Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours

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In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, you will be able to build full-featured production websites using Django, the powerful web development framework based on Python.

Designed for experienced website developers who have at least some familiarity with the Python programming language, this book uses a straightforward, step-by-step approach. Each lesson builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of implementing the Django framework on a website from the ground up.

Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Django tasks.
Q&As, quizzes, and exercises at the end of each lesson help you test your knowledge.
Notes and tips point out shortcuts and solutions.
Learn how to
*Install and configure the Django web development framework
*Cleanly separate data, logic, and view layers
*Implement site interfaces with build templates and views
*Utilize templates and views to store, access, and retrieve data
*Use the Django forms library
*Define custom tags and filters to minimize coding
*Secure sites with registration, authorization, logins, and permissions
*Manage sessions and cookies
*Implement middleware for request and response handling
*Create sitemaps to inform search engines of your content
*Internationalize your site
*Optimize performance with caching
*Deploy Django in multiple configurations
*Maintain sites with Djangos administrator interface
