How to correct it?

Run report RVDELSTA.

137011 - Correction report: Statusin the delivery

1472007 - Document flow status needs to be corrected

The billing relevance field (VBAP-FKREL) of a sales document is wrong. How to update it according to the current customizing in VOV7 (TVAP-FKREL)?

127514 - Change of billingrelevancy without effect

The billing relevance field (LIPS-FKREL) of a delivery is wrong. How to update it according to the current customizing in VOV7 (TVAP-FKREL)?

319866 - Correction report billing relevance after Customizing changes

After the delivery is deleted, the document flow is inconsistent. How to proceed?

406693 - Inconsistent document flow if a delivery is deleted

The document flow from the delivery to the billing document is incomplete. How to correct it?

Use the analysis and repair report ZZVBFA01, provided in SAP Note 38587. Then use report SDVBFA01 for the billing document to set up the indirect document flow from the sales order to the billing document correctly as well.

The document flow from the sales order to the billing document is incomplete. How to correct it?

Use report SDVBFA01.

 I have a gap in billing numbering. How to proceed?

1695132 - Gap in billing document number

The billing document has posting status (VBRK-RFBSK) = 'C' - completed, but the accounting document does not exist. How to correct the posting status?

571073 - Billing documents with status 'C' but w/o accounting docs

I have FI documents created from missing billing documents, or duplicate accounting documents. How to proceed?

1579523 - Billing document is missing even though accounting document is available - SD Billing

After a client copy, the accounting document is not visible in VF03 nor in the document flow. What is the reason?

1472346 - Accounting document not visible in VF03

The billing document contains fields with negative field values. In general, these are the billing quantity, weights, and volumes.

367296 - A billing document is corrupt: How is it repaired?


Questions you may have

SAP Notes/KBAs/Wikis that you should check

I'm facing poor performance in billing document creation (VF01, VF04). How can I solve it?

841758 - Procedure when you experience performance problems

I'm facing poor performance in billing document creation (VF01, VF04) due to locks in table NRIV. During an analysis on general system performance you see many locks on table NRIV, traces bring up report SAPLSNR3 being responsible for long runtime.

1524325 - Poor performance due to locks on table NRIV - Buffering of billing documents

Is there any other recommendation or note to improve the performance in billing creation?

1934946 - Performance Issue When Creating Billing Documents

23154 - VF04 SAPMV60S: Tuning --> Checklist + Notes

118743 - Collective note performance in SD

16430 - SD Customizing and performance/tuning

103212 - Bad performance during SD document update

1524325 - Poor performance due to locks on table NRIV - Buffering of billing documents

1524347 - Buffering of billing documents - invoice creation

