

icmp 报文首部

// ICMP header for both IPv4 and IPv6.
// The wire format of an ICMP header is:
// 0               8               16                             31
// +---------------+---------------+------------------------------+      ---
// |               |               |                              |       ^
// |     type      |     code      |          checksum            |       |
// |               |               |                              |       |
// +---------------+---------------+------------------------------+    8 bytes
// |                               |                              |       |
// |          identifier           |       sequence number        |       |
// |                               |                              |       v
// +-------------------------------+------------------------------+      ---


The data received in the echo request message must be returned in the echo reply message.

The identifier and sequence number may be used by the echo sender to aid in matching the replies with the echo requests. For example, the identifier might be used like a port in TCP or UDP to identify a session, and the sequence number might be incremented on each echo request sent. The echoing node returns these same values in the echo reply.

因为请求包首部一定会在应答包中被返回,所以 identifier 可以用来做类似 TCP 或 UDP 里面的端口去区分哪个进程,而 sequence 可以用作序列号去匹配不同的消息。

这里是我找到的 ping 的实现:


可以简单修改一下,去验证如果同时开启2个 ping 程序,一个应答包返回后,是否会反馈到这2个程序中。我验证了,确实会。不信的话,你自己来试一试。
