Physionet ATM:
import wfdb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
signal, fields=wfdb.rdsamp('100',channels=[0, 1], sampfrom=0, sampto=1500, pb_dir='mitdb/')
signal: [[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.355 -0.27 ]
[-0.38 -0.285]
[-0.39 -0.29 ]]
fields: {'fs': 360, 'sig_len': 1500, 'n_sig': 2, 'base_date': None, 'base_time': None, 'units': ['mV', 'mV'], 'sig_name': ['MLII', 'V5'], 'comments': ['69 M 1085 1629 x1', 'Aldomet, Inderal']}
import wfdb
record=wfdb.rdrecord('100', sampto=3600, pb_dir='mitdb/')
annotation=wfdb.rdann('100', 'atr',sampto=3600, pb_dir='mitdb/')
wfdb.plot_wfdb(record=record, annotation=annotation,
title='Record 100 from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database', time_units='seconds')
annotation {'record_name': '100', 'extension': 'atr', 'sample': array([ 18, 77, 370, 662, 946, 1231, 1515, 1809, 2044, 2402, 2706,
2998, 3282, 3560]), 'symbol': ['+', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'A', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N'], 'subtype': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'chan': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'num': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'aux_note': ['(N\x00', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'fs': 360, 'label_store': None, 'description': None, 'custom_labels': None, 'contained_labels': None, 'ann_len': 14}
record: {'record_name': '100', 'n_sig': 2, 'fs': 360, 'counter_freq': None, 'base_counter': None, 'sig_len': 3600, 'base_time': None, 'base_date': None, 'comments': ['69 M 1085 1629 x1', 'Aldomet, Inderal'], 'sig_name': ['MLII', 'V5'], 'p_signal': array([[-0.145, -0.065],
[-0.145, -0.065],
[-0.145, -0.065],
[-0.39 , -0.295],
[-0.4 , -0.29 ],
[-0.405, -0.285]]), 'd_signal': None, 'e_p_signal': None, 'e_d_signal': None, 'file_name': ['100.dat', '100.dat'], 'fmt': ['212', '212'], 'samps_per_frame': [1, 1], 'skew': [None, None], 'byte_offset': [None, None], 'adc_gain': [200.0, 200.0], 'baseline': [1024, 1024], 'units': ['mV', 'mV'], 'adc_res': [11, 11], 'adc_zero': [1024, 1024], 'init_value': [995, 1011], 'checksum': [48184, 1171], 'block_size': [0, 0]}
signal: [[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.145 -0.065]
[-0.39 -0.295]
[-0.4 -0.29 ]
[-0.405 -0.285]]
record=wfdb.rdheader('100', pb_dir='mitdb/')
{'record_name': '100', 'n_sig': 2, 'fs': 360, 'counter_freq': None, 'base_counter': None, 'sig_len': 650000, 'base_time': None, 'base_date': None, 'comments': ['69 M 1085 1629 x1', 'Aldomet, Inderal'], 'sig_name': ['MLII', 'V5'], 'p_signal': None, 'd_signal': None, 'e_p_signal': None, 'e_d_signal': None, 'file_name': ['100.dat', '100.dat'], 'fmt': ['212', '212'], 'samps_per_frame': [1, 1], 'skew': [None, None], 'byte_offset': [None, None], 'adc_gain': [200.0, 200.0], 'baseline': [1024, 1024], 'units': ['mV', 'mV'], 'adc_res': [11, 11], 'adc_zero': [1024, 1024], 'init_value': [995, 1011], 'checksum': [-22131, 20052], 'block_size': [0, 0]}
import wfdb
import os
from IPython.display import display
if __name__ == '__main__': #这一段必须要加
wfdb.dl_database('ahadb', dl_dir)
display(os.listdir(dl_dir)), dl_dir, records='all', annotators='all', keep_subdirs=True, overwrite=False)
Downloading files...
Finished downloading files
['0001.atr', '0001.dat', '0001.hea', '0201.atr', '0201.dat', '0201.hea', 'data', 'STAFF-Studies-bibliography-2016.pdf']
注:代码中的**if __ name __ == ‘__main __’:**必须要加,否则会产生以下报错,这其实是python进程池multiprocessing.Pool运行错误
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
in the main module:
if __name__ == '__main__':
The "freeze_support()" line can be omitted if the program
is not going to be frozen to produce an executable.
import wfdb
import os
from IPython.display import display
if __name__ == '__main__':
wfdb.dl_files('mitdb', dl_dir, file_list)
display(os.listdir(dl_dir)), dl_dir, files, keep_subdirs=True, overwrite=False)
Downloading files...
