In the final chapter of this course, you will be presented with a messy, real-world dataset containing an entire year’s worth of weather data from Boston, USA. Among other things, you’ll be presented with variables that contain column names, column names that should be values, numbers coded as character strings, and values that are missing, extreme, and downright erroneous!
# View the first 6 rows of data
# View the last 6 rows of data
# View a condensed summary of the data
In this course, you will acquire many new tools in your data cleaning toolbox for whipping the weather data into shape!
# View the first 6 rows of data
# View the last 6 rows of data
# View a condensed summary of the data
The first thing to do when you get your hands on a new dataset is to understand its structure. There are several ways to go about this in R, each of which may reveal different issues with your data that require attention.
In this course, we are only concerned with data that can be expressed in table format (i.e. two dimensions, rows and columns). As you may recall from earlier courses, tables in R often have the type data.frame
. You can check the class
of any object in R with the class()
Once you know that you are dealing with tabular data, you may also want to get a quick feel for the contents of your data. Before printing the entire dataset to the console, it’s probably worth knowing how many rows and columns there are. The dim()
command tells you this.
We’ve loaded a dataset called bmi
into your workspace. The data, which give the (age standardized) mean body mass index (BMI) among males in each country for the years 1980-2008, come from the School of Public Health, Imperial College London.
column names.# Check the class of bmi
# Check the dimensions of bmi
# View the column names of bmi
Since bmi
doesn’t have a huge number of columns, you can view a quick snapshot of your data using the str()
(for structure) command. In addition to the class and dimensions of your entire dataset, str()
will tell you the class of each variable and give you a preview of its contents.
Although we won’t go into detail on the dplyr package in this lesson (see the Data Manipulation in R with dplyr course), the glimpse()
function from dplyr is a slightly cleaner alternative to str()
. str()
and glimpse()
give you a preview of your data, which may reveal issues with the way columns are labelled, how variables are encoded, etc.
You can use the summary()
command to get a better feel for how your data are distributed, which may reveal unusual or extreme values, unexpected missing data, etc. For numeric variables, this means looking at means, quartiles (including the median), and extreme values. For character or factor variables, you may be curious about the number of times each value appears in the data (i.e. counts), which summary()
also reveals.
using the traditional method.bmi
using dplyr.summary()
of bmi
.# Check the structure of bmi
# Load dplyr
# Check the structure of bmi, the dplyr way
# View a summary of bmi
You can look at all the summaries you want, but at the end of the day, there is no substitute for looking at your data – either in raw table form or by plotting it.
The most basic way to look at your data in R is by printing it to the console. As you may know from experience, the print()
command is not even necessary; you can just type the name of the object. The downside to this option is that R will attempt to print the entire dataset, which can be a nuisance if the dataset is too large.
One way around this is to use the head()
and tail()
commands, which only display the first and last 6 rows of data, respectively. You can view more (or fewer) rows by providing as a second argument to the function the number of rows you wish to view. These functions provide a useful method for quickly getting a sense of your data without overly cluttering the console.
to do this).bmi
.# Print bmi to the console
# View the first 6 rows
# View the first 15 rows
head(bmi, 15)
# View the last 6 rows
# View the last 10 rows
tail(bmi, 10)
There are many ways to visualize data. Since this is not a course about data visualization, we will only touch on two types of plots that may be useful for quickly identifying extreme or suspicious values in your data: histograms and scatter plots.
A histogram, created with the hist()
function, takes a vector (i.e. column) of data, breaks it up into intervals, then plots as a vertical bar the number of instances within each interval. A scatter plot, created with the plot()
function, takes two vectors (i.e. columns) of data and plots them as a series of (x, y)
coordinates on a two-dimensional plane.
