import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import javapasswordsdk.PSDKPassword; import javapasswordsdk.PSDKPasswordRequest; import javapasswordsdk.exceptions.PSDKException; public class DBUtil { public final static String SELECT = " select "; public final static String FROM = " from "; public final static String WHERE = " where "; public final static String ON = " on "; public final static String LEFT_JOIN = " left join "; public final static String RIGHT_JOIN = " right join "; public final static String INNER_JOIN = " inner join "; public final static String COLUMN_SEPARATOR = " , "; public final static String INSERT = " insert "; public final static String INTO = " into "; public final static String UPDATE = " update "; public final static String SET = " set "; public final static String LEFT_PARENTHESES = " ( "; public final static String RIGHT_PARENTHESES = " ) "; public final static String SINGLE_QUOTATION = "'"; public final static String TO_DATE = "to_date"; public final static String COMMA = " , "; public final static String VALUES = " values "; public final static String CONCATENATE_SING = "&"; public final static String CONCATENATE_STRING = "||"; public final static String CONCATENEATE_REPLACEMENT = "||'&'||"; public static String packColumnName(String columnName) { return " " + columnName + " "; } public static void executeSqlMapBatch(HashMap> sqlMap) { if(null == sqlMap || sqlMap.size() <=0) { return; } Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.createStatement(); for(Iterator iterator = sqlMap.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String symbol =; ArrayList sqlList = sqlMap.get(symbol); for(Iterator sqlIterator = sqlList.iterator(); sqlIterator.hasNext();) { String sql=; if(!StringUtil.IsEmpty(sql)) { stmt.addBatch(sql); } } } stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch(SQLException ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); try { conn.rollback(); for(Iterator iterator = sqlMap.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String symbol =; ArrayList sqlList = sqlMap.get(symbol); for(Iterator sqlIterator = sqlList.iterator(); sqlIterator.hasNext();) { String sql=; executeSingleSql(sql, symbol); } } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(sqlex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } } finally { close(stmt); } } public static void executeSqlBatch(HashMap sqlList) { Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.createStatement(); for(Iterator iterator = sqlList.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String keyStr =; if(!StringUtil.IsEmpty(keyStr)) { stmt.addBatch(sqlList.get(keyStr)); } } stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch(SQLException ex) { try { conn.rollback(); for(Iterator iterator = sqlList.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String keyStr =; executeSingleSql(sqlList.get(keyStr), keyStr); } } catch (SQLException sqlex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(sqlex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } } finally { close(stmt); } } public static void executeSingleSql(String sql, String keyName) { if(StringUtil.IsEmpty(sql)) { return; } Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; try { conn.setAutoCommit(true); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch(SQLException ex) { //ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex); ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not execute (" +keyName+") " + sql, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } finally { close(stmt); } } public static boolean existSql(String sql) { if(StringUtil.IsEmpty(sql)) { return false; } Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet RS = null; boolean existence = false; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); RS = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while( { int count = RS.getInt("count"); if(count > 0) { existence = true; } } } catch(SQLException ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex); ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not execute :" + sql, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } finally { try { RS.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex); } close(stmt); } return existence; } public static boolean callSPWithParameter(String fullName, String logFileName) { boolean OKFlag = false; if(StringUtil.IsEmpty(fullName)) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("The name of SP is empty", logFileName); return OKFlag; } String SPName = "{ call "+fullName+" }"; Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); if(null == conn) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not get the DB connection during executing the SP : " + SystemProperties.newInstance().getLineSeparator() + SPName, logFileName); return OKFlag; } CallableStatement proc = null; try { ThreadLog.MakeLog("Start to execute the SP: " + SPName, logFileName); proc = conn.prepareCall(SPName); proc.execute(); OKFlag = true; } catch(SQLException