2015-02-14 Created By BaoXinjian
本文介绍如何通过ADF TaskFlows创建应用页面,包括页面顺序,向导和安全
Step 1: Creating a New Fusion Application and Business Components
Step 2: Create a Bounded Task Flow
Step 3: Build the Task Flow Pages
Step 4: Bind the Task Flow Pages to Data Controls
Step 5: Set the Transaction Control to the Task Flow
Step 6: Define a Second Task Flow
Step 7: Defining the Task Flow Components and the Router Rules
Step 8: Create the JSF Page and Bind the Task Flow as a Region to the page
Step 9: Run the Master Page
6: Define a Second Task Flow
Step1. 创建ADF TaskFlow
Step2. 定义Taskflow属性参数
Step3. 查看新的Taskflow的组件结构
7: Defining the Task Flow Components and the Router Rules
Step1. 定义Login页面
Step2. 设计Login页面
Step3. 定义参数传递和传出