Let’s look at a quick example of each.
to look at the distribution of average BMI across all countries in 2008.plot()
to see how each country’s average BMI in 1980 (x-axis) compared with its BMI in 2008 (y-axis).# Histogram of BMIs from 2008
# Scatter plot comparing BMIs from 1980 to those from 2008
plot(x = bmi$Y1980, y = bmi$Y2008)
The most important function in tidyr is gather()
. It should be used when you have columns that are not variables and you want to collapse them into key-value pairs.
The easiest way to visualize the effect of gather()
is that it makes wide datasets long. As you saw in the video, running the following command on wide_df
will make it long:
gather(wide_df, my_key, my_val, -col)
Experiment with this in the console before attempting the exercise.
function to bmi
, saving the result to bmi_long
. This will create two new columns:
, containing as values what are currently column headersbmi_val
, the actual BMI valuesbmi_long
.# Apply gather() to bmi and save the result as bmi_long
bmi_long <- gather(bmi, year, bmi_val, -Country)
# View the first 20 rows of the result
head(bmi_long, 20)
The opposite of gather()
is spread()
, which takes key-values pairs and spreads them across multiple columns. This is useful when values in a column should actually be column names (i.e. variables). It can also make data more compact and easier to read.
The easiest way to visualize the effect of spread()
is that it makes long datasets wide. As you saw in the video, running the following command will make long_df
spread(long_df, my_key, my_val)
Experiment with this in the console before attempting the exercise.
# Apply spread() to bmi_long
bmi_wide <- spread(bmi_long, year, bmi_val)
# View the head of bmi_wide
The separate()
function allows you to separate one column into multiple columns. Unless you tell it otherwise, it will attempt to separate on any character that is not a letter or number. You can also specify a specific separator using the sep
We’ve loaded the small dataset from the video called treatments
into your workspace. This dataset obeys the principles of tidy data, but we’d like to split the treatment dates into two separate columns: year
and month
. This can be accomplished with the following:
separate(treatments, year_mo, c("year", "month"))
Experiment with this in the console before attempting the exercise.
We’ve loaded a dataset called bmi_cc
into your workspace that is a slight variation of bmi_long
, which you’ve already seen. The Country_ISO
column of bmi_cc
has the name of each country as well its two-letter ISO country code, separated by a forward slash.
function to bmi_cc
into two columns: Country
and ISO
# Apply separate() to bmi_cc
bmi_cc_clean <- separate(bmi_cc, col = Country_ISO, into = c("Country", "ISO"), sep = "/")
# Print the head of the result
The opposite of separate()
is unite()
, which takes multiple columns and pastes them together. By default, the contents of the columns will be separated by underscores in the new column, but this behavior can be altered via the sep
We’ve loaded the treatments
data into your workspace again, but this time the year_mo
column has been separated into year
and month
. The original column can be recreated by putting year
and month
back together:
unite(treatments, year_mo, year, month)
Experiment with this in the console before attempting the exercise.
In the last exercise, you separated the Country_ISO
column of the bmi_cc
dataset into two columns (Country
and ISO
) and saved the result to bmi_cc_clean
. Now you’re going to put the columns back together!
function to bmi_cc_clean
and ISO
columns into a single column called Country_ISO
# Apply unite() to bmi_cc_clean
bmi_cc <- unite(bmi_cc_clean, Country_ISO, Country, ISO, sep = "-")
# View the head of the result
You saw earlier in the chapter how we sometimes come across datasets where column names are actually values of a variable (e.g. months of the year). This is often the case when working with repeated measures data, where measurements are taken on subjects of interest on multiple occasions over time. The gather()
function is helpful in these situations.
and dplyr
are already loaded for you.
and amount
), saving the result to census2
the rows of census2
by the YEAR
column.# View the head of census
# Gather the month columns
census2 <- gather(census, month, amount, -YEAR)
# Arrange rows by YEAR using dplyr's arrange
census2_arr <- arrange(census2, YEAR)
# View first 20 rows of census2_arr
head(census2_arr, 20)
Sometimes you’ll run into situations where variables are stored in both rows and columns. To illustrate this, we’ve loaded the pets
dataset from the video, which tells us in a convoluted way how many birds, cats, and dogs Jason, Lisa, and Terrence have. Print the pets
dataset to see for yourself.
