// Create 1d stripchart,可同时绘4条函数
void stripc( PLINT *id, const char *xspec, const char *yspec,
PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT xjump, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax,
PLFLT xlpos, PLFLT ylpos,
bool y_ascl, bool acc,
PLINT colbox, PLINT collab,
const PLINT colline[], const PLINT styline[], const char *legline[],
const char *labx, const char *laby, const char *labtop );
// Add a point to a stripchart.
void stripa( PLINT id, PLINT pen, PLFLT x, PLFLT y );
// Deletes and releases memory used by a stripchart.
void stripd( PLINT id );
#include "plc++demos.h"
# include
# ifdef PL_HAVE_POLL
# include
# endif
using namespace std;
plstream *pls;
static PLINT pl_errcode= 0;
static char errmsg[160]= "";
int main( int argc, const char ** argv )
PLINT id_StripChart, nsteps = 1000;
bool autoy, acc;
PLFLT y1, y2, y3, y4, init_ymin, init_ymax, xlab, ylab;
PLFLT t, init_tmin, init_tmax, tjump, dt, noise;
PLINT colbox, collab, colline[4]={0}, styline[4]={0};
const char *legline[4] ;
// plplot initialization
pls = new plstream();
// Parse and process command line arguments.
pls->parseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL );
// Specify some reasonable defaults for ymin and ymax
// The plot will grow automatically if needed (but not shrink)
init_ymin = -0.1;
init_ymax = 0.1;
// Specify initial tmin and tmax -- this determines length of window.
// Also specify maximum jump in t
// This can accomodate adaptive timesteps
init_tmin = 0.;
init_tmax = 10.;
tjump = 0.3; // percentage of plot to jump
// Axes options same as plbox.
// Only automatic tick generation and label placement allowed
// Eventually I'll make this fancier
colbox = 1;
collab = 3;
styline[0] = colline[0] = 2; // pens color and line style
styline[1] = colline[1] = 2;
styline[2] = colline[2] = 2;
styline[3] = colline[3] = 2;
legline[0] = "sin"; // pens legend
legline[1] = "";
legline[2] = "";
legline[3] = "";
xlab = 0.; ylab = 0.25; // legend position
autoy = true; // autoscale y
acc = true; // don't scrip, accumulate
// Initialize PLplot.
pls->adv( 0 );
// Register our error variables with PLplot
// From here on, we're handling all errors here
pls->sError( &pl_errcode, errmsg );
pls->stripc( &id_StripChart, "bcnst", "bcnstv",
init_tmin, init_tmax, tjump, init_ymin, init_ymax,
xlab, ylab,
autoy, acc,
colbox, collab,
colline, styline, legline,
"t", "", "Strip chart demo" );
if ( pl_errcode )
cout << errmsg << endl;
delete pls;
exit( 1 );
// Let plplot handle errors from here on
pls->sError( NULL, NULL );
autoy = false; // autoscale y
acc = true; // accumulate/
// This is to represent a loop over time
// Let's try a random walk process
y1 = y2 = y3 = y4 = 0.0;
dt = 0.1;
for ( PLINT n = 0; n < nsteps; n++ )
t = (double) n * dt;
y1 = sin( t * M_PI / 18. );
// There is no need for all pens to have the same number of
// points or beeing equally time spaced.
pls->stripa( id_StripChart, 0, t, y1 );
// Destroy strip chart and it's memory
pls->stripd( id_StripChart );
delete pls;
return 0;