net->flip = option_find_int_quiet(options, "flip", 1);//翻转,默认为flip =1,
net->blur = option_find_int_quiet(options, "blur", 0);//糊化,默认不糊化
net->gaussian_noise = option_find_int_quiet(options, "gaussian_noise", 0);//高斯噪声,默认不加噪声
net->mixup = option_find_int_quiet(options, "mixup", 0);//使用数据增强,默认为0
int cutmix = option_find_int_quiet(options, "cutmix", 0); // cutmix增强,默认为0
int mosaic = option_find_int_quiet(options, "mosaic", 0); // mosaic增强,默认为0
if (mosaic && cutmix) net->mixup = 4;
else if (cutmix) net->mixup = 2;
else if (mosaic) net->mixup = 3;
net->letter_box = option_find_int_quiet(options, "letter_box", 0);
net->mosaic_bound = option_find_int_quiet(options, "mosaic_bound", 0);
net->contrastive = option_find_int_quiet(options, "contrastive", 0);
net->contrastive_jit_flip = option_find_int_quiet(options, "contrastive_jit_flip", 0);
通过以上函数将关键参数传入net,再传给detector.c中的train_detector函数中的args ,再通过load_thread = load_data(args)进行数据载入和同时进行数据增强。
data load_data_detection(int n, char **paths, int m, int w, int h, int c, int boxes, int truth_size, int classes, int use_flip, int use_gaussian_noise, int use_blur, int use_mixup, float jitter, float resize, float hue, float saturation, float exposure, int mini_batch, int track, int augment_speed, int letter_box, int mosaic_bound, int contrastive, int contrastive_jit_flip, int show_imgs)
int n表示一个完整的批次处理的图片数量,在cfg文件中的n = batch*ngpus,在单GPU条件下,一个批次通常取64张图片
char **paths 表示训练数据集的路径的集合
int m 表示所使用的数据集的所有图片数量
int w,int h,int c 表示载入图片后归一化的用于模型处理的图片数据宽、高和通道数,是一个正方形图片数据,一般w = h
int boxes表示一张图片最多能够识别出来的目标数,即一个层中使用的最大目标识别框的个数,对应args.num_boxes = l.max_boxes = option_find_int_quiet(options, "max", 200),在yolov4.cfg文件中没有明确,表示一次最多支持200个目标识别框
int truth_size 表示真值包含的元素个数一般为5
int classes 表示可以分类的数量,YOLOv4标准型为80个
int use_flip 表示是否使用翻转,默认为1,表示使用翻转
int use_gaussian_noise 表示是否加噪声,默认不加
int use_blur 表示是使用糊化,默认不使用
int use_mixup 使用的混合数据增强的种类,包括cutmix,mixip,mosaic等
int jitter表示图像抖动范围,默认0.2,既然是抖动就可能往左往右都有
float resize 表示图像缩放的比例,默认不缩放
float hue 表示色调(色相),默认为0,表示色调(色相)没有偏移
float exposure 表示曝光度,通常曝光度设置为1
int mini_batch 表示最小批次,mini_batch = batch / subdivs,表示每次实际处理图像的批次
int track 在cfg文件中未定义track,则在进行数据增强时不采取序列路径,而是随机抽取图像进行组合
int augment_speed 表示增强速度,默认为2,当依序列获取增强数据路径时,每次跳过的图像索引个数
int letter_box 表示是否使用letter_box变换,一般默认为0,表示不使用。图像进入神经网络后被拉伸成长宽比为1的正方形,会造成图像失真,letter_box变换就是将图像还原成原始比例,放在正方形中,将剩余的图像填入灰色。在YOLOv3中使用test_detector函数进行探测时直接进行了这个操作,在YOLOv4中专门设置一个if(letter_box)的语句,可以进行选择使用。如果需要使用letter_box变换,后面在计算剪切后的图像时就要考虑进去。
int contrastive 表示是否使用对比,这个和序列抽取需要增强的数据图像时的起始索引有关,设置为1表示采用相邻索引,设置为0表示采用随机起始索引
int contrastive_jit_flip表示是否使用翻转对比
int show_imgs 表示是否需要显示组合的图像
使用use_mixup参数配置数据循环及图像组合次数,当传入mosaic && cutmix ==1或者cutmix ==1,令use_mixup = 3,即统统转为使用mosaic数据增强。在YOLOv4默认的cfg文件中,令mosaic = 1。这里表示YOLOv4的模型主要支撑mosaic数据增强。需要注意的一点是cutmix的数据增强方法主要用于分类而非探测。
use_mixup = 3意味着后续的处理要循环四次,即把四张图片拼接在一起。
当use_mixup = 3时,设置(cut_x,cut_y)得位置,这个位置是随机的,示意图如下:
//"cutmix=1 - isn't supported for Detector (use cutmix=1 only for Classifier)"
if (use_mixup == 2 || use_mixup == 4) {
printf("\n cutmix=1 - isn't supported for Detector (use cutmix=1 only for Classifier) \n");
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if(use_mixup == 2) use_mixup = 0;//循环次数use_mixup+1 = 1;
else use_mixup = 3;//同时使用mosaic和cutmix数据增强方法,循环次数use_mixup+1 = 4
if (use_mixup == 3 && letter_box) {
//printf("\n Combination: letter_box=1 & mosaic=1 - isn't supported, use only 1 of these parameters \n");
//if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (random_gen() % 2 == 0) use_mixup = 0;//当使用mosaicDA,平均有一半的use_mixup = 0,即不进行任何变换
int i;
//数据增强策略:mosaic条件平均有一半的use_mixup = 0,其他条件下所有use_mixup = 0
//use_mixup == 3的条件下,设置mosaic DA 初始cut值
int *cut_x = NULL, *cut_y = NULL;
if (use_mixup == 3) {
cut_x = (int*)calloc(n, sizeof(int));
cut_y = (int*)calloc(n, sizeof(int));
const float min_offset = 0.2; // 20%
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cut_x[i] = rand_int(w*min_offset, w*(1 - min_offset));
