


本来想今天写一个的,无意之间发现昨天临走的时候打开的一个页面中有这样的一个函数,仔细看了看,似乎很满足我的需求,运行了一次之后,果然把上面的字符串解析了出来!!但好像有一个问题,就是如果传进去的数组中含有值为数字的字符串,序列化之后就识别成数字而不是字符串。。。 代码如下:

--[[ @file Lua port of PHP serialization functions. Port based on PHPSerialize and PHPUnserialize by Scott Hurring @version v0.1 BETA @author Fernando P. García; fernando at develcuy dot com @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Fernando P. García @license GNU Public License $Id$ ]] local _serialize_key, _read_chars, _read_until, _unknown_type function _serialize_key(data) --[[ Serialize a key, which follows different rules than when serializing values. Many thanks to Todd DeLuca for pointing out that keys are serialized differently than values! From A key may be either an integer or a string. If a key is the standard representation of an integer, it will be interpreted as such (i.e. "8" will be interpreted as int 8, while "08" will be interpreted as "08"). Floats in key are truncated to integer. ]] -- Integer, Long, Float if type(data) == 'number' then return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';' -- Boolean => integer elseif type(data) == 'boolean' then if data then return 'i:1;' else return 'i:0;' end -- String => string or String => int (if string looks like int) elseif type(data) == 'string' then if tonumber(data) == nil then return 's:' .. string.len(data) .. ':"' .. data .. '";' else return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';' end -- None / NULL => empty string elseif type(data) == 'nil' then return 's:0:"";' -- I dont know how to serialize this else error('Unknown / Unhandled key type (' .. type(data) .. ')!') end end function serialize(data) --[[ Serialize a value. ]] local i, out, key, value -- Numbers if type(data) == 'number' then -- Integer => integer if math.floor(data) == data then return 'i:' .. data .. ';' -- Float, Long => double else return 'd:' .. data .. ';' end -- String => string or String => int (if string looks like int) -- Thanks to Todd DeLuca for noticing that PHP strings that -- look like integers are serialized as ints by PHP elseif type(data) == 'string' then if tonumber(data) == nil then return 's:' .. string.len(data) .. ':"' .. data .. '";' else return 'i:' .. tonumber(data) .. ';' end -- Nil / NULL elseif type(data) == 'nil' then return 'N;' -- Tuple and List => array -- The 'a' array type is the only kind of list supported by PHP. -- array keys are automagically numbered up from 0 elseif type(data) == 'table' then i = 0 out = {} -- All arrays must have keys for key, value in pairs(data) do table.insert(out, _serialize_key(key)) table.insert(out, serialize(value)) i = i + 1 end return 'a:' .. i .. ':{' .. table.concat(out) .. '}' -- Boolean => bool elseif type(data) == 'boolean' then if data then return 'b:1;' else return 'b:0;' end --~ TODO: --~ -- Table + Functions => stdClass --~ elseif type(data) == 'function' then --~ # I dont know how to serialize this else error('Unknown / Unhandled data type (' .. type(data) .. ')!') end end function _read_until(data, offset, stopchar) --[[ Read from data[offset] until you encounter some char 'stopchar'. ]] local buf = {} local char = string.sub(data, offset + 1, offset + 1) local i = 2 while not (char == stopchar) do -- Consumed all the characters and havent found ';' if i + offset > string.len(data) then error('Invalid') end table.insert(buf, char) char = string.sub(data, offset + i, offset + i) i = i + 1 end -- (chars_read, data) return i - 2, table.concat(buf) end function _read_chars(data, offset, length) --[[ Read 'length' number of chars from data[offset]. ]] local buf = {}, char -- Account for the starting quote char -- offset += 1 for i = 0, length -1 do char = string.sub(data, offset + i, offset + i) table.insert(buf, char) end -- (chars_read, data) return length, table.concat(buf) end function unserialize(data, offset) offset = offset or 0 --[[ Find the next token and unserialize it. Recurse on array. offset = raw offset from start of data --]] local buf, dtype, dataoffset, typeconvert, datalength, chars, readdata, i, key, value, keys, properties, otchars, otype, property buf = {} dtype = string.lower(string.sub(data, offset + 1, offset + 1)) -- 't:' = 2 chars dataoffset = offset + 2 typeconvert = function(x) return x end datalength = 0 chars = datalength -- int or double => Number if dtype == 'i' or dtype == 'd' then typeconvert = function(x) return tonumber(x) end chars, readdata = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ';') -- +1 for end semicolon dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 1 -- bool => Boolean elseif dtype == 'b' then typeconvert = function(x) return tonumber(x) == 1 end chars, readdata = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ';') -- +1 for end semicolon dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 1 -- n => None elseif dtype == 'n' then readdata = nil -- s => String elseif dtype == 's' then chars, stringlength = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') -- +2 for colons around length field dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2 -- +1 for start quote chars, readdata = _read_chars(data, dataoffset + 1, tonumber(stringlength)) -- +2 for endquote semicolon dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2 --[[ TODO review original: if chars != int(stringlength) != int(readdata): ]] if not (chars == tonumber(stringlength)) then error('String length mismatch') end -- array => Table -- If you originally serialized a Tuple or List, it will -- be unserialized as a Dict. PHP doesn't have tuples or lists, -- only arrays - so everything has to get converted into an array -- when serializing and the original type of the array is lost elseif dtype == 'a' then readdata = {} -- How many keys does this list have? chars, keys = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') -- +2 for colons around length field dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2 -- Loop through and fetch this number of key/value pairs for i = 0, tonumber(keys) - 1 do -- Read the key key, ktype, kchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset) dataoffset = dataoffset + kchars -- Read value of the key value, vtype, vchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset) -- Cound ending bracket of nested array if vtype == 'a' then vchars = vchars + 1 end dataoffset = dataoffset + vchars -- Set the list element readdata[key] = value end -- object => Table elseif dtype == 'o' then readdata = {} -- How log is the type of this object? chars, otchars = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2 -- Which type is this object? otype = string.sub(data, dataoffset + 1, dataoffset + otchars) dataoffset = dataoffset + otchars + 2 if otype == 'stdClass' then -- How many properties does this list have? chars, properties = _read_until(data, dataoffset, ':') -- +2 for colons around length field dataoffset = dataoffset + chars + 2 -- Loop through and fetch this number of key/value pairs for i = 0, tonumber(properties) - 1 do -- Read the key property, ktype, kchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset) dataoffset = dataoffset + kchars -- Read value of the key value, vtype, vchars = unserialize(data, dataoffset) -- Cound ending bracket of nested array if vtype == 'a' then vchars = vchars + 1 end dataoffset = dataoffset + vchars -- Set the list element readdata[property] = value end else _unknown_type(dtype) end else _unknown_type(dtype) end --~ return (dtype, dataoffset-offset, typeconvert(readdata)) return typeconvert(readdata), dtype, dataoffset - offset end -- I don't know how to unserialize this function _unknown_type(type_) error('Unknown / Unhandled data type (' .. type_ .. ')!', 2) end

之后还遇到一个问题,我的序列化的数据是从redis中通过lrange方法读出来的,我问了老板,读进去的时候已经被php序列化了,但读出来的我认为是序列化的数据用lua中的type函数检测后发现是table类型的。。。这样就不能直接套用unserialize方法进行反序列化了。之后我用lua中便利数组的方法 for key, value in pairs(lists) do print(key .. value) end ,发现序列化的值在value当中,这样就好办了,直接把value反序列化就可以了。好辛苦。。。。