Finished downloading files
['100.atr', '100.dat', '100.hea']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import wfdb
from wfdb import processing
def peaks_hr(sig, peak_inds, fs, title, figsize=(20,10), saveto=None):
hrs=processing.compute_hr(sig_len=sig.shape[0], qrs_inds=peak_inds, fs=fs)
fig, ax_left=plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax_left.plot(sig, color='#3979f0', label='Signal')
ax_left.plot(peak_inds, sig[peak_inds], 'rx', marker='x', color='#8b0000', label='Peak', markersize=12)#画出标记
ax_right.plot(np.arange(N), hrs, label='Heart rate', color='m', linewidth=2)#画出心律,y轴在右边
ax_left.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax_left.set_ylabel('ECG (mV)', color='#3979f0')
ax_right.set_ylabel('Heart rate (bpm)', color='m')
ax_left.tick_params('y', colors='#3979f0')
ax_right.tick_params('y', colors='m')
if saveto is not None:
plt.savefig(saveto, dpi=600)
record=wfdb.rdrecord('100', sampfrom=0, sampto=10000, channels=[0], pb_dir='mitdb/')
qrs_inds=processing.gqrs_detect(sig=record.p_signal[:, 0], fs=record.fs)
peaks_hr(sig=record.p_signal, peak_inds=qrs_inds, fs=record.fs, title='GQRS peak detection on record 100')
corrected_peak_inds=processing.correct_peaks(record.p_signal[:, 0], peak_inds=qrs_inds, search_radius=search_radius, smooth_window_size=150)
print('Uncorrected gqrs detected peak indeices:',sorted(qrs_inds))
print('Corrected gqrs detected peak indices:', sorted(corrected_peak_inds))
peaks_hr(sig=record.p_signal, peak_inds=sorted(corrected_peak_inds), fs=record.fs, title='Corrected GQRS peak detection on record 100')
Uncorrected gqrs detected peak indeices: [357, 650, 934, 1219, 1502, 1797, 2032, 2390, 2693, 2985, 3270, 3547, 3850, 4158, 4453, 4752, 5048, 5334, 5621, 5906, 6202, 6514, 6811, 7093, 7379, 7657, 7940, 8233, 8526, 8825, 9129, 9419, 9698]
Corrected gqrs detected peak indices: [370, 663, 947, 1231, 1515, 1809, 2045, 2403, 2706, 2998, 3283, 3560, 3863, 4171, 4466, 4765, 5061, 5347, 5634, 5919, 6215, 6527, 6824, 7106, 7393, 7670, 7953, 8246, 8539, 8837, 9142, 9432, 9710]
sig, fields=wfdb.rdsamp('100', channels=[0], sampto=15000, pb_dir='mitdb/')
ann_ref=wfdb.rdann('100', 'atr', sampto=15000, pb_dir='mitdb/')
xqrs=processing.XQRS(sig=sig[:,0], fs=fields['fs'])
#qrs_inds=processing.xqrs_detect(sig=sig[:,0], fs=fields['fs'])
fig=comparitor.plot(title='XQRS detected QRS vs reference annotations',return_fig=True)
# display(fig[0])[0])#这一步必须加,不然图片会一闪而逝
Learning initial signal parameters...
Found 8 beats during learning. Initializing using learned parameters
Running QRS detection...
QRS detection complete.
51 reference annotations, 51 test annotations
True Positives (matched samples): 51
False Positives (unmatched test samples: 0
False Negatives (unmatched reference samples): 0
Specificity: 1.0000 (51/51)
Positive Predictivity: 1.0000 (51/51)
False Positive Rate: 0.0000 (0/51)
注:如果直接和官方文档里一样使用comparitor.plot(title=‘XQRS detected QRS vs reference annotations’)来输出图像会一闪而逝,需要如上述代码一样修改以下,这个plot函数还有其他的参数设置,具体参考如下:
plot(sig_style='', title=None, figsize=None, return_fig=False)
Plot the comparison of two sets of annotations, possibly overlaid on their original signal.
sig_style : str, optional
The matplotlib style of the signal
title : str, optional
The title of the plot
figsize: tuple, optional
Tuple pair specifying the width, and height of the figure. It is the’figsize’ argument passed into matplotlib.pyplot’s figure function.
return_fig : bool, optional
Whether the figure is to be returned as an output argument.
def delete_non_beat(symbol, sample, **kw):
AAMI_MIT_MAP = {'N': 'Nfe/jnBLR',#将19类信号分为五大类
'S': 'SAJa',
'V': 'VEr',
'F': 'F',
'Q': 'Q?'}
MIT2AAMI = {c: k for k in AAMI_MIT_MAP.keys() for c in AAMI_MIT_MAP[k]}
mit_beat_codes = list(MIT2AAMI.keys())
symbol = np.array(symbol)#symbol对应标签,sample为R峰所在位置,sig为R峰值
isin = np.isin(symbol, mit_beat_codes)
symbol = symbol[isin]#去除19类之外的非心拍标注信号
symbol = np.array([MIT2AAMI[x] for x in symbol])#将19类信号划分为五类
return symbol, np.copy(sample[isin])#sample对应R峰采样点位置,利用R峰值判断AAMI五种类型
wfdb.processing.normalize_bound(sig, lb=0, ub=1)
Normalize a signal between the lower and upper bound
sig : numpy array
Original signal to be normalized
lb : int, or float
Lower bound
ub : int, or float
Upper bound
x_normalized : numpy array
Normalized signal
wfdb.processing.get_filter_gain(b, a, f_gain, fs)
Given filter coefficients, return the gain at a particular frequency.
b : list
List of linear filter b coefficients
a : list
List of linear filter a coefficients
f_gain : int or float, optional
The frequency at which to calculate the gain
fs : int or float, optional
The sampling frequency of the system
1: Demo Scripts for the wfdb-python package
2: wfdb 2.2.1 documentation