cut_y[i] = rand_int(h*min_offset, h*(1 - min_offset));
data d = {
d.shallow = 0;
d.X.rows = n;//d.X中存储一个batch的n个图片
d.X.vals = (float**)xcalloc(d.X.rows, sizeof(float*));
d.X.cols = h*w*c;//每个图片的尺寸,这里要考虑RGB通道
float r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0, r_scale = 0;//设置图像抖动最小随机平移量
float resize_r1 = 0, resize_r2 = 0;//用于当图像出现缩放的时候的最小随机平移量
float dhue = 0, dsat = 0, dexp = 0, flip = 0, blur = 0;//抖动、色调、曝光、翻转、糊化参数初始值
int augmentation_calculated = 0, gaussian_noise = 0;//增强计算标志位和是否使用高斯噪声
d.y = make_matrix(n, truth_size*boxes);
char **get_sequential_paths(char **paths, int n, int m, int mini_batch, int augment_speed, int contrastive)
int speed = rand_int(1, augment_speed);//speed在(1, augment_speed)或(augment_speed,1)中间取值,程序中默认augment_speed =2所以speed一般为1.x
if (speed < 1) speed = 1;//如果speed小于1,则取1
char** sequentia_paths = (char**)xcalloc(n, sizeof(char*));
int i;
//printf("n = %d, mini_batch = %d \n", n, mini_batch);
unsigned int *start_time_indexes = (unsigned int *)xcalloc(mini_batch, sizeof(unsigned int));
for (i = 0; i < mini_batch; ++i) {
if (contrastive && (i % 2) == 1) start_time_indexes[i] = start_time_indexes[i - 1];
else start_time_indexes[i] = random_gen() % m;//否则,start_time_indexes为一个0-m之间的随机数,即在所有图片集中随机抽取
//printf(" start_time_indexes[i] = %u, ", start_time_indexes[i]);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
do {
int time_line_index = i % mini_batch;//循环设置time_line_index索引
unsigned int index = start_time_indexes[time_line_index] % m;
start_time_indexes[time_line_index] += speed;
//int index = random_gen() % m;
sequentia_paths[i] = paths[index];//获取一个batch的图片序列
//printf(" index = %d, ", index);
//if(i == 0) printf("%s\n", paths[index]);
//printf(" index = %u - grp: %s \n", index, paths[index]);
if (strlen(sequentia_paths[i]) <= 4) printf(" Very small path to the image: %s \n", sequentia_paths[i]);
} while (strlen(sequentia_paths[i]) == 0);
return sequentia_paths;
char **get_random_paths_custom(char **paths, int n, int m, int contrastive)
char** random_paths = (char**)xcalloc(n, sizeof(char*));
int i;
int old_index = 0;
//printf("n = %d \n", n);
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
do {
int index = random_gen() % m;
if (contrastive && (i % 2 == 1)) index = old_index;
else old_index = index;
random_paths[i] = paths[index];
//if(i == 0) printf("%s\n", paths[index]);
//printf("grp: %s\n", paths[index]);
if (strlen(random_paths[i]) <= 4) printf(" Very small path to the image: %s \n", random_paths[i]);
} while (strlen(random_paths[i]) == 0);
return random_paths;
抖动通过int pleft = rand_precalc_random(-dw, dw, r1);等函数完成,如果抖动r1使用r1 = random_float();等函数设置随机数,如果不抖动pleft = -dw,即-0.2*原始图像的宽度。
float rand_precalc_random(float min, float max, float random_part)
if (max < min) {
float swap = min;
min = max;
max = swap;
return (random_part * (max - min)) + min;
pleft += rand_precalc_random(min_rdw, 0, resize_r1);
在非抖动的情况下,pleft = pleft + min_rdw
l e f t n e w = l e f t _ o r i g i n ∗ s x – d x left_new = left\_origin * sx – dx leftnew=left_origin∗sx–dx
r i g h t n e w = r i g h t _ o r i g i n ∗ s x – d x right_new = right\_origin * sx – dx rightnew=right_origin∗sx–dx
t o p n e w = t o p _ o r i g i n ∗ s y – d y top_new = top\_origin * sy – dy topnew=top_origin∗sy–dy
b o t t o m n e w = b o t t o m _ o r i g i n ∗ s y – d y bottom_new = bottom\_origin * sy – dy bottomnew=bottom_origin∗sy–dy
x = ( l e f t _ n e w + r i g h t _ n e w ) / 2 x = (left\_new + right\_new)/2 x=(left_new+right_new)/2
y = ( t o p _ n e w + b o t t o m _ n e w ) / 2 y = (top\_new + bottom\_new)/2 y=(top_new+bottom_new)/2
w = ( r i g h t _ n e w − l e f t _ n e w ) w = (right\_new - left\_new) w=(right_new−left_new)
h = ( b o t t o m _ n e w − t o p _ n e w ) h = (bottom\_new - top\_new) h=(bottom_new−top_new)