ex) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("Fail in executing the SP: " + SPName, logFileName); ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, logFileName); } catch(Exception ex) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("Fail in executing the SP: " + SPName, logFileName); ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, logFileName); } finally { close(proc); } if(OKFlag) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("Success in executing the SP: " + SPName, logFileName); } return OKFlag; } public static ReturnResult updateTimeStampByTableName(String tableName, long step, String logFileName) { ReturnResult RR = new ReturnResult(); Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); CallableStatement proc = null; if(null == conn) { return RR; } String SPName = "smdb_publish.publish_update_timestamp"; String SPFullName = constructSPFormalName(SPName, 5); try { proc = conn.prepareCall(SPFullName); proc.setString(1, tableName); proc.setLong(2, step); proc.setString(3, "java"); proc.registerOutParameter(4, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC, 0); proc.registerOutParameter(5, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC, 0); proc.execute(); RR.setFinalResult(proc.getLong(4)); RR.setOKFlag( proc.getLong(5) == 1 ? true : false ); } catch(SQLException ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, logFileName); } catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, logFileName); } finally { close(proc); } return RR; } // public static void updateTableTimeStamp(String tableName, long currentTimeStamp, String logFileName) // { // String hexStr = Long.toHexString(currentTimeStamp); // String sqlTMP = "update smdb_table_timestamp "+ // "set time_stamp = hextoraw('"+hexStr+"') "+ // "where table_name='"+tableName+"'"; // Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); // Statement stmt = null; // try // { // stmt = conn.createStatement(); // stmt.executeUpdate(sqlTMP); // } // catch(SQLException ex) // { // ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex); // ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not execute : " + sqlTMP, // logFileName); // } // finally // { // close(stmt); // } // } public static long getTableTimeStamp(String tableName) { String sqlTMP = "select to_char(to_number(rawtohex(time_stamp), 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')) "+ " as time_stamp from smdb_table_timestamp "+ "where table_name='"+tableName+"'"; long currentTimeStamp = -1L; Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection(); ResultSet RS = null; Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); RS = stmt.executeQuery(sqlTMP); while( { currentTimeStamp = Long.parseLong(RS.getString("time_stamp")); } } catch(SQLException ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not execute :" + sqlTMP, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } finally { try { RS.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } close(stmt); } return currentTimeStamp; } public static void close() { close(DBConnection.getConnection()); } public static void close(Connection conn) { close(conn, null); } public static void close(Statement stmt) { close(null, stmt); } public static void close(Connection conn, Statement stmt) { try { if(null != stmt) { stmt.close(); } if(null != conn) { conn.close(); } } catch(SQLException ex) { ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, TMPEntry.getCurrentTMPFileName() + ".log"); } } public static String getPassword(String credFilePath, String safeID, String folder, String userName) { String password = null; String newLine = SystemProperties.newInstance().getLineSeparator(); try { ThreadLog.MakeLog("We start getting the password for :" + newLine + "credFilePath : " + credFilePath + newLine + "safeID : " + safeID + newLine + "folder : " + folder + newLine + "userName : " + userName, "password.log"); PSDKPasswordRequest passRequest = new PSDKPasswordRequest(); PSDKPassword psdkPassword = null; passRequest.setCredFilePath(credFilePath); passRequest.setSafe(safeID); passRequest.setFolder(folder); passRequest.setObject(userName); psdkPassword = javapasswordsdk.PasswordSDK.getPassword(passRequest); password = psdkPassword.getContent(); ThreadLog.MakeLog("We have got the password : " + password, "password.log"); } catch(PSDKException ex) { ThreadLog.MakeLog("We can not get the password ", "password.log"); ExceptionDefaultHandler.handle(ex, "password.log"); } return password; } public static String constructSPFormalName(String SPName, int parameterCount) { String questionMark = ""; for(int i=0; i < parameterCount; i++) { if(i == parameterCount -1) { questionMark += "?"; } else { questionMark += "?, "; } } return "{ call "+SPName+"("+questionMark+") }"; } public static void main(String[] args) { ProjectConfig.initialize(); updateTimeStampByTableName("gics_tbl_s", 500, "Test.log"); DBUtil.close(); //updateTableTimeStamp("tab_tmp", 511L); //System.out.println(currentTimeStamp); } }