2004-10-2+ 学习PetShop3.0(5)生成定单

点proceed to checkout后,就进入Checkout.aspx,确认后进入OrderBilling.aspx,在这里可以修改你的信息,完成后点continue,会出现个人信息的只读页面,最终确认后就进入OrderProcess.aspx,在这里是定单的详细情况,并且是只读的,到这里,定单被添加到数据库,购物完成。
ProcessFlow.CartController.PurchaseCart 来看它的实现
public OrderInfo PurchaseCart(){

// Fetch the cart from session
Cart myCart = (Cart)HttpContext.Current.Session[CART_KEY];

// Make some checks on the cart
if ( ( myCart == null ) || ( myCart.Count==0 ) ) {

//HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(URL_NOCART, false);
return null;


// Build up the order
OrderInfo newOrder = new OrderInfo();
newOrder.UserId = ((AccountInfo)HttpContext.Current.Session[ACCOUNT_KEY]).UserId;
newOrder.CreditCard = (CreditCardInfo)HttpContext.Current.Session[CREDITCARD_KEY];
newOrder.BillingAddress = (AddressInfo)HttpContext.Current.Session[BILLING_KEY];
newOrder.ShippingAddress = (AddressInfo)HttpContext.Current.Session[SHIPPING_KEY];

newOrder.LineItems = (LineItemInfo[])myCart.GetOrderLineItems().ToArray(typeof(LineItemInfo));

newOrder.OrderTotal = myCart.Total;
newOrder.Date = DateTime.Now;

// Send the order to the middle tier
OrderInsert order = new OrderInsert();
newOrder.OrderId = order.Insert(newOrder);

// clear the session objects used
HttpContext.Current.Session[CART_KEY] = null;
HttpContext.Current.Session[CREDITCARD_KEY] = null;
HttpContext.Current.Session[BILLING_KEY] = null;
HttpContext.Current.Session[SHIPPING_KEY] = null;

return newOrder;

public int Insert(OrderInfo order) {

// Get an instance of the Order DAL using the DALFactory
IOrder dal = PetShop.DALFactory.Order.Create();

// Call the insert method in the DAL to insert the header
int orderId = dal.Insert(order);

// Get an instance of the Inventory business component
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
inventory.TakeStock( order.LineItems);

// As part of the sample application we have created a user
// you can tested distributed transactions with
// If the order has been created with the user 'Acid',
// then throw an exception which will rollback the entire transaction

if (order.UserId == ACID_USER_ID)
throw new ApplicationException(ACID_ERROR_MSG);

// Set the orderId so that it can be returned to the caller
return orderId;