Although it may not be immediately obvious, if we treat the values in the type
column as variables and create a separate column for each of them, we can set things straight. To do this, we use the spread()
function. Run the following code to see for yourself:
spread(pets, type, num)
The result shows the exact same information in a much clearer way! Notice that the spread()
function took in three arguments. The first argument takes the name of your messy dataset (pets
), the second argument takes the name of the column to spread into new columns (type
), and the third argument takes the column that contains the value with which to fill in the newly spread out columns (num
Now let’s try this on a new messy dataset census_long
. What information does this tell us?
and dplyr
are already loaded for you.
would be best to spread, and which column of census_long
would be best to display in the newly spread out columns. Use the spread()
function accordingly and save the result to census_long2
.# View first 50 rows of census_long
# Spread the type column
census_long2 <- spread(census_long, type, amount)
# View first 20 rows of census_long2
It’s also fairly common that you will find two variables stored in a single column of data. These variables may be joined by a separator like a dash, underscore, space, or forward slash.
The separate()
function comes in handy in these situations. To practice using it, we have created a slight modification of last exercise’s result. Keep in mind that the into
argument, which specifies the names of the 2 new columns being formed, must be given as a character vector (e.g. c("column1", "column2")
and dplyr
are already loaded for you.
to split the yr_month
column into two separate variables: year
and month
, saving the result to census_long4
.# View the head of census_long3
# Separate the yr_month column into two
census_long4 <- separate(census_long3, yr_month, c("year", "month") )
# View the first 6 rows of the result
As in other programming languages, R is capable of storing data in many different formats, most of which you’ve probably seen by now.
Loosely speaking, the class()
function tells you what type of object you’re working with. (There are subtle differences between the class
, type
, and mode
of an object, but these distinctions are beyond the scope of this course.)
It is often necessary to change, or coerce, the way that variables in a dataset are stored. This could be because of the way they were read into R (with read.csv()
, for example) or perhaps the function you are using to analyze the data requires variables to be coded a certain way.
Only certain coercions are allowed, but the rules for what works are generally pretty intuitive. For example, trying to convert a character string to a number gives an error: as.numeric("some text")
There are a few less intuitive results. For example, under the hood, the logical values TRUE
are coded as 1
and 0
, respectively. Therefore, as.logical(1)
returns TRUE
and as.numeric(TRUE)
returns 1
We’ve loaded a dataset called students
into your workspace. These data provide information on 395 students including their grades in three classes (in the Grades
column, separated by /
to preview students and see the class of each variable.Grades
to character
to factor
(categorical variable representing mother’s education level)Fedu
to factor
(categorical variable representing father’s education level)str()
again to see the changes to students
.# Preview students with str()
# Coerce Grades to character
students$Grades <- as.character(students$Grades)
# Coerce Medu to factor
students$Medu <- as.factor(students$Medu)
# Coerce Fedu to factor
students$Fedu <- as.factor(students$Fedu)
# Look at students once more with str()
Dates can be a challenge to work with in any programming language, but thanks to the lubridate
package, working with dates in R isn’t so bad. Since this course is about cleaning data, we only cover the most basic functions from lubridate to help us standardize the format of dates and times in our data.
As you saw in the video, these functions combine the letters y
, m
, d
, h
, m
, s
, which stand for year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, respectively. The order of the letters in the function should match the order of the date/time you are attempting to read in, although not all combinations are valid. Notice that the functions are “smart” in that they are capable of parsing multiple formats.
