import numpy as np
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
c, v = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6, 7), unpack=True)
print("\n\r读入文件\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\r价格c =", c)
print("\n\r第8列数据成交量\n\r成交量v =", v)
# 计算成交量加权平均价格
vwap = np.average(c, weights=v)
print("\n\r1 计算成交量加权平均价格\n\r计算成交量加权平均价格\n\rnp.average(c, weights=v)=", vwap)
# 算术平均值函数
print("\n\r2 算术平均值函数\n\r2 开市价最高值算术平均值\n\r平均价格mean=", np.mean(c))
# 时间加权平均价格
t = np.arange(len(c))
print("\n\r3 时间加权平均价格\n\r时间\n\r时间数组t =", t)
print("\n\r时间加权平均价格\n\rnp.average(c, weights=t)=", np.average(c, weights=t))
# 寻找最大值和最小值
h, l = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(4, 5), unpack=True)
print("\n\r4 寻找最大值和最小值\n\r第5列数据开市价最高价\n\r价格h=", h)
print("\n\r第6列数据收市价最低价\n\r价格l=", l)
print("\n\r开市价最大值\n\rhighest=", np.max(h))
print("\n\r收市价最小值\n\rlowest=", np.min(l))
print("\n\r开市价最大与收市价最小的中间值\n\rmedile=", (np.max(h) + np.min(l)) / 2)
print("\n\r开市价最高价的极差(波动)\n\rSpread high price=", np.ptp(h))
print("\n\r收市价最低价的极差(波动)\n\rSpread low price=", np.ptp(l))
# 统计分析
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
print("\n\r统计分析\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\r价格c =", c)
print("\n\r1 收市价最高价的中位数\n\rmedian(c)=", np.median(c))
sorted = np.msort(c)
print("\n\r2 c排序\n\rsorted =", sorted)
print("\n\r3 收市价最高价的方差(函数)\n\rvariance=", np.var(c))
print("\n\r4 收市价最高价的方差(公式)\n\rvariance from definition=", np.mean((c - c.mean()) ** 2))
价格c = [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
成交量v = [21144800. 13473000. 15236800. 9242600. 14064100. 11494200. 17322100.
13608500. 17240800. 33162400. 13127500. 11086200. 10149000. 17184100.
18949000. 29144500. 31162200. 23994700. 17853500. 13572000. 14395400.
16290300. 21521000. 17885200. 16188000. 19504300. 12718000. 16192700.
18138800. 16824200.]
1 计算成交量加权平均价格
np.average(c, weights=v)= 350.5895493532009
2 算术平均值函数
2 开市价最高值算术平均值
平均价格mean= 351.0376666666667
3 时间加权平均价格
时间数组t = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29]
np.average(c, weights=t)= 352.4283218390804
4 寻找最大值和最小值
价格h= [344.4 340.04 345.65 345.25 344.24 346.7 353.25 355.52 359. 360.
357.8 359.48 359.97 364.9 360.27 359.5 345.4 344.64 345.15 348.43
355.05 355.72 354.35 359.79 360.29 361.67 357.4 354.76 349.77 352.32]
价格l= [333.53 334.3 340.98 343.55 338.55 343.51 347.64 352.15 354.87 348.
