ARM Coprocessor 介绍

  • 了解arm 协处理器


  Coprocessor space is used to extend the functionality of an ARM processor. There are sixteen coprocessors defined in the coprocessor instruction space. These are commonly known as CP0 to CP15. The following coprocessors are reserved by ARM for specific purposes:

  • Coprocessor 15 (CP15) provides system control functionality. This includes architecture and feature identification, as well as control, status information and configuration support. CP15 also provides performance monitor registers.
  • Coprocessor 14 (CP14) supports debug
  • Coprocessor 11 (CP11) supports double-precision floating-point operations.
  • Coprocessor 10 (CP10) supports single-precision floating-point operations and the control and
    configuration of both the VFP and the Advanced SIMD architecture extensions.
  • Coprocessors 8, 9, 12, and 13 are reserved for future use by ARM.
  • Coprocessors 0 to 7 can be used to provide vendor specific features.

refe to
ARM® Architecture Reference Manual ARM®v7-A and ARM®v7-R edition.pdf