We have loaded a dataset called students2
into your workspace. students2
is similar to students
, except now instead of an age for each student, we have a (hypothetical) date of birth in the dob
column. There’s another new column called nurse_visit
, which gives a timestamp for each student’s most recent visit to the school nurse.
with str()
. Notice that dob
and nurse_visit
are both stored as character
to a date (with no time).nurse_visit
to a date and time.str()
to see the changes to students2
.# Preview students2 with str()
# Load the lubridate package
# Parse as date
dmy("17 Sep 2015")
# Parse as date and time (with no seconds!)
mdy_hm("July 15, 2012 12:56")
# Coerce dob to a date (with no time)
students2$dob <- ymd(students2$dob)
One common issue that comes up when cleaning data is the need to remove leading and/or trailing white space. The str_trim()
function from stringr makes it easy to do this while leaving intact the part of the string that you actually want.
str_trim(" this is a test ")
[1] “this is a test”
A similar issue is when you need to pad strings to make them a certain number of characters wide. One example is if you had a bunch of employee ID numbers, some of which begin with one or more zeros. When reading these data in, you find that the leading zeros have been dropped somewhere along the way (probably because the variable was thought to be numeric and in that case, leading zeros would be unnecessary.)
str_pad(“24493”, width = 7, side = “left”, pad = “0”)
[1] “0024493”
# Load the stringr package
# Trim all leading and trailing whitespace
str_trim(c(" Filip ", "Nick ", " Jonathan"))
# Pad these strings with leading zeros
str_pad(c("23485W", "8823453Q", "994Z"), width = 9, side = "left", pad = "0")
In addition to trimming and padding strings, you may need to adjust their case from time to time. Making strings uppercase or lowercase is very straightforward in (base) R thanks to toupper()
and tolower()
. Each function takes exactly one argument: the character string (or vector/column of strings) to be converted to the desired case.
There’s a vector of state abbreviations called states
in your workspace, but there’s a problem…it’s all lowercase. It’s more common for state abbreviations to be all uppercase.
to the console.states
all uppercase and save the result to states_upper
all lowercase again, but don’t save the result.# Print state abbreviations
# Make states all uppercase and save result to states_upper
states_upper <- toupper(states)
# Make states_upper all lowercase again
The stringr package provides two functions that are very useful for finding and/or replacing patterns in strings: str_detect()
and str_replace()
Like all functions in stringr, the first argument of each is the string of interest. The second argument of each is the pattern of interest. In the case of str_detect()
, this is the pattern we are searching for. In the case of str_replace()
, this is the pattern we want to replace. Finally, str_replace()
has a third argument, which is the string to replace with.
str_detect(c(“banana”, “kiwi”), “a”)
str_replace(c(“banana”, “kiwi”), “a”, “o”)
[1] “bonana” “kiwi”
The data.frame students2
is already available for you in the workspace. stringr
is already loaded. students3
is a copy of it for you to work on so you can always start from scratch if you happen to make a mistake.
The students2
dataset from earlier in the chapter has been loaded for you again.
of students3
to remind yourself of how it looks.dob
) in 1997 using str_detect()
. This should return a vector of TRUE
with "Female"
in students3$sex
with "Male"
in students3$sex
of students3
to see the result of these# Copy of students2: students3
students3 <- students2
# Look at the head of students3
# Detect all dates of birth (dob) in 1997
str_detect(students3$dob, "1997")
# In the sex column, replace "F" with "Female" ...
students3$sex <- str_replace(students3$sex, "F","Female")
# ... and "M" with "Male"
students3$sex <- str_replace(students3$sex, "M","Male")
# View the head of students3
As you’ve seen, missing values in R should be represented by NA
, but unfortunately you will not always be so lucky. Before you can deal with missing values, you have to find them in the data.
If missing values are properly coded as NA
, the
function will help you find them. Otherwise, if your dataset is too big to just look at the whole thing, you may need to try searching for some of the usual suspects like ""
, "#N/A"
, etc. You can also use the summary()
and table()
functions to turn up unexpected values in your data.