353.54 356.71 357.55 360.5 356.52 349.52 337.72 338.61 338.37 344.8
351.12 347.68 348.4 355.92 357.75 351.31 352.25 350.6 344.9 345. ]
highest= 364.9
lowest= 333.53
medile= 349.215
Spread high price= 24.859999999999957
Spread low price= 26.970000000000027
价格c = [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
1 收市价最高价的中位数
median(c)= 352.055
2 c排序
sorted = [336.1 338.61 339.32 342.62 342.88 343.44 344.32 345.03 346.5 346.67
348.16 349.31 350.56 351.88 351.99 352.12 352.47 353.21 354.54 355.2
355.36 355.76 356.85 358.16 358.3 359.18 359.56 359.9 360. 363.13]
3 收市价最高价的方差(函数)
variance= 50.126517888888884
4 收市价最高价的方差(公式)
variance from definition= 50.126517888888884
# 股票收益率
import numpy as np
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
returns = np.diff(c) / c[: -1]
print("\n\r股票收益率\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\r价格c=", c)
print("\n\r1 收市价最高价数组差分\n\rnp.diff(c)=", np.diff(c))
print("\n\r2 去掉最后一个元素\n\rc[: -1]=", c[: -1])
print("\n\r3 收益率\n\rreturns=", returns)
print("\n\r4 收益率的标准差\n\rStandard deviation=", np.std(returns))
posretindices = np.where(returns > 0)
print("\n\r5 打印收益率大于0的序号\n\rposretindices=", posretindices)
logreturns = np.diff(np.log(c))
print("\n\r6 收市价最高价的自然对数\n\rnp.log(c)=", np.log(c))
print("\n\r7 对数收益率\n\rlogreturns=", logreturns)
annual_volatility = np.std(logreturns) / np.mean(logreturns)
annual_volatility = annual_volatility / np.sqrt(1. / 252.)
print("\n\r8 收市价最高价的年度波动\n\rAnnual volatility=", annual_volatility)
print("\n\r9 收市价最高价的月度波动\n\rMonthly volatility=", annual_volatility * np.sqrt(1. / 12.))
价格c= [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
1 收市价最高价数组差分
np.diff(c)= [ 3.22 5.71 -0.71 -0.88 3.06 5.38 3.32 2.96 -3.62 2.31
2.33 0.72 3.23 -4.83 -7.74 -11.95 4.01 0.26 5.28 5.05
-3.9 2.81 7.44 0.44 -4.64 0.4 -3.29 -5.8 5.32]
2 去掉最后一个元素
c[: -1]= [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67]
3 收益率
returns= [ 0.00958048 0.01682777 -0.00205779 -0.00255576 0.00890985 0.0155267
0.00943503 0.00833333 -0.01010721 0.00651548 0.00652935 0.00200457
0.00897472 -0.01330102 -0.02160201 -0.03408832 0.01184253 0.00075886
0.01539897 0.01450483 -0.01104159 0.00804443 0.02112916 0.00122372
-0.01288889 0.00112562 -0.00924781 -0.0164553 0.01534601]
4 收益率的标准差
Standard deviation= 0.012922134436826306
5 打印收益率大于0的序号
posretindices= (array([ 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,
25, 28], dtype=int64),)
6 收市价最高价的自然对数
np.log(c)= [5.81740873 5.82694361 5.84363137 5.84157146 5.83901242 5.84788282
5.86329021 5.87268101 5.88097981 5.87082117 5.87731553 5.88382366
5.88582622 5.8947609 5.88137062 5.85953188 5.824849 5.83662196
5.83738053 5.85266214 5.86706278 5.85595978 5.86397203 5.88488106
5.88610403 5.87313136 5.87425635 5.86496551 5.84837332 5.86360277]
7 对数收益率
logreturns= [ 0.00953488 0.01668775 -0.00205991 -0.00255903 0.00887039 0.01540739
0.0093908 0.0082988 -0.01015864 0.00649435 0.00650813 0.00200256
0.00893468 -0.01339027 -0.02183875 -0.03468287 0.01177296 0.00075857
0.01528161 0.01440064 -0.011103 0.00801225 0.02090904 0.00122297
-0.01297267 0.00112499 -0.00929083 -0.01659219 0.01522945]
8 收市价最高价的年度波动
Annual volatility= 129.27478991115132
9 收市价最高价的月度波动
Monthly volatility= 37.318417377317765
import numpy as np
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 日期分析
from datetime import datetime
# Monday 0
# Tuesday 1
# Wednesday 2
# Thursday 3
# Friday 4
# Saturday 5
# Sunday 6
def datestr2num(s):
return datetime.strptime(s.decode('ascii'), "%d-%m-%Y").date().weekday()
dates, close = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(1, 6), converters={
1: datestr2num}, unpack=True)
print("\n\r日期分析\n\r第2列数据日期\n\r日期数组dates=", dates)
print("\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rclose=", close)
averages = np.zeros(5)
for i in range(5):
indices = np.where(dates == i)
prices = np.take(close, indices)
avg = np.mean(prices)
print("Day", i, "prices", prices, "Average", avg)
averages[i] = avg
top = np.max(averages)
print("\n\r1 最大值平均值\n\rHighest average=", top)
print("\n\r2 最大值平均值的日期(索引)\n\rTop day of the week=", np.argmax(averages))
bottom = np.min(averages)
print("\n\r3 最小值平均值\n\rLowest average", bottom)
print("\n\r4 最小值平均值的日期(索引)\n\rBottom day of the week=", np.argmin(averages))
日期数组dates= [4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3.
