


- DBA_MVIEWS描述了数据库中创建的所有物化视图的相关信息。
- USER_MVIEWS描述了所属于当前用户下的所有物化视图的相关信息。

列名称 数据类型 是否可为NULL 字段描述
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL 创建物化视图所用的Schema.
CONTAINER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL 存储物化视图数据的容器名称。一般跟MVIEWNAME是一样的。对于早于Oracle8i的版本,数据库附上了SNAP$的前缀。如果MVIEW_NAME超过里了19比特长度,数据库将会把名称截断至19比特,外加了4位的序列号以免发生名称重复。
QUERY LONG 定义物化视图查询的语句
QUERY_LEN NUMBER(38) 定义的物化视图查询语句的长度,以比特为单位
UPDATABLE VARCHAR2(1) 指明物化视图是(Y)否(N)可更新
UPDATE_LOG VARCHAR2(30) 对于可更新的物化视图,更新日志的文件名称
MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG VARCHAR2(30) Rollback segment for the master site or the master materialized view site
MASTER_LINK VARCHAR2(128) 基表端的数据库链接
REWRITE_ENABLED VARCHAR2(1) 指出是(Y)否(N)支持物化视图的查询重写
REWRITE_CAPABILITY VARCHAR2(9) 指出物化视图是否适合查询重写。会有以下三种情况: NONE:物化视图不能被用于查询重写以为查询重写选项被禁用了。 TEXTMATCH:物化视图的查询语句中包含查询重写的相关限制。 GENETAL:物化视图的查询语句中没有任何限制,所以数据库将在物化视图上应用支持的查询重写功能。
REFRESH_MODE VARCHAR2(6) 物化视图的刷新模式: DEMAND:物化视图将在调用刷新物化视图的存储过程时刷新。 COMMIT:物化视图将在基表上的事物提交后刷新。 NEVER:物化视图永远不会被刷新。
REFRESH_METHOD VARCHAR2(8) 物化视图的刷新方法: COMPLETE:物化视图会对基表的数据进行全量刷新。 FORCE:数据库引擎自动判断,如果物化视图可被增量刷新则执行增量刷新,否则全量刷新。 FAST:物化视图将从上一次刷新后,对于基表的数据变化进行增量刷新。 NEVER:用户告诉数据库该物化视图不用刷新。
BUILD_MODE VARCHAR2(9) 指明物化视图在创建时是否填充数据: IMMEDIATE:在创建物化视图时填充数据。 DEFERRED:在创建时不填充数据,之后用户要手动更新数据。 PREBUILT:在创建物化视图时用一个已经存在的表的数据填充物化视图。
FAST_REFRESHABLE VARCHAR2(18) 指明物化视图是否适合增量刷新。Oracle数据库会基于定义物化视图的查询语句静态计算这个值。 NO:物化视图不支持增量刷新。 DML;只支持DML操作的增量刷新。 DIRLOAD_DML;适合于直接装载和DML操作的增加刷新。 DIRLOAD_LIMITEDDML;只支持直接装载和某些类型的DML操作的增量刷新。
LAST_REFRESH_TYPE VARCHAR2(8) 最近一次刷新方法:COMPLETE:全量刷新。FAST:增量刷新。NA:还没有刷新过,比如创建时没指定填充数据的时候。
LAST_REFRESH_DATE DATE 最近一次刷新的日期时间,如果从没刷新过就是空。
STALENESS VARCHAR2(19) 物化视图的数据和基表数据的关系: FRESH:物化视图数据跟基表的数据是一致的。 STALE:物化视图过期了,因为有一个或多个基表的数据已经变了,如果物化视图在此之前是FRESH,然后才变成STALE,那物化视图的数据跟基表表数据变更前是一致的。 NEEDS_COMPILE:物化视图的某些基表已经改了,要用ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW…COMPILE语句来重新计算物化视图该状态。 UNUSABLE:物化视图的数据跟基表的数据任何时间都不一致。 UNKNOWN:Oracle数据库无法得知物化视图的数据跟基表的关系。这可能是基于prebuilt table来创建的物化视图。 UNDEFINED:物化视图有远程的基表,对于这类物化视图该状态不适用。
AFTER_FAST_REFRESH VARCHAR2(19) 指明在物化视图执行增量刷新后是啥状态,状态值跟STALENESS列是一样的,只是多了一个NA,当执行增量刷新后变为不适用增量了出现这个值。
UNKNOWN_PREBUILT VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view is prebuilt (Y) or not (N)
UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view contains PL/SQL functions (Y) or not (N)
UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view contains external tables (Y) or not (N)
UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view is considered fresh (Y) or not (N)
UNKNOWN_IMPORT VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view is imported (Y) or not (N)
UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the materialized view uses trusted constraints for refresh (Y) or not (N)
COMPILE_STATE VARCHAR2(19) 检查物化视图的相关基表都是否合法: VALID:物化视图是没问题的,物化视图的基表没有变更。 NEEDS_COMPILE:物化视图的某些基表被改变了,要重新编译。 ERROR:物化视图有错误。
USE_NO_INDEX VARCHAR2(1) 指出创建物化视图的时候是否使用USING NO INDEX子句,或者物化视图创建时默认了索引。
STALE_SINCE DATE Time from when the materialized view became stale
NUM_PCT_TABLES NUMBER Number of PCT detail tables
NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS NUMBER Number of fresh PCT partition regions
NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS NUMBER Number of stale PCT partition regions



ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS describes the materialized views accessible to the current user. It provides additional information for analysis by applications. Minimal information is displayed for materialized views that do not support query rewrite (such as materialized views with remote master tables or nondeterministic functions).
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS describes all such materialized views in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS describes all such materialized views owned by the current user.
All of the information in these views is also displayed in ALL_MVIEWS and its related views. Oracle recommends that you refer to ALL_MVIEWSfor this information instead of these views.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the materialized view
MVIEW_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the materialized view
MVIEW_TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the container table (see next column)
CONTAINER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Name of the internal container in which the materialized view data is held. Normally this is the same asMVIEW_NAME. For materialized views created prior to Oracle8i, Oracle Database attaches the 6-byte prefix?SNAP$_. If?MVIEW_NAMEhas more than 19 bytes, then Oracle Database truncates the name to 19 bytes and adds a 4-byte sequence number as a suffix to produce a nonambiguousCONTAINER_NAME.
LAST_REFRESH_SCN NUMBER System change number (SCN) of the last refresh operation
SUMMARY VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view includes a?GROUP BY?clause or aggregation (Y) or not (N)
FULLREFRESHTIM NUMBER Approximate refresh time, in seconds, for full refresh (defined only when?SUMMARY?=?Y)
INCREFRESHTIM NUMBER Approximate refresh time, in seconds, for fast refresh (defined only when?SUMMARY?=?Y)
CONTAINS_VIEWS VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view contains a view in its definition (Y) or not (N)
UNUSABLE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view is?UNUSABLE?(inconsistent data) (Y) or not (N). A materialized view can be?UNUSABLE?if a system failure occurs during a full refresh.
RESTRICTED_SYNTAX VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view had a restriction in its defining query that limits the use of query rewrite (Y) or not (N). More complete information is provided by theREWRITE_CAPABILITY?column of the?*_MVIEWS?view.
INC_REFRESHABLE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view can be fast refreshed (Y) or not (N)
KNOWN_STALE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the data contained in the materialized view is known to be inconsistent with the master table data because that has been updated since the last successful refresh (Y) or not (N)
INVALID VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view is in an invalid state (inconsistent metadata) (Y) or not (N)
REWRITE_ENABLED VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this materialized view is currently enabled for query rewrite (Y) or not (N)
QUERY_LEN NUMBER Length (in bytes) of the query field
QUERY LONG SELECT?expression of the materialized view definition
REVISION NUMBER NOT NULL Reserved for internal use



ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES describes the grouping functions (aggregate operations) that appear in the SELECT list of materialized aggregate views accessible to the current user.
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES describes all such grouping functions defined for all materialized views in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES describes all such grouping functions defined for all materialized views owned by the current user.
All three views exclude materialized views that reference remote tables or that include references to a nonstatic value such as SYSDATE orUSER. These views also exclude materialized views that were created as “snapshots” prior to Oracle8i and that were never altered to enable query rewrite.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the materialized view
MVIEW_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the materialized view
POSITION_IN_SELECT NUMBER NOT NULL Ordinal position of this aggregation within the?SELECT?list. For the position of nonaggregate elements of the select list, see”ALL_MVIEW_KEYS”.
CONTAINER_COLUMN VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of this column in the container table
AGG_FUNCTION VARCHAR2(8) Aggregation function
DISTINCTFLAG VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether this aggregation is distinct (Y) or not (N)
MEASURE LONG SQL text of the measure, excluding the aggregation function. Equal to?*?for?COUNT(*).



ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES describes refresh times of the materialized views accessible to the current user.
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES describes refresh times of all materialized views in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES describes refresh times of the materialized views owned by the current user.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the materialized view
NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the materialized view
MASTER_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Owner of the master table
MASTER VARCHAR2(30) Name of the master table
LAST_REFRESH DATE SYSDATE?from the master site at the time of the last refresh


ALL_MVIEW_JOINS describes joins between two columns in the WHERE clause of the subquery that defines a materialized view accessible to the current user.
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_JOINS describes all such joins for all materialized views in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_JOINS describes such joins for all materialized views owned by the current user.
All three views exclude materialized views that reference remote tables or that includes references to a nonstatic value such as SYSDATE orUSER. These views also exclude materialized views that were created as “snapshots” prior to Oracle8i and that were never altered to enable query rewrite.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the materialized view
MVIEW_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Materialized view name
DETAILOBJ1_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the first object in the joinFoot?1?
DETAILOBJ1_RELATION VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the first object in the joinFootref?1
DETAILOBJ1_COLUMN VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Join column of the first object in the joinFootref?1
OPERATOR CHAR(1) Join operatorFootref?1
OPERATOR_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the join is an inner join (I) or the?DETAILOBJ1table is the left side of an outer join (L)Footref?1
DETAILOBJ2_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the second object in the joinFootref?1
DETAILOBJ2_RELATION VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the second object in the joinFootref?1
DETAILOBJ2_COLUMN VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Join column of the second object in the joinFootref?1

Footnote 1 These rows relate only to materialized join views and materialized aggregate views. They describe the two detail objects of a materialized view join.



ALL_MVIEW_KEYS describes the columns or expressions in the SELECT list upon which materialized views accessible to the current user are based.
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_KEYS describes such columns and expressions for all materialized views in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_KEYS describes such columns and expressions for all materialized views owned by the current user.
All three views exclude materialized views that reference remote tables or that includes references to a nonstatic value such as SYSDATE orUSER. These views also exclude materialized views that were created as snapshots prior to Oracle8i and that were never altered to enable query rewrite.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the materialized view
MVIEW_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Materialized view name
POSITION_IN_SELECT NUMBER NOT NULL Ordinal position of this key within the?SELECT?list
CONTAINER_COLUMN VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the column in the container table
DETAILOBJ_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Detail object name (for example, the name of a table or view)
DETAILOBJ_ALIAS VARCHAR2(30) Implicit or explicit alias for detail relation
DETAILOBJ_TYPE VARCHAR2(5) Detail object type:



ALL_MVIEW_LOGS describes all materialized view logs accessible to the current user.
Related Views
● DBA_MVIEW_LOGS describes all materialized view logs in the database.
● USER_MVIEW_LOGS describes all materialized view logs owned by the current user.

Column Datatype NULL Description
LOG_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Owner of the materialized view log
MASTER VARCHAR2(30) Name of the master table or master materialized view whose changes are logged
LOG_TABLE VARCHAR2(30) Name of the table where the changes to the master table or master materialized view are logged
LOG_TRIGGER VARCHAR2(30) Obsolete with Oracle8i?and later. Set to NULL. Formerly, this parameter was an after-row trigger on the master which inserted rows into the log.
ROWIDS VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether rowid information is recorded (YES) or not (NO)
PRIMARY_KEY VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether primary key information is recorded (YES) or not (NO)
OBJECT_ID VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether object identifier information in an object table is recorded (YES) or not (NO)
FILTER_COLUMNS VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether filter column information is recorded (YES) or not (NO)
SEQUENCE VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the sequence value, which provides additional ordering information, is recorded (YES) or not (NO)
INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether both old and new values are recorded (YES) or old values are recorded but new values are not recorded (NO)
PURGE_ASYNCHRONOUS VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the materialized view log is purged asynchronously (YES) or not (NO)
PURGE_DEFERRED VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the materialized view log is purged in a deferred manner (YES) or not (NO)
PURGE_START DATE For deferred purge, the purge start date
PURGE_INTERVAL VARCHAR2(200) For deferred purge, the purge interval
LAST_PURGE_DATE DATE Date of the last purge
LAST_PURGE_STATUS NUMBER Status of the last purge (error code or?0?for success)
NUM_ROWS_PURGED NUMBER Number of rows purged in the last purge
COMMIT_SCN_BASED VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the materialized view log is commit SCN-based (YES) or not (NO)


