Feed_dict does a single-threaded memcpy of contents from Python runtime into TensorFlow runtime. If data is needed on GPU, then you'll have an additional CPU->GPU transfer. I'm used to seeing up to 10x improvement in performance when switching from feed_dict to native TensorFlow (Variable/Queue)
feed_dict performance
Train/dev setup. I believe it's a common practice to periodically train your model for some time, then evaluate on dev set, then repeat. I don't know how to do this with queues. With feed_dict, you just build two graphs with shared parameters under the same session, one for train and one for dev. When you evaluate on dev set, just feed dev data to dev graph, that's it. But for queue, output from queue is part of the graph itself. To run queue, you have to start the queue runner, create a coordinator, use this coordinator to manage the queue. When it's done, the queue is close!!!. Currently, I have no idea how to best write my code to conform the train/dev setup with queues except opening new session, build new graph for dev each time I evaluate. The same issue was raised here , and you can google for similar questions on Stackoverflow.
TensorFlow: Feeding data with queue vs with direct feeding with feed_dict
这时候,我看到了这个链接: Periodically evaluating on a validation set,大概提了一下,可以尝试使用tf.cond做个控制流,但这些就违背了一开始的目的(恩,加快速度)
然后,我看到tensorflow官方开了一个issue:[Enhancement] Redesigning TensorFlow's input pipelines
大意:我们决定从头开始,重新设计输入pipeline的API。现有的方法将保留到TF 2.0。这个新api可以解决多次管道(用于多轮epoch),同时处理多个数据集(train和dev)。
tensorflow使用笔记(3)--Reading data(1)
fully_connected_preloaded_var.py (这个教你怎么讲数据预读取到内存里,其程序范式值得学学,虽然没讲到怎么用验证集)
TensorFlow: How to optimise your input pipeline with queues and multi-threading (值得看看)
Get 10x Speedup in Tensorflow Multi-Task Learning using Python Multiprocessing (有图)
Reading data with queue is even slower than using feed_dict (楼主的两个程序还是蛮简明扼要)
最后附上官方文档: Importing Data