《Quartz 2D编程指南》之【graphics context】图形上下文的作用、分类、状态的保持、恢复、 上下文的矩阵操作(修改上下文的形变)


  • 引言
  • I、作用
  • II、drawing destination(分类)
  • III、The Graphics State:绘图状态
  • IV、 图形上下文栈的操作:状态的保持、恢复
  • V、上下文的矩阵操作
  • see also


  • The Graphics Context:数据类型为CGContextRef

You can think of a graphics context as a drawing destination. A graphics context encapsulates all of the information needed to draw to an underlying canvas,including the current drawing attributes and a device-specific representation of the digital paint on the
