
[12:22:41 oracle(db)@rac1 ~]$ oerr ora 8103
08103, 00000, "object no longer exists"
// *Cause:  The object has been deleted by another user since the operation
//          began, or a prior incomplete recovery restored the database to
//          a point in time during the deletion of the object.
// *Action: Delete the object if this is the result of an incomplete
//          recovery.
[12:22:55 oracle(db)@rac1 ~]$ oerr
Usage: oerr facility error

Facility is identified by the prefix string in the error message.
For example, if you get ORA-7300, "ora" is the facility and "7300"
is the error.  So you should type "oerr ora 7300".

If you get LCD-111, type "oerr lcd 111", and so on.
[12:23:09 oracle(db)@rac1 ~]$ oerr ora 01555
01555, 00000, "snapshot too old: rollback segment number %s with name \"%s\" too small"
// *Cause: rollback records needed by a reader for consistent read are
//         overwritten by other writers
// *Action: If in Automatic Undo Management mode, increase undo_retention
//          setting. Otherwise, use larger rollback segments
[12:23:34 oracle(db)@rac1 ~]$ 