4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.]
close= [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
Day 0 prices [[339.32 351.88 359.18 353.21 355.36]] Average 351.7900000000001
Day 1 prices [[345.03 355.2 359.9 338.61 349.31 355.76]] Average 350.63500000000005
Day 2 prices [[344.32 358.16 363.13 342.62 352.12 352.47]] Average 352.1366666666666
Day 3 prices [[343.44 354.54 358.3 342.88 359.56 346.67]] Average 350.8983333333333
Day 4 prices [[336.1 346.5 356.85 350.56 348.16 360. 351.99]] Average 350.0228571428571
1 最大值平均值
Highest average= 352.1366666666666
2 最大值平均值的日期(索引)
Top day of the week= 2
3 最小值平均值
Lowest average 350.0228571428571
4 最小值平均值的日期(索引)
Bottom day of the week= 4
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 保存文件
destr = "文件保存路径"
# 周汇总
def datestr2num(s):
return datetime.strptime(s.decode('ascii'), "%d-%m-%Y").date().weekday()
dates, open, high, low, close = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(1, 3, 4, 5, 6), converters={
1: datestr2num}, unpack=True)
close = close[:16]
dates = dates[:16]
print("\n\r周汇总\n\r第2列数据日期\n\r日期数组dates=", dates)
print("\n\r第4列数据开市价最低价\n\r价格open =", open)
print("\n\r第5列数据开市价最高价\n\r价格high=", high)
print("\n\r第6列数据收市价最低价\n\r价格low=", low)
print("\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\r价格close =", close)
# get first Monday
first_monday = np.ravel(np.where(dates == 0))[0]
print("\n\r1 第一个周一日期\n\rThe first Monday index is", first_monday)
# get last Friday
last_friday = np.ravel(np.where(dates == 4))[-1]
print("\n\r2 最后一个周五日期\n\rThe last Friday index is", last_friday)
weeks_indices = np.arange(first_monday, last_friday + 1)
print("\n\r3 日期数组\n\rWeeks indices initial", weeks_indices)
weeks_indices = np.split(weeks_indices, 3)
print("\n\r4 周日期数组\n\rWeeks indices after split", weeks_indices)
def summarize(a, o, h, l, c):
monday_open = o[a[0]]
week_high = np.max(np.take(h, a))
week_low = np.min(np.take(l, a))
friday_close = c[a[-1]]
return ("APPL", monday_open, week_high, week_low, friday_close)
weeksummary = np.apply_along_axis(summarize, 1, weeks_indices, open, high, low, close)
print("\n\r5 周汇总\n\rWeek summary=\n\r", weeksummary)
np.savetxt(destr, weeksummary, delimiter=",", fmt="%s")
日期数组dates= [4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.]
价格open = [344.17 335.8 341.3 344.45 343.8 343.61 347.89 353.68 355.19 357.39
354.75 356.79 359.19 360.8 357.1 358.21 342.05 338.77 344.02 345.29
351.21 355.47 349.96 357.2 360.07 361.11 354.91 354.69 349.69 345.4 ]
价格high= [344.4 340.04 345.65 345.25 344.24 346.7 353.25 355.52 359. 360.
