OpenCV Using Python——RGB颜色空间中的肤色检测


1. 问题




2. RGB空间参数肤色模型


OpenCV Using Python——RGB颜色空间中的肤色检测_第1张图片

3. 代码说明

        如果满足肤色条件,为了输出结果首先要学会操纵像素值(像素访问和修改)。所以就有了“Pixel Value Access”和“Pixel Value Modification”实验。肤色检测实验名为“Skin Model”实验。

import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

print 'Pixel Values Access'

imgFile = 'images/face.jpg'

# load an original image
img = cv2.imread(imgFile)

# access a pixel at (row,column) coordinates
px = img[150,200]
print 'Pixel Value at (150,200):',px

# access a pixel from blue channel
blue = img[150,200,0]
# access a pixel from green channel
green = img[150,200,1]
# access a pixel from red channel
red = img[150,200,2]
print 'Pixel Value from B,G,R channels at (150,200): ',blue,green,red

print 'Pixel Values Modification'

img[150,200] = [0,0,0]
print 'Modified Pixel Value at (150,200):',px
# better way: using numpy

# access a pixel from blue channel
blue = img.item(100,200,0)
# access a pixel from green channel
green = img.item(100,200,1)
# access a pixel from red channel
red = img.item(100,200,2)
print 'Pixel Value using Numpy from B,G,R channels at (100,200): ',blue,green,red

# warning: we can only change pixels in gray or single-channel image

# modify green value: (row,col,channel)
# read green value
green = img.item(100,200,1)
print 'Modified Green Channel Value Using Numpy at (100,200):',green

print 'Skin Model'

rows,cols,channels = img.shape

# prepare an empty image space
imgSkin = np.zeros(img.shape, np.uint8)
# copy original image
imgSkin = img.copy()

for r in range(rows):
    for c in range(cols):
        # get pixel value       
        B = img.item(r,c,0)
        G = img.item(r,c,1)
        R = img.item(r,c,2)
        # non-skin area if skin equals 0, skin area otherwise        
        skin = 0
        if (abs(R - G) > 15) and (R > G) and (R > B):
            if (R > 95) and (G > 40) and (B > 20) and (max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B) > 15):               
                skin = 1    
                # print 'Condition 1 satisfied!'
            elif (R > 220) and (G > 210) and (B > 170):
                skin = 1
                # print 'Condition 2 satisfied!'
        if 0 == skin:
            # print 'Skin detected!'

# convert color space of images because of the display difference between cv2 and matplotlib                         
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
imgSkin = cv2.cvtColor(imgSkin, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# display original image and skin image
plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.imshow(img), plt.title('Original Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.subplot(1,2,2), plt.imshow(imgSkin), plt.title('Skin Image'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])                                                

print 'Waiting for Key Operation'

k = cv2.waitKey(0)

# wait for ESC key to exit
if 27 == k:

print 'Goodbye!'

4. 实验结果


OpenCV Using Python——RGB颜色空间中的肤色检测_第2张图片
