
以Ubuntu为例 virtual box为虚拟机

1,virual box 共享文件夹挂载

•sudo mount  –t vboxsf {file name in Windows} {file name in linux}

2,Quantum Espresso 安装


•sudo apt-get install build-essential

•sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran

•sudo apt-get install fftw libfftw3 libfftw3-dev

•sudo apt-get install libblas-dev

•sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev

•sudo apt-get install mpich mpich-dev



•sudo make install

3,数据处理用R语言及R studio 安装

•sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

•sudo apt-get installgdebi-core

•sudo gdebi–n {file name of the r-studio.deb}

4,Xcrysden 安装

•sudo apt-get install xcrysden

5, VESTA 安装

•官网下载VESTA.tar.gz安装包 直接解压 使用

•tar –xvfVESTA.tar.gz

6, OVITO 安装

•sudo apt-get install ovito

7,PWGUI 安装

•官网下载 self-contained standalone executables

•解压之后 直接进入解压目录 使用

8,Avogadro 安装

Ubuntu software center 直接安装

9,Abinit 安装



•sudoapt-get install patch

•sudo apt-get install build-essential

•sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran

•sudo apt-get install fftw libfftw3 libfftw3-dev

•sudo apt-get install libblas-dev

•sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev

•sudo apt-get install mpich mpich-dev

•sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-c++4 libnetcdf-c++4-dev

•sudo apt-get intall etsf-io libetsf-io-dev









•with_netcdf_libs="-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu-lnetcdf -lnetcdff"



•with_fft_libs="-L/usr/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu/ -lfftw3



•with_linalg_libs="-L/usr/lib -llapack-lf77blas -lcblas-latlas"



•./configure --with-config-file="./filename.ac“


•make install

10, VMD 安装

•./configure LINUXAMD64

•cd src

•sudo make install
