bigdecimal 保留两位小数_不要以为你用了BigDecimal后,计算结果就一定精确了




BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal(1.01);        BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(2.02);        BigDecimal c = new BigDecimal("1.01");        BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal("2.02");        BigDecimal e = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(1.01));        BigDecimal f = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(2.02));        BigDecimal g = BigDecimal.valueOf(1.01);        BigDecimal h = BigDecimal.valueOf(2.02);        System.out.println(a.add(b));        System.out.println(c.add(d));        System.out.println(e.add(f));        System.out.println(g.add(h));






bigdecimal 保留两位小数_不要以为你用了BigDecimal后,计算结果就一定精确了_第1张图片


bigdecimal 保留两位小数_不要以为你用了BigDecimal后,计算结果就一定精确了_第2张图片float和double的精度是由尾数的位数来决定的。浮点数在内存中是按科学计数法来存储的,其整数部分始终是一个隐含着的“1”,由于它是不变的,故不能对精度造成影响。

float:2^23 = 8388608,一共七位,这意味着最多能有7位有效数字,但绝对能保证的为6位,也即float的精度为6~7位有效数字;

double:2^52 = 4503599627370496,一共16位,同理,double的精度为15~16位。


计算机在处理数据都涉及到数据的转换和各种复杂运算,比如,不同单位换算,不同进制(如二进制十进制)换算等,很多除法运算不能除尽,比如10÷3=3.3333.....无穷无尽,而精度是有限的,3.3333333x3并不等于10,经过复杂的处理后得到的十进制数据并不精确,精度越高越精确。float和double的精度是由尾数的位数来决定的,其整数部分始终是一个隐含着的“1”,由于它是不变的,故不能对精度造成影响。float:2^23 = 8388608,一共七位,由于最左为1的一位省略了,这意味着最多能表示8位数:28388608 = 16777216 。有8位有效数字,但绝对能保证的为7位,也即float的精度为78位有效数字;double:2^52 = 4503599627370496,一共16位,同理,double的精度为1617位。bigdecimal 保留两位小数_不要以为你用了BigDecimal后,计算结果就一定精确了_第3张图片



BigDecimal(double val)这个方法是无法保证精度的,源码注释中也已经写明:

 /**     * Translates a {@code double} into a {@code BigDecimal} which     * is the exact decimal representation of the {@code double}'s     * binary floating-point value.  The scale of the returned     * {@code BigDecimal} is the smallest value such that     * (10scale × val) is an integer.     *      * Notes:     * 
* * The results of this constructor can be somewhat unpredictable. * One might assume that writing {@code new BigDecimal(0.1)} in * Java creates a {@code BigDecimal} which is exactly equal to * 0.1 (an unscaled value of 1, with a scale of 1), but it is * actually equal to * 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. * This is because 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a * {@code double} (or, for that matter, as a binary fraction of * any finite length). Thus, the value that is being passed * in to the constructor is not exactly equal to 0.1, * appearances notwithstanding. * * * The {@code String} constructor, on the other hand, is * perfectly predictable: writing {@code new BigDecimal("0.1")} * creates a {@code BigDecimal} which is exactly equal to * 0.1, as one would expect. Therefore, it is generally * recommended that the {@linkplain #BigDecimal(String) * String constructor} be used in preference to this one. * * * When a {@code double} must be used as a source for a * {@code BigDecimal}, note that this constructor provides an * exact conversion; it does not give the same result as * converting the {@code double} to a {@code String} using the * {@link Double#toString(double)} method and then using the * {@link #BigDecimal(String)} constructor. To get that result, * use the {@code static} {@link #valueOf(double)} method. * * * @param val {@code double} value to be converted to * {@code BigDecimal}. * @throws NumberFormatException if {@code val} is infinite or NaN. */ public BigDecimal(double val) { this(val,MathContext.UNLIMITED); }

并且告诉我们应该使用BigDecimal(String val):

public BigDecimal(String val) {
              this(val.toCharArray(), 0, val.length());    }

当然使用BigDecimal valueOf(double val)也是可以的,valueOf实际是先将double或flout的数据转为了string:

public static BigDecimal valueOf(double val) {
              // Reminder: a zero double returns '0.0', so we cannot fastpath        // to use the constant ZERO.  This might be important enough to        // justify a factory approach, a cache, or a few private        // constants, later.        return new BigDecimal(Double.toString(val));    }




(3) BigDecimal都是不可变的(immutable)的,在进行每一步运算时,都会产生一个新的对象,所以在做加减乘除运算时千万要保存操作后的值。
