
Comparing the I2C Bus to the SMBus
    The I2C bus and the SMBus are popular 2-wire buses that are essentially compatible with eachother. Normally devices, both masters and slaves, are freely interchangeable between bothbuses. Both buses feature addressable slaves (although specific address allocations can vary between the two). The buses operate at the same speed, up to 100kHz, but the I2C bus hasboth 400kHz and 2MHz versions. Complete compatibility between both buses is ensured onlybelow 100kHz. Here are explored the significant differences between I2C and SMB.
1 Timeout and Clock Speed differences
    Timeout and (as a consequence of timeout) minimum clock speed are the most important
differences between the I2C bus and the SMBus.
I2C Bus = DC (no timeout)
SMBus = 10kHz (35mS timeout)
    Timeout is where a slave device resets its interface whenever SCL goes low for longer than the timeout, typically 35mSec. Use of a timeout also dictates a minimum speed for the clock, because it can never go static. Thus, the SMBus has a minimum-clock-speed specification. By comparison, the I2C bus can go static indefinitely. In the I2C bus, either a master or a slave can hold the clock low as long as necessary to process data. In the I2C bus, if the slave locks up and holds either SCL or SDA low, error recovery is impossible. Very few slave devices actually have the ability to hold SCL. As a result, the most common bus error is slave devices that have ended up in a state where SDA is low. In the I2C bus, a master accomplishes error recovery by clocking SCL until SDA is high and then issuing a Start followed by a Stop.
    In contrast to the I2C bus, SMBus slaves are expected to reset their interface whenever SCL is low for longer than the timeout specified in the SMBus specification of 35mS.
    SMBus specifies t LOW: SEXT  as the cumulative clock low extend time for a slave device. I2C does not have a similar specification. SMBus specifies t LOW: MEXT  as the cumulative clock low extend time for a master device. Again I2C does not have a similar specification.
    DC specifications differences Both I2C and SMBus are capable of operating with mixed devices that have either fixed input levels (such as Smart Batteries) or input levels related to VDD. When mixing devices, the I2C specification defines the VDD to be 5.0 Volt +/- 10% and the fixed input levels to be 1.5 and 3.0 Volts. Instead of relating the bus input levels to VDD, SMBus defines them to be fixed at 0.8 and 2.1 Volts. This SMBus specification allows for bus implementations with VDD ranging from 3 to 5 Volts +/- 10%.
I2C specifies the maximum leakage current to be 10 µA while SMBus version 1.0 specified
maximum leakage current of 1 uA. Version 1.1 of the SMBus specification relaxes the leakage requirements to 5 µA, in order to reduce the cost of testing of SMBus devices.
While I 2 C defines maximum bus capacitance 400pF SMBus does not specify a maximum bus
capacitance. Instead it specifies the I PULLUP maximum of 350µA in Low-power DC specification and minimum 4mA in High-power DC specification. Bus capacitance can be calculated taking into consideration the maximum rise time and I PULLUP .
In the table below are given a summery of level specifications for the I2C Bus and the SMBus.

3 Other differences
    ACK and NACK usage:
    The differences in the use of the NACK bus signaling follow:
In I2C, a slave receiver is allowed not to acknowledge the slave address, if for example is unable to receive because it’s performing some real time task. SMBus requires devices to acknowledge their own address always, as a mechanism to detect a removable device’s
presence on the bus (battery, docking station, etc.).
I2C specifies that a slave device, although it may acknowledge its own address, some time later in the transfer it may decide that it cannot receive any more data bytes. The I2C specifies, that the device may indicate this by generating the not acknowledge on the first byte to follow.
    Besides to indicate a slave device busy condition, SMBus is using the NACK mechanism also to indicate the reception of an invalid command or data. Since such a condition may occur on the last byte of the transfer, it is required that SMBus devices have the ability to generate the not acknowledge after the transfer of each byte and before the completion of the transaction. This is important because SMBus does not provide any other resend signaling.

More information about the differences between I 2 C and SMBus can be found on:

I2C总线= DC(无超时)
SMBus = 10kHz(35mS超时)
SMBus指定tLOW:SEXT作为从设备的累计时钟低扩展时间。 I2C确实没有类似的规格。 SMBus指定tLOW:MEXT作为累积时钟低位扩展主设备的时间。同样,I2C没有类似的规范。
I2C和SMBus均可与具有固定输入的混合设备一起运行电平(例如智能电池)或与VDD相关的输入电平。混合设备时,I2C规范定义VDD为5.0伏+/- 10%,固定输入电平为1.5和3.0伏特SMBus并未将总线输入电平与VDD相关联,而是将其固定为0.8,并且2.1伏该SMBus规范允许VDD为3至5伏+/- 10%。
I2C指定最大泄漏电流为10 µA,而SMBus版本1.0最大泄漏电流为1 uA。 SMBus规范的1.1版缓解了泄漏要求降至5 µA,以降低SMBus器件的测试成本。

在I2C中,允许从接收器不确认从地址,例如:由于正在执行某些实时任务而无法接收。 SMBus要求设备
始终确认自己的地址,以此作为检测可移动设备的地址的机制出现在公共汽车上(电池,扩展坞等)。I2C指定从设备,尽管它可能会在一段时间后确认自己的地址在传输中,它可能决定无法再接收任何数据字节。 I2C规定设备可以通过在随后的第一个字节上生成不确认来表明这一点。除了指示从设备繁忙状态外,SMBus还使用NACK机制来表示接收到无效的命令或数据。由于这种情况可能会发生在传输的最后一个字节,要求SMBus设备能够生成非在每个字节传输之后和事务完成之前确认。这是重要,因为SMBus不提供任何其他重发信令。


