PAT-1002 A+B for Polynomials c++实现


This time, you are supposed to find A+B where A and B are two polynomials.


Each input file contains one test case. Each case occupies 2 lines, and each line contains the information of a polynomial: K N1 aN1 N2 aN2 … NK aNK, where K is the number of nonzero terms in the polynomial, Ni and aNi (i=1, 2, …, K) are the exponents and coefficients, respectively. It is given that 1 <= K <= 10,0 <= NK < … < N2 < N1 <=1000.


For each test case you should output the sum of A and B in one line, with the same format as the input. Notice that there must be NO extra space at the end of each line. Please be accurate to 1 decimal place.

Sample Input

2 1 2.4 0 3.2
2 2 1.5 1 0.5
Sample Output

3 2 1.5 1 2.9 0 3.2


方法1 :数组,类似于哈希
方法2 : map


using namespace std;

int main() {
	int m1 = 0;
	int m2;
	map mp;

	float  c;
	int index;
	cin >> m1;
	for(int i = 0; i < m1; i++) {
		cin >> index;
		cin >>c;
		mp[index] = c;
	cin >> m2;
	for (int i = 0; i < m2; i++) {
		cin >> index;
		cin >> c;
		if (mp.count(index) > 0) {
// 注意正负相抵的情况
			if ((mp[index] + c) != 0) {
				mp[index] = mp[index] + c;
			else {
		else {
			mp[index] = c;
	printf("%d", m1);
	map::reverse_iterator it;
	for (it = mp.rbegin(); it != mp.rend(); it++ ) {
		printf(" %d %.1f", it->first, it->second);
	 return 0;




c.begin() 返回一个迭代器,它指向容器c的第一个元素
c.end() 返回一个迭代器,它指向容器c的最后一个元素的下一个位置
c.rbegin() 返回一个逆序迭代器,它指向容器c的最后一个元素
c.rend() 返回一个逆序迭代器,它指向容器c的第一个元素前面的位置


// map_rbegin.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   map  m1;

   map  :: iterator m1_Iter;    //用于正序
   map  :: reverse_iterator m1_rIter;   //用于逆序
   map  :: const_reverse_iterator m1_crIter;  //const
   typedef pair  Int_Pair;

   m1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 1, 10 ) );
   m1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 2, 20 ) );
   m1.insert ( Int_Pair ( 3, 30 ) );

   m1_rIter = m1.rbegin( );
   cout << "The first element of the reversed map m1 is "
        << m1_rIter -> first << "." << endl;

   // begin can be used to start an iteration
   // through a map in a forward order
   cout << "The map is: ";
   for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ) ; m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++)
      cout << m1_Iter -> first << " ";
      cout << "." << endl;

   // rbegin can be used to start an iteration
   // through a map in a reverse order
   cout << "The reversed map is: ";
   for ( m1_rIter = m1.rbegin( ) ; m1_rIter != m1.rend( ); m1_rIter++)
      cout << m1_rIter -> first << " ";
      cout << "." << endl;

   // A map element can be erased by dereferencing to its key
   m1_rIter = m1.rbegin( );
   m1.erase ( m1_rIter -> first );

   m1_rIter = m1.rbegin( );
   cout << "After the erasure, the first element "
        << "in the reversed map is "
        << m1_rIter -> first << "." << endl;

output :

The map is: 1 2 3 .
The reversed map is: 3 2 1 .
After the erasure, the first element in the reversed map is 2.

C++ Maps是一种关联式容器,包含“关键字/值”对
begin() 返回指向map头部的迭代器
clear() 删除所有元素
count() 返回指定元素出现的次数
empty() 如果map为空则返回true
end() 返回指向map末尾的迭代器
equal_range() 返回特殊条目的迭代器对
erase() 删除一个元素
find() 查找一个元素
get_allocator() 返回map的配置器
insert() 插入元素
key_comp() 返回比较元素key的函数
lower_bound() 返回键值>=给定元素的第一个位置
max_size() 返回可以容纳的最大元素个数
rbegin() 返回一个指向map尾部的逆向迭代器
rend() 返回一个指向map头部的逆向迭代器
size() 返回map中元素的个数
swap() 交换两个map
upper_bound() 返回键值>给定元素的第一个位置
value_comp() 返回比较元素value的函数
