关于在Ubuntu上不能自动创建Intellij Idea快捷方式的解决办法

Custom Launcher for IntelliJ IDEA in Ubuntu Unity 
IntelliJ IDEA does not install a program launcher during installation. You only 
get a start-up script. So you need to create a custom launcher to quickly and 
easily run the program without going to the terminal. 
In previous versions of Ubuntu we had this to quickly create a launcher. 
But in Unity it is not so easy. 
For IDEA, first you have to specify the location of Java by inserting the 
following line in the idea.sh file in the bin directory of IDEA installation 
Next you have to create a custom launcher. 
For IntelliJ IDEA 11 
If you have IntelliJ IDEA 11, things are pretty easy. Just run IDEA, then go 
to Tools menu and select Create Desktop Entry . A launcher will be created 
at ~/.local/share/applications and you will be able to access it through 
the Dash. You can pin it to the launcher bar by right clicking on the icon when 
it's running or by drag and drop of the icon.  
For older versions 
This method can be used to create a launcher for any application, not just 
IntelliJ IDEA. For any launcher in Unity what you need to create is 
a .desktop file. 
First create a file named idea.desktop in your home folder. Then open it 
with a text editor and add the following to it. 
[Desktop Entry] 
Name=IntelliJ IDEA 
Comment=IntelliJ IDEA IDE 

nautilus-actions.org gives a good explanation about .desktop files and what all 
these entries mean and other entries available for .desktop files. 
Now you can keep this file in the Desktop to use it as a desktop launcher or you 
can add it to ~/.local/share/applications to access it through the Dash 
for only the current user. If you need to access it through the dash for all users, 

then add it to /usr/share/applications . 

