

2.4G一共分为14个信道(1-14),从2412到2484,每个信道的有效宽度是 20MHz,另外还有2MHz的强制隔离频带(类似于公路上的隔离带)。即,对于中心频率为 2412 MHz 的1信道,其频率范围为2401~2423MHz。

5G一共有60个信道(32-173),从5160到5865,在中国支持的5G信道为36 38 40 44 46 48 52 54 56 60 62 64,后六个是DFS。



public static final int BAND_24_GHZ_FIRST_CH_NUM = 1;
 * 2.4 GHz band last channel number
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_24_GHZ_LAST_CH_NUM = 14;
 * 2.4 GHz band frequency of first channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_24_GHZ_START_FREQ_MHZ = 2412;
 * 2.4 GHz band frequency of last channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_24_GHZ_END_FREQ_MHZ = 2484;

 * 5 GHz band first channel number
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_5_GHZ_FIRST_CH_NUM = 32;
 * 5 GHz band last channel number
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_5_GHZ_LAST_CH_NUM = 173;
 * 5 GHz band frequency of first channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_5_GHZ_START_FREQ_MHZ = 5160;
 * 5 GHz band frequency of last channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_5_GHZ_END_FREQ_MHZ = 5865;

 * 6 GHz band first channel number
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_6_GHZ_FIRST_CH_NUM = 1;
 * 6 GHz band last channel number
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_6_GHZ_LAST_CH_NUM = 233;
 * 6 GHz band frequency of first channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_6_GHZ_START_FREQ_MHZ = 5945;
 * 6 GHz band frequency of last channel in MHz
 * @hide
public static final int BAND_6_GHZ_END_FREQ_MHZ = 7105;
