


// Allocates a block of memory for use as a 2-d grid of PLFLT's.
    void Alloc2dGrid( PLFLT ***f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny );
// Frees a block of memory allocated with plAlloc2dGrid().
    void Free2dGrid( PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny );

// Plots a mesh representation of the function z[x][y].
    void mesh( const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT * const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt );
// Plots a mesh representation of the function z[x][y] with contour.
    void meshc( const PLFLT *x, const PLFLT *y, const PLFLT * const *z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt,
                const PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel );


#include "plc++demos.h"

using namespace std;
plstream           *pls;
const int   x_PointNum   = 35;
const int   y_PointNum   = 46;
const int   LEVELS = 10;
const int   opt[]  = { 3, 3 };
const PLFLT alt[] = { 33.0, 17.0 };
const PLFLT az[] = { 24.0, 115.0 };

const char  *title[] = {
	"#frPLplot Example 11 - Alt=33, Az=24, Opt=3",
	"#frPLplot Example 11 - Alt=17, Az=115, Opt=3"
void cmap1_init()
	PLFLT *i   = new PLFLT[2];
	PLFLT *h   = new PLFLT[2];
	PLFLT *l   = new PLFLT[2];
	PLFLT *s   = new PLFLT[2];
	bool  *rev = new bool[2];

	i[0] = 0.0;       // left boundary
	i[1] = 1.0;       // right boundary

	h[0] = 240;       // blue -> green -> yellow ->
	h[1] = 0;         // -> red

	l[0] = 0.6;
	l[1] = 0.6;

	s[0] = 0.8;
	s[1] = 0.8;

	rev[0] = false;       // interpolate on front side of colour wheel.
	rev[1] = false;       // interpolate on front side of colour wheel.

	pls->scmap1n( 256 );// Set number of colors in cmap 1
	pls->scmap1l( false, 2, i, h, l, s, rev );

	delete[] i;
	delete[] h;
	delete[] l;
	delete[] s;
	delete[] rev;

// Does a series of mesh plots for a given data set, with different viewing
// options in each plot.
int main( int argc, const char **argv )
	int   i, j, k;

	PLFLT *x = new PLFLT[ x_PointNum ];
	PLFLT *y = new PLFLT[ y_PointNum ];
	PLFLT **z;
	PLFLT zmin = 1E9, zmax = -1E-9;

	PLFLT xx, yy;
	int   nlevel  = LEVELS;
	PLFLT *clevel = new PLFLT[LEVELS];
	PLFLT step;
	pls = new plstream();
	// Parse and process command line arguments.
	pls->parseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL );
	// Initialize plplot.
	//  Allocates a block of memory for use as a 2-d grid of PLFLT's.
	pls->Alloc2dGrid( &z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum );

	for ( i = 0; i < x_PointNum; i++ )
		x[i] = 3. * (PLFLT) ( i - ( x_PointNum / 2 ) ) / (PLFLT) ( x_PointNum / 2 );

	for ( j = 0; j < y_PointNum; j++ )
		y[j] = 3. * (PLFLT) ( j - ( y_PointNum / 2 ) ) / (PLFLT) ( y_PointNum / 2 );

	for ( i = 0; i < x_PointNum; i++ )
		xx = x[i];
		for ( j = 0; j < y_PointNum; j++ )
			yy      = y[j];
			z[i][j] = 3. * ( 1. - xx ) * ( 1. - xx ) * exp( -( xx * xx ) - ( yy + 1. ) * ( yy + 1. ) ) -
				10. * ( xx / 5. - pow( (double) xx, 3. ) - pow( (double) yy, 5. ) ) * exp( -xx * xx - yy * yy ) -
				1. / 3. * exp( -( xx + 1 ) * ( xx + 1 ) - ( yy * yy ) );
			if ( false ) // Jungfraujoch/Interlaken
				if ( z[i][j] < -1. )
					z[i][j] = -1.;
			if ( zmin > z[i][j] )
				zmin = z[i][j];
			if ( zmax < z[i][j] )
				zmax = z[i][j];

	step = ( zmax - zmin ) / ( nlevel + 1 );
	for ( i = 0; i < nlevel; i++ )
		clevel[i] = zmin + step + step * i;

	for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
		for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			pls->adv( 0 );
			pls->vpor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.9 );
			pls->wind( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.5 );
			pls->w3d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.2, -3.0, 3.0, -3.0, 3.0, zmin, zmax,
				alt[k], az[k] );
			//box set
			pls->box3( "bnstu", "x axis", 0.0, 0,
				"bnstu", "y axis", 0.0, 0,
				"bcdmnstuv", "z axis", 0.0, 4 );

			// wireframe plot
			if ( i == 0 )
				pls->mesh( x, y, z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum, opt[k] );//单色显示

			// magnitude colored wireframe plot
			else if ( i == 1 )
				pls->mesh( x, y, z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum, opt[k] | MAG_COLOR );//等高颜色渐变显示

			// magnitude colored wireframe plot with sides
			else if ( i == 2 )
				pls->plot3d( x, y, z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum, opt[k] | MAG_COLOR ,true );

			// magnitude colored wireframe plot with base contour
			else if ( i == 3 )
				pls->meshc( x, y, z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum, opt[k] | MAG_COLOR | BASE_CONT,
				clevel, nlevel );

			pls->mtex( "t", 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, title[k] );

	// Frees a block of memory allocated with plAlloc2dGrid().
	pls->Free2dGrid( z, x_PointNum, y_PointNum );

	delete[] x;
	delete[] y;
	delete[] clevel;

	delete pls;
	return 0;