int fill_truth_detection(const char *path, int num_boxes, int truth_size, float *truth, int classes, int flip, float dx, float dy, float sx, float sy,
int net_w, int net_h)
char labelpath[4096];//初始化标签文件的路径
replace_image_to_label(path, labelpath);//使用一定的规则根据图像的路径算出label文件的路径
int count = 0;
int i;
box_label *boxes = read_boxes(labelpath, &count);
int min_w_h = 0;
float lowest_w = 1.F / net_w;//计算宽度的下限,1.F位浮点数1
float lowest_h = 1.F / net_h;
randomize_boxes(boxes, count);
correct_boxes(boxes, count, dx, dy, sx, sy, flip);//修正目标尺寸,平移加尺度伸缩,即线性变换
if (count > num_boxes) count = num_boxes;
float x, y, w, h;
int id;
int sub = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
x = boxes[i].x;
y = boxes[i].y;
w = boxes[i].w;
h = boxes[i].h;
id = boxes[i].id;
int track_id = boxes[i].track_id;
// not detect small objects
//if ((w < 0.001F || h < 0.001F)) continue;
// if truth (box for object) is smaller than 1x1 pix
char buff[256];
if (id >= classes) {
printf("\n Wrong annotation: class_id = %d. But class_id should be [from 0 to %d], file: %s \n", id, (classes-1), labelpath);
sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Wrong annotation: class_id = %d. But class_id should be [from 0 to %d]\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath, id, (classes-1));
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if ((w < lowest_w || h < lowest_h)) {
//sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Very small object: w < lowest_w OR h < lowest_h\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath);
if (x == 999999 || y == 999999) {
printf("\n Wrong annotation: x = 0, y = 0, < 0 or > 1, file: %s \n", labelpath);
sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Wrong annotation: x = 0 or y = 0\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath);
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (x <= 0 || x > 1 || y <= 0 || y > 1) {
printf("\n Wrong annotation: x = %f, y = %f, file: %s \n", x, y, labelpath);
sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Wrong annotation: x = %f, y = %f\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath, x, y);
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (w > 1) {
printf("\n Wrong annotation: w = %f, file: %s \n", w, labelpath);
sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Wrong annotation: w = %f\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath, w);
w = 1;
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (h > 1) {
printf("\n Wrong annotation: h = %f, file: %s \n", h, labelpath);
sprintf(buff, "echo %s \"Wrong annotation: h = %f\" >> bad_label.list", labelpath, h);
h = 1;
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (x == 0) x += lowest_w;
if (y == 0) y += lowest_h;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +0] = x;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +1] = y;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +2] = w;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +3] = h;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +4] = id;
truth[(i-sub)*truth_size +5] = track_id;
//float val = track_id;
//printf(" i = %d, sub = %d, truth_size = %d, track_id = %d, %f, %f\n", i, sub, truth_size, track_id, truth[(i - sub)*truth_size + 5], val);
if (min_w_h == 0) min_w_h = w*net_w;
if (min_w_h > w*net_w) min_w_h = w*net_w;
if (min_w_h > h*net_h) min_w_h = h*net_h;
return min_w_h;
void correct_boxes(box_label *boxes, int n, float dx, float dy, float sx, float sy, int flip)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
if(boxes[i].x == 0 && boxes[i].y == 0) {
boxes[i].x = 999999;
boxes[i].y = 999999;
boxes[i].w = 999999;
boxes[i].h = 999999;
if ((boxes[i].x + boxes[i].w / 2) < 0 || (boxes[i].y + boxes[i].h / 2) < 0 ||
(boxes[i].x - boxes[i].w / 2) > 1 || (boxes[i].y - boxes[i].h / 2) > 1)
boxes[i].x = 999999;
boxes[i].y = 999999;
boxes[i].w = 999999;
boxes[i].h = 999999;
boxes[i].left = boxes[