《挑战编程:程序设计竞赛训练手册》- 题解

PC = Programming Challenges (http://www.programming-challenges.com/)

UVa = University of Valladolid Online Judge(http://uva.onlinejudge.org/)




PC/UVa 题号: 110101/100 The 3n+1 problem (3n+1 问题) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110102/10189 Minesweeper (扫雷) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110103/10137 The Trip (旅行) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110104/706 LC-Display (液晶显示屏) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110105/10267 Graphical Editor (图形化编辑器) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110106/10033 Interpreter (解释器) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110107/10196 Check the Check (将军) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110108/10142 Australian Voting (澳大利亚投票) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110201/10038 Jolly Jumpers (快乐的跳跃者) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110202/10315 Poker Hands (扑克牌型) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110203/10050 Hartals () 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110204/843 Crypt Kicker (解密) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110205/10205 Stack ’em Up (完美洗牌术) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110206/10044 Erdos Numbers (Erdos 数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110207/10258 Contest Scoreboard (比赛计分板) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110208/10149 Yahtzee (Yahtzee 游戏) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110301/10082 WERTYU (WERTYU 键盘) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110302/10010 Where’s Waldorf?(寻找单词) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110303/10252 Common Permutation (公共排列) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110304/850 Crypt Kicker II (解密 II) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110305/10188 Automated Judge Script (自动评测脚本) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110306/10132 File Fragmentation (文件碎片) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110307/10150 Doublets (Doublets 序列) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110308/848 Fmt (Fmt 程序) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110401/10041 Vito’s Family (Vito 家族) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110402/120 Stacks of Flapjacks (煎饼堆) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110403/10037 Bridge (过桥) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110404/10191 Longest Nap (最长打盹时间) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110405/10026 Shoemaker’s Problem (鞋匠的烦恼) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110406/10138 CDVII (CDVII 高速公路) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110407/10152 ShellSort (龟壳排序) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110408/10194 Football (aka Soccer) (足球) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110501/10035 Primary Arithmetic (小学生算术) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110502/10018 Reverse and Add (反转相加) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110503/701 The Archeologist’s Dilemma (考古学家的烦恼) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110504/10127 Ones (仅由 1 组成的数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110505/847 A Multiplication Game (乘法游戏) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110506/10105 Polynomial Coefficients (多项式系数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110507/10077 The Stern-Brocot Number System (Stern-Brocot 代数系统) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110508/10202 Pairsumonious Numbers (两两之和) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110601/10183 How Many Fibs? (斐波那契计数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110602/10213 How Many Pieces of Land? (土地分割) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110603/10198 Counting (数数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110604/10157 Expressions (括号表达式) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110605/10247 Complete Tree Labeling (完全树标号) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110606/10254 The Priest Mathematician (牧师数学家) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110607/10049 Self-describing Sequence (自描述序列) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110608/846 Steps (数轴行走) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110701/10110 Light, More Light (开灯与关灯) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110702/10006 Carmichael Numbers (Carmichael 数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110703/10104 Euclid Problem (欧几里德问题) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110704/10139 Factovisors (阶乘与整除) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110705/10168 Summation of Four Primes (四素数之和) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110706/10042 Smith Numbers (Smith 数) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110707/10090 Marbles (弹珠) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110708/10089 Repackaging (重新打包) 题解


PC/UVa 题号: 110801/861 Little Bishops (棋盘上的象) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110802/10181 15-Puzzle Problem (15 数码游戏) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110803/10128 Queue (队伍) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110804/10160 Servicing Stations (服务站) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110805/10032 Tug of War (拔河) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110806/10001 Garden of Eden (伊甸园) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110807/704 Colour Hash (色彩缤纷游戏) 题解

PC/UVa 题号: 110808/10270 Bigger Square Please... (拼接正方形) 题解


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