In this exercise, we’ve created a simple dataset called social_df
that has 3 pieces of information for each of four friends:
on social_df
to spot all NA
function to ask the question “Are there any NA
values in my dataset?”.summary()
of the dataset to see how missing values are broken out.status
variable.# Call on the full social_df to spot all NAs
# Use the any() function to ask whether there are any NAs in the data
# View a summary() of the dataset
# Call table() on the status column
Missing values can be a rather complex subject, but here we’ll only look at the simple case where you are simply interested in normalizing and/or removing all missing values from your data. For more information on why this is not always the best strategy, search online for “missing not at random.”
Looking at the social_df
dataset again, we asked around a bit and figured out what’s causing the missing values that you saw in the last exercise. Tom doesn’t have a social media account on this particular platform, which explains why his number of friends and current status are missing (although coded in two different ways). Alice is on the platform, but is a passive user and never sets her status, hence the reason it’s missing for her.
The stringr
package is preloaded.
) with NA
in the status
column of social_df
to confirm your changes.complete.cases()
to return a vector containing TRUE
to see which rows have NO missing
to remove all rows with one or more missing values (without saving the result).# Replace all empty strings in status with NA
social_df$status[social_df$status == ""] <- NA
# Print social_df to the console
# Use complete.cases() to see which rows have no missing values
# Use na.omit() to remove all rows with any missing values
When dealing with strange values in your data, you often must decide whether they are just extreme or actually erroneous. Extreme values show up all over the place, but you, the data analyst, must figure out when they are plausible and when they are not.
We have loaded a dataset called students3
, which is another slight variation of the original students
dataset. Two variables appear to have suspicious values: age
and absences
. Let’s explore these value further.
on the full students3
dataset to expose the concerning values of age
and absences
) of the age variable.absences
, but force values of zero to be bucketed to the right of zero on the x-axis with right = FALSE
(see ?hist
for more info).# Look at a summary() of students3
# View a histogram of the age variable
# View a histogram of the absences variable
# View a histogram of absences, but force zeros to be bucketed to the right of zero
hist(students3$absences, right = FALSE)
Another useful way of looking at strange values is with boxplots. Simply put, boxplots draw a box around the middle 50% of values for a given variable, with a bolded horizontal line drawn at the median. Values that fall far from the bulk of the data points (i.e. outliers) are denoted by open circles. (If you’re curious about the exact formula for determining what is “far”, check out ?hist
In this situation, we are concerned about three things:
variable, which is either a mistake or an intentional coding meant to say, for example, “this value is missing”.absences
in the positive direction, with a maximum value of 75 (which is over 18 times the median value of 4).Instruction:
of the age
variable from students3
of the absences
variable from students3
.# View a boxplot of age
# View a boxplot of absences
Before diving into our data cleaning routine, we must first understand the basic structure of the data. This involves looking at things like the class() of the data object to make sure it’s what we expect (generally a data.frame) in addition to checking its dimensions with dim() and the column names with names().
For the weather
dataset, which is loaded in your workspace:
using the function class()
.# Verify that weather is a data.frame
# Check the dimensions
# View the column names
Next up is to look at some summaries of the data. This is where functions like str()
, glimpse()
from dplyr, and summary()
come in handy.
# View the structure of the data
# Load dplyr package
# Look at the structure using dplyr's glimpse()
# View a summary of the data
After understanding the structure of the data and looking at some brief summaries, it often helps to preview the actual data. The functions head()
and tail()
allow you to view the top and bottom rows of the data, respectively. Recall you’ll be shown 6 rows by default, but you can alter this behavior with a second argument to the function.
