

President Trump briefly departed Walter Reed Medical Center on Sunday evening in a SUV to wave to supporters who have gathered outside as he receives treatment after testing positive for the coronavirus.


"The president's motorcade proceeded to drive down one side of the street where you have several dozen of the president's supporters," CNN's Jeremy Diamond, who is on the scene outside Walter Reed, said.

"The motorcade drove by at a pretty slow pace and the supporters here for the president went wild as they saw this happen," Diamond added.







The short trip, where Trump waved to his supporters through the window while wearing a mask in the back of his SUV, was an attempted show of strength that displayed the president's questionable judgment, his willingness to endanger his staff and the fact that he still does not seem to comprehend the seriousness of a highly contagious and deadly disease.



他在视频中称,在医生那里得到了“很好的报告”(“great reports”),并表示感染新冠病毒以来,“是一段非常有趣的旅程,学到了很多有关新冠的知识。”

“So it’s been a very interesting journey. I learned a lot about Covid.I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s read the book school and I get it. And I understand it. And it’s a very interesting thing. I’m gonna be letting you know about it. In the meantime, we love the USA andwe love what’s happening,"he said.


同时,特朗普在视频中称将对医院外的支持者进行一次“惊喜访问”make a little surprise visit)



4日上午,由白宫医生肖恩·康利(Sean Conley)领导的医疗团队在沃尔特·里德医疗中心召开第二次发布会,通报了特朗普最新状况。康利说,特朗普总统病情在“持续好转”,但就像所有疾病一样,总会有些反反复复。

医疗队成员布莱恩·加里波迪(Brian Garibaldi)医生表示,总统最早可能当地时间5日出院

Dr. Brian Garibaldi, who is part of President Trump's medical team, said the president could be discharged from Walter Reed medical center as early as Monday.


白宫医疗队成员布莱恩·加里波迪(Brian Garibaldi)

加里波迪称,总统在3日完成第二剂瑞德西韦治疗后a second dose of remdesivir,“今天他感觉很好”"today he feels well"

"He has been up and around. Our plan today is to have him eat and drink, be up out of bed," Garibaldi said. "If he continues to look and feel as well as he does today our hope is to plan for a discharge as early as tomorrow to the white house where he can continue his treatment course."




白宫医生肖恩·康利(Sean Conley)


"Late Friday morning when I returned to the bedside, the president had a high fever and his oxygen saturation was transiently dipping below 94%," Conley said.


"Given these developments I was concerned for possible rapid progressionof the illness. I recommended the president we try supplemental oxygen, see how he would respond. He was fairlyadamanthe didn't need it. He was not short of breath. He was tired, had a fever, that was about it."


"After about a minute only two liters his saturation levels were back over 95%. Hestayed on that for about an hour maybe, and it was off and gone. Later that day by the time the team here was at the bedside the president had been up out of bed moving about the residence with only mild symptoms."


另据CNN和哥伦比亚广播公司(CBSNews)报道,白宫医生为特朗普使用的地塞米松Dexamethasone是一种类固醇药物(steroid drug),对危重患者有疗效,但对新冠肺炎症状较轻的患者可能会造成伤害。

Dexamethasone has been shown to improve outcomes for patients with severe cases of COVID-19, including those who require supplemental oxygen, but is not recommended for use in patients with milder cases. 地塞米松对于医治新冠肺炎重症患者有疗效,包括需要吸氧的病患,但不推荐用于症状较轻的患者。

美国国立卫生研究院(the National Institutes of Health)的专家也曾建议将地塞米松用于治疗需要吸氧的新冠肺炎病患。CNN称:

It's an indication that Trump's condition is worrying, as the drug should not be given to anyone who is not ill enough to justify the downsides of taking steroids -- including that it suppresses the immune system.



来源:CNN CBSNews


