import random
list_guess = ['rock', 'scissors', 'paper']
player = input ('type your choice:')
compter = random. choice (list_guess)
while True :
print ('player is :'+ player)
print ('compter is :'+ comp)
if player not in list_guess:
print ("重新输入")
elif player in compter:
print ("平局!")
elif player is 'rock' and compter is 'scissors' or 'paper' or player is 'scissors' and compter is 'paper':
print ("电脑赢了!")
elif player is 'paper' and compter is 'scissors' or 'rock':
print ("你赢了!")
# elif player is 'scissors' and compter is 'paper':
# print ("电脑赢了!")
import random
list_guess = {0 :'rock',1 : 'scissors', 2 :'paper'}
while True :
player = int(input('请输入 0剪刀 1石头 2布:'))
computer = random. randint (0, 2)
print ("player is :" + list_guess [player])
print ("computer is :" + list_guess [computer])
if player not in range (0,3):
print ("重新输入")
elif player == computer:
print ("平局!")
# elif player is 'rock' and computer is 'scissors' or 'paper' or player is 'scissors' and computer is 'paper':
elif (player- computer == 1 or player - computer ==-2 ):
print ("你赢了!")
print ("电脑赢了!")