For the weather data:
# View first 6 rows
# View first 15 rows
head(weather, 15)
# View the last 6 rows
# View the last 10 rows
tail(weather, 10)
The weather
dataset suffers from one of the five most common symptoms of messy data: column names are values. In particular, the column names X1
represent days of the month, which should really be values of a new variable called day
The tidyr package provides the gather()
function for exactly this scenario. To remind you of how it works, we’ve loaded a small dataset called df
in your workspace. Give the following a try in the console before attempting the instructions below.
gather(df, time, val, t1:t3)
Notice that gather()
allows you to select multiple columns to be gathered by using the :
on the weather
data to gather columns X1
. The two columns created as a result should be called day
and value
. Save the result as weather2
.# Load the tidyr package
# Gather the columns
weather2 <- gather(weather, day, value, X1:X31, na.rm = TRUE)
# View the head
Our data suffer from a second common symptom of messy data: values are variable names. Specifically, values in the measure
column should be variables (i.e. column names) in our dataset.
The spread()
function from tidyr is designed to help with this. To remind you of how this function works, we’ve loaded another small dataset called df2
(which is the result of applying gather()
to the original df
from last exercise). Give the following a try before attempting the instructions below.
spread(df2, time, val)
Note how the values of the time
column now become column names. The tidyr
package is already loaded.
, assigning to without_x
column of without_x
and save the result to weather3
.# First remove column of row names
without_x <- weather2[, -1]
# Spread the data
weather3 <- spread(without_x, measure, value)
# View the head
Now that the weather dataset adheres to tidy data principles, the next step is to prepare it for analysis. We’ll start by combining the year, month, and day columns and recoding the resulting character column as a date. We can use a combination of base R, stringr, and lubridate to accomplish this task.
and dplyr
are already loaded.
to remove the X
s from the day
column of weather3
. Use the unite()
function from tidyr to paste together the year
, month
, and day
columns in order, using -
as a separator (see ?unite
if you need help).date
column using the appropriate function from lubridate
) to reorder columns, saving the result to weather5
.# Load the stringr and lubridate packages
# Remove X's from day column
weather3$day <- str_replace(weather3$day, "X","")
# Unite the year, month, and day columns
weather4 <- unite(weather3, date, year, month, day, sep = "-")
# Convert date column to proper date format using lubridates's ymd()
weather4$date <- ymd(weather4$date)
# Rearrange columns using dplyr's select()
weather5 <- select(weather4, date, Events, CloudCover:WindDirDegrees)
# View the head of weather5
It’s important for analysis that variables are coded appropriately. This is not yet the case with our weather data. Recall that functions such as as.numeric()
and as.character()
can be used to coerce variables into different types.
It’s important to keep in mind that coercions are not always successful, particularly if there’s some data in a column that you don’t expect. For example, the following will cause problems:
as.numeric(c(4, 6.44, "some string", 222))
If you run the code above in the console, you’ll get a warning message saying that R introduced an NA
in the process of coercing to numeric. This is because it doesn’t know how to make a number out of a string ("some string"
). Watch out for this in our weather data!
to see how variables are stored in weather5
. Keep an eye out for strange values!PrecipitationIn
column of weather5
to numeric without saving the result.# View the structure of weather5
# Examine the first 20 rows of weather5. Are most of the characters numeric?
head(weather5, 20)
# See what happens if we try to convert PrecipitationIn to numeric
As you saw in the last exercise, "T"
was used to denote a trace amount (i.e. too small to be accurately measured) of precipitation in the PrecipitationIn
column. In order to coerce this column to numeric, you’ll need to deal with this somehow. To keep things simple, we will just replace "T"
with zero, as a string (“0”).