357.8 359.48 359.97 364.9 360.27 359.5 345.4 344.64 345.15 348.43
355.05 355.72 354.35 359.79 360.29 361.67 357.4 354.76 349.77 352.32]
价格low= [333.53 334.3 340.98 343.55 338.55 343.51 347.64 352.15 354.87 348.
353.54 356.71 357.55 360.5 356.52 349.52 337.72 338.61 338.37 344.8
351.12 347.68 348.4 355.92 357.75 351.31 352.25 350.6 344.9 345. ]
价格close = [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56]
1 第一个周一日期
The first Monday index is 1
2 最后一个周五日期
The last Friday index is 15
3 日期数组
Weeks indices initial [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
4 周日期数组
Weeks indices after split [array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=int64), array([ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=int64), array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15], dtype=int64)]
5 周汇总
Week summary=
[['APPL' '335.8' '346.7' '334.3' '346.5']
['APPL' '347.8' '360.0' '347.6' '356.8']
['APPL' '356.7' '364.9' '349.5' '350.5']]
import numpy as np
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 真实波动幅度均值
h, l, c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(4, 5, 6), unpack=True)
N = 20
h = h[-N:]
l = l[-N:]
print("\n\r真实波动幅度均值\n\r1 第5列数据后20天开市价最高价\n\rh=\n\r", h)
print("\n\r2 第6列数据后20天收市价最低价\n\rl=\n\r", l)
print("\n\rlen(h)=", len(h), "\n\rlen(l)=", len(l))
print("\n\r3 第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rclose=\n\r", c)
previousclose = c[-N - 1: -1]
print("\n\rlen(previousclose)=", len(previousclose))
print("\n\r4 第7列数据后20天收市价最高价\n\rPrevious close=\n\r", previousclose)
truerange = np.maximum(h - l, h - previousclose, previousclose - l)
print("\n\r5 波动最大值\n\rTrue range=\n\r", truerange)
atr = np.zeros(N)
atr[0] = np.mean(truerange)
for i in range(1, N):
atr[i] = (N - 1) * atr[i - 1] + truerange[i]
atr[i] /= N
print("\n\r6 均幅指标\n\rATR=\n\r", atr)
1 第5列数据后20天开市价最高价
[357.8 359.48 359.97 364.9 360.27 359.5 345.4 344.64 345.15 348.43
355.05 355.72 354.35 359.79 360.29 361.67 357.4 354.76 349.77 352.32]
2 第6列数据后20天收市价最低价
[353.54 356.71 357.55 360.5 356.52 349.52 337.72 338.61 338.37 344.8
351.12 347.68 348.4 355.92 357.75 351.31 352.25 350.6 344.9 345. ]
len(h)= 20
len(l)= 20
3 第7列数据收市价最高价
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
len(previousclose)= 20
4 第7列数据后20天收市价最高价
Previous close=
[354.54 356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88
348.16 353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67]
5 波动最大值
True range=
[ 4.26 2.77 2.42 5. 3.75 9.98 7.68 6.03 6.78 5.55 6.89 8.04
5.95 7.67 2.54 10.36 5.15 4.16 4.87 7.32]
6 均幅指标
[5.8585 5.704075 5.53987125 5.51287769 5.4247338 5.65249711
5.75387226 5.76767864 5.81829471 5.80487998 5.85913598 5.96817918
5.96727022 6.05240671 5.87678637 6.10094705 6.0533997 5.95872972
5.90429323 5.97507857]
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 简单移动平均线
N = 5
weights = np.ones(N) / N
print("\n\r简单移动平均线\n\r区间0.2\n\rWeights=", weights)
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
sma = np.convolve(weights, c)[N - 1:-N + 1]
t = np.arange(N - 1, len(c))
print("\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rc=\n\r", c)
print("\n\r1 卷积\n\rsma=\n\r", sma)
print("\n\r2 日期区间\n\rt=\n\r", t)
plot(t, c[N - 1:], lw=1.0) # 收市价最高价时间曲线
plot(t, sma, lw=2.0)
Weights= [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
1 卷积
[341.642 343.722 346.234 348.268 351.036 353.256 355.326 356.786 357.726
358.72 359.472 358.214 354.1 350.644 346.594 344.566 345.096 347.236
