
IDA SDK里面提供的UI(user interface)函数 AskUsingForm_c,该函数弹出一个对话框,而对话框的外观形式,就由此函数的第一个参数form(const char *类型)指定。

  static const char *dialog = // 

  "STARTITEM 0\n" // dont change

  "This is the title\n\n" // dialog title

  "This is static text\n" // static text

  "<String:A:32:32::>\n"  //need char[MAXSTR]


  "<#No leading 0x#Hex:M:8:10::>\n"//uval_t*


  "<##Radio Buttons##Radio 1:R>\n"

  "<Radio 2:R>>\n"//ushort* number of selected radio

  "<##Check Boxes##Check 1:C>\n"

  "<Check 2:C>>\n";//ushort* bitmask of checks
void idaapi button_func(TView *fields[], int code)


  msg("The button was pressed!\n");


void __stdcall IDP_run(int arg)


  char input[MAXSTR];

  sval_t dec = 0;

  uval_t hex = 0xdeadbeef;

  ushort radio = 1;

  ushort checkmask = 3;

  qstrncpy(input, "initial value", sizeof(input));

  if (AskUsingForm_c(dialog, input, &dec, &hex, button_func, &radio, &checkmask) == 1)


    msg("The input string was: %s\n", input);

    msg("Decimal: %d, Hex %x\n", dec, hex);

    msg("Radio button %d is selected\n", radio);

    for (int n = 0; checkmask; n++)


      if (checkmask & 1)


        msg("Checkbox %d is checked\n", n);


      checkmask >>= 1;







static const char *dialog1 = // 

  "This is the title\n\n"// dialog title

  "<##Radio Buttons##Radio 1:R>\n"

  "<Radio 2:R>>\n"//ushort* number of selected radio

  "<##Radio Buttons##Radio 1:R>\n"

  "<Radio 2:R>>\n"//ushort* number of selected radio

  "<##Check Boxes##Check 1:C>\n"

  "<Check 2:C>>\n"//ushort* bitmask of checks

  "<##Check Boxes##Check 1:C>\n"

  "<Check 2:C>>\n";//ushort* bitmask of checks

static void idaapi show_dialog1( void )


  ushort bitMask, bitMask1 =0;

  ushort btnIndex, bitIndex1;

  int ok = AskUsingForm_c( dialog1, &btnIndex, &bitIndex1, &bitMask, &bitMask1 );