The dplyr
and stringr
packages are already loaded.
from stringr to make the proper replacements in the PrecipitationIn
column of weather5
as-is to conveniently apply as.numeric()
to all columns from CloudCover
through WindDirDegrees
(reading left to right in the data), saving the result to weather6
to confirm the coercions were successful.# Replace "T" with "0" (T = trace)
weather5$PrecipitationIn <- str_replace(weather5$PrecipitationIn, "T", "0")
# Convert characters to numerics
weather6 <- mutate_at(weather5, vars(CloudCover:WindDirDegrees), funs(as.numeric))
# Look at result
Before dealing with missing values in the data, it’s important to find them and figure out why they exist in the first place. If your dataset is too big to look at all at once, like it is here, remember you can use sum()
to quickly size up the situation by counting the number of NA
The summary()
function may also come in handy for identifying which variables contain the missing values. Finally, the which()
function is useful for locating the missing values within a particular column.
to count the number of NA
values in weather6.summary()
of weather6
to figure out how the missings are distributed among the different variables.which()
to identify the indices (i.e. row numbers) where Max.Gust.SpeedMPH
is NA
and save the result to ind
(for indices).ind
to look at the full rows of weather6
for which Max.Gust.SpeedMPH
is missing.# Count missing values
# Find missing values
# Find indices of NAs in Max.Gust.SpeedMPH
ind <- which($Max.Gust.SpeedMPH))
# Look at the full rows for records missing Max.Gust.SpeedMPH
weather6[ind, ]
Besides missing values, we want to know if there are values in the data that are too extreme or bizarre to be plausible. A great way to start the search for these values is with summary()
Once implausible values are identified, they must be dealt with in an intelligent and informed way. Sometimes the best way forward is obvious and other times it may require some research and/or discussions with the original collectors of the data.
of weather6
to find the index of the erroneous element of weather6$Max.Humidity
, saving the result to ind
to look at the full row of weather6
for that day.# Review distributions for all variables
# Find row with Max.Humidity of 1000
ind <- which(weather6$Max.Humidity == 1000)
# Look at the data for that day
weather6[ind, ]
# Change 1000 to 100
weather6$Max.Humidity[ind] <- 100
You’ve discovered and repaired one obvious error in the data, but it appears that there’s another. Sometimes you get lucky and can infer the correct or intended value from the other data. For example, if you know the minimum and maximum values of a particular metric on a given day…
to look at the value of only the Mean.VisibilityMiles
variable of weather6
to look at the full row of weather6
for this day.Mean.VisibilityMiles
, then make the appropriate fix.# Look at summary of Mean.VisibilityMiles
# Get index of row with -1 value
ind <- which(weather6$Mean.VisibilityMiles == -1)
# Look at full row
# Set Mean.VisibilityMiles to the appropriate value
weather6$Mean.VisibilityMiles[ind] <- 10
In addition to dealing with obvious errors in the data, we want to see if there are other extreme values. In addition to the trusty summary()
function, hist()
is useful for quickly getting a feel for how different variables are distributed.
of weather6
one more time for extreme or unexpected values.MeanDew.PointF
to compare distributions.# Review summary of full data once more
# Look at histogram for MeanDew.PointF
# Look at histogram for Min.TemperatureF
# Compare to histogram for Mean.TemperatureF
Before officially calling our weather data clean, we want to put a couple of finishing touches on the data. These are a bit more subjective and may not be necessary for analysis, but they will make the data easier for others to interpret, which is generally a good thing.
There are a number of stylistic conventions in the R language. Depending on who you ask, these conventions may vary. Because the period (.
) has special meaning in certain situations, we generally recommend using underscores (_
) to separate words in variable names. We also prefer all lowercase letters so that no one has to remember which letters are uppercase or lowercase.
Finally, the events
column (renamed to be all lowercase in the first instruction) contains an empty string (""
) for any day on which there was no significant weather event such as rain, fog, a thunderstorm, etc. However, if it’s the first time you’re seeing these data, it may not be obvious that this is the case, so it’s best for us to be explicit and replace the empty strings with something more meaningful.
, all of which obey the conventions described above. Clean up the column names of weather6
by assigning new_colnames
to names(weather6)
column of weather6
with "None"
data frame to see the changes.# Clean up column names
names(weather6) <- new_colnames
# Replace empty cells in events column
weather6$events[weather6$events == ""] <- "None"
# Print the first 6 rows of weather6