349.136 352.472 354.84 355.27 356.56 356.63 354.052 352.45 ]
2 日期区间
[ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29]
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 指数移动平均线
x = np.arange(5)
print("\n\r指数移动平均线\n\r1 自然对数\n\rExp=", np.exp(x))
print("\n\r2 创建均匀区间\n\rLinspace=", np.linspace(-1, 0, 5))
N = 5
weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., N))
weights /= weights.sum()
print("\n\r3 区间\n\rWeights=", weights)
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
ema = np.convolve(weights, c)[N - 1:-N + 1]
t = np.arange(N - 1, len(c))
print("\n\r4 第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rc=\n\r", c)
print("\n\r5 卷积\n\rema=\n\r", ema)
print("\n\r6 日期区间\n\rt=\n\r", t)
plot(t, c[N - 1:], lw=1.0)
plot(t, ema, lw=2.0)
1 自然对数
Exp= [ 1. 2.71828183 7.3890561 20.08553692 54.59815003]
2 创建均匀区间
Linspace= [-1. -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0. ]
3 区间
Weights= [0.11405072 0.14644403 0.18803785 0.24144538 0.31002201]
4 第7列数据收市价最高价
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
5 卷积
[340.5975344 343.06107601 345.55611377 346.86543931 349.16687079
352.05941068 354.81884961 356.48612788 357.38745929 357.73487019
359.07112525 358.98460222 356.58308089 353.67019505 348.67384286
344.78329523 343.44479866 346.03834711 348.09272645 351.47563932
353.76772573 354.17134307 356.28771523 357.51137004 355.45939324
6 日期区间
[ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29]
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 布林带
N = 5
weights = np.ones(N) / N
print("\n\r布林带\n\r区间\n\rWeights=", weights)
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
sma = np.convolve(weights, c)[N - 1:-N + 1]
deviation = []
C = len(c)
for i in range(N - 1, C):
if i + N < C:
dev = c[i: i + N]
dev = c[-N:]
averages = np.zeros(N)
averages.fill(sma[i - N - 1])
dev = dev - averages
dev = dev ** 2
dev = np.sqrt(np.mean(dev))
deviation = 2 * np.array(deviation)
print("\n\rlen(deviation)=", len(deviation), "\n\rlen(sma)=", len(sma))
upperBB = sma + deviation
lowerBB = sma - deviation
c_slice = c[N - 1:]
between_bands = np.where((c_slice < upperBB) & (c_slice > lowerBB))
print("\n\r1 下轨道\n\rlowerBB[between_bands]=\n\r", lowerBB[between_bands])
print("\n\rc[between_bands]=\n\r", c[between_bands])
print("\n\r2 上轨道\n\rupperBB[between_bands]=\n\r", upperBB[between_bands])
between_bands = len(np.ravel(between_bands))
print("\n\rRatio between bands=", float(between_bands) / len(c_slice))
t = np.arange(N - 1, C)
plot(t, c_slice, lw=1.0)
plot(t, sma, lw=2.0)
plot(t, upperBB, lw=3.0)
plot(t, lowerBB, lw=4.0)
Weights= [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
len(deviation)= 26
len(sma)= 26
1 下轨道
[329.23044409 335.70890572 318.53386282 321.90858271 327.74175968
331.5628136 337.94259734 343.84172744 339.99900409 336.58687297
333.15550418 328.64879207 323.61483771 327.25667796 334.30323599
335.79295948 326.55905786 324.27329493 325.47601386 332.85867025
341.63882551 348.75558399 348.48014357 348.01342992 343.56371701
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36]
2 上轨道
[354.05355591 351.73509428 373.93413718 374.62741729 374.33024032
374.9491864 372.70940266 369.73027256 375.45299591 380.85312703
385.78849582 387.77920793 384.58516229 374.03132204 358.88476401
353.33904052 363.63294214 370.19870507 372.79598614 372.08532975
368.04117449 361.78441601 364.63985643 365.24657008 364.54028299
import numpy as np
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 线性模型
N = 5 # int(sys.argv[1])
print("\n\r线性模型\n\rN=", N)
c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(6,), unpack=True)
b = c[-N:]
b = b[::-1]
print("\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rc=", c)
print("\n\r1 最后5个数组倒序数组\n\rb=", b)
A = np.zeros((N, N), float)
print("\n\r空矩阵\n\rZeros N by N=", A)
for i in range(N):
A[i,] = c[-N - 1 - i: - 1 - i]
print("A[{},]={}".format(i, A[i,]))
print("\n\r2 数组\n\rA=", A)
(x, residuals, rank, s) = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)
print("\n\rx={}\n\rresiduals={}\n\rrank={}\n\rs={}".format(x, residuals, rank, s))
print("\n\rnp.dot(b, x)=", np.dot(b, x))
N= 5
c= [336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
1 最后5个数组倒序数组
b= [351.99 346.67 352.47 355.76 355.36]
Zeros N by N= [[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
A[0,]=[360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67]
A[1,]=[359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47]
A[2,]=[352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76]
A[3,]=[349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36]
A[4,]=[353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. ]
2 数组
A= [[360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67]
[359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47]
[352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76]
[349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36]
[353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. ]]
x=[ 0.78111069 -1.44411737 1.63563225 -0.89905126 0.92009049]
s=[1.77736601e+03 1.49622969e+01 8.75528492e+00 5.15099261e+00
np.dot(b, x)= 357.9391610152338
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
# 读入文件
str = "样例文件路径"
# 趋势线
def fit_line(t, y):
A = np.vstack([t, np.ones_like(t)]).T
return np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0]
h, l, c = np.loadtxt(str, delimiter=',', usecols=(4, 5, 6), unpack=True)
pivots = (h + l + c) / 3
print("\n\r线性模型\n\r第5列数据后20天开市价最高价\n\rh=\n\r", h)
print("\n\r第6列数据后20天收市价最低价\n\rl=\n\r", l)
print("\n\r第7列数据收市价最高价\n\rc=\n\r", c)
print("\n\r1 开市最高、收市最低和最高的平均值\n\rPivots=\n\r", pivots)
t = np.arange(len(c))
sa, sb = fit_line(t, pivots - (h - l))
ra, rb = fit_line(t, pivots + (h - l))
print("\n\rsa=", sa)
print("sb=", sb)
print("ra=", ra)
print("rb=", rb)
support = sa * t + sb
resistance = ra * t + rb
condition = (c > support) & (c < resistance)
print("\n\r2 support=\n\r", support)
print("\n\r3 resistance=\n\r", resistance)
print("\n\r4 Condition=\n\r", condition)
between_bands = np.where(condition)
print("\n\r5 support[between_bands]=\n\r", support[between_bands])
print("\n\r6 c[between_bands]=\n\r", c[between_bands])
print("\n\r7 resistance[between_bands]=\n\r", resistance[between_bands])
between_bands = len(np.ravel(between_bands))
print("\n\r8 Number points between bands=", between_bands)
print("\n\r9 Ratio between bands=", float(between_bands) / len(c))
print("\n\r10 Tomorrows support=", sa * (t[-1] + 1) + sb)
print("\n\r11 Tomorrows resistance=", ra * (t[-1] + 1) + rb)
a1 = c[c > support]
a2 = c[c < resistance]
print("\n\r12 a1=\n\r", a1)
print("\n\r13 a2=\n\r", a2)
print("\n\r14 Number of points between bands 2nd approach=", len(np.intersect1d(a1, a2)))
plot(t, c)
plot(t, support)
plot(t, resistance)
[344.4 340.04 345.65 345.25 344.24 346.7 353.25 355.52 359. 360.
357.8 359.48 359.97 364.9 360.27 359.5 345.4 344.64 345.15 348.43
355.05 355.72 354.35 359.79 360.29 361.67 357.4 354.76 349.77 352.32]
[333.53 334.3 340.98 343.55 338.55 343.51 347.64 352.15 354.87 348.
353.54 356.71 357.55 360.5 356.52 349.52 337.72 338.61 338.37 344.8
351.12 347.68 348.4 355.92 357.75 351.31 352.25 350.6 344.9 345. ]
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54
356.85 359.18 359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 338.61 342.62 342.88 348.16
353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360. 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67 351.99]
1 开市最高、收市最低和最高的平均值
[338.01 337.88666667 343.88666667 344.37333333 342.07666667
345.57 350.92333333 354.29 357.34333333 354.18
356.06333333 358.45666667 359.14 362.84333333 358.36333333
353.19333333 340.57666667 341.95666667 342.13333333 347.13
353.12666667 350.90333333 351.62333333 358.42333333 359.34666667
356.11333333 355.13666667 352.61 347.11333333 349.77 ]
sa= 0.2666051167964402
sb= 341.39100358422934
ra= 0.2904449388209168
rb= 352.0359928315411
2 support=
[341.39100358 341.6576087 341.92421382 342.19081893 342.45742405
342.72402917 342.99063429 343.2572394 343.52384452 343.79044964
344.05705475 344.32365987 344.59026499 344.8568701 345.12347522
345.39008034 345.65668545 345.92329057 346.18989569 346.4565008
346.72310592 346.98971104 347.25631615 347.52292127 347.78952639
348.0561315 348.32273662 348.58934174 348.85594685 349.12255197]
3 resistance=
[352.03599283 352.32643777 352.61688271 352.90732765 353.19777259
353.48821753 353.77866246 354.0691074 354.35955234 354.64999728
354.94044222 355.23088716 355.5213321 355.81177704 356.10222198
356.39266691 356.68311185 356.97355679 357.26400173 357.55444667
357.84489161 358.13533655 358.42578149 358.71622642 359.00667136
359.2971163 359.58756124 359.87800618 360.16845112 360.45889606]
4 Condition=
[False False True True True True True False False True False False
False False False True False False False True True True True False
False True True True False True]
5 support[between_bands]=
[341.92421382 342.19081893 342.45742405 342.72402917 342.99063429
343.79044964 345.39008034 346.4565008 346.72310592 346.98971104
347.25631615 348.0561315 348.32273662 348.58934174 349.12255197]
6 c[between_bands]=
[345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 354.54 350.56 348.16 353.21 349.31
352.12 355.36 355.76 352.47 351.99]
7 resistance[between_bands]=
[352.61688271 352.90732765 353.19777259 353.48821753 353.77866246
354.64999728 356.39266691 357.55444667 357.84489161 358.13533655
358.42578149 359.2971163 359.58756124 359.87800618 360.45889606]
8 Number points between bands= 15
9 Ratio between bands= 0.5
10 Tomorrows support= 349.38915708812254
11 Tomorrows resistance= 360.7493409961686
12 a1=
[345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 355.2 358.16 354.54 356.85 359.18
359.9 363.13 358.3 350.56 348.16 353.21 349.31 352.12 359.56 360.
355.36 355.76 352.47 351.99]
13 a2=
[336.1 339.32 345.03 344.32 343.44 346.5 351.88 354.54 350.56 338.61
342.62 342.88 348.16 353.21 349.31 352.12 355.36 355.76 352.47 346.67
14 Number of points between bands 2nd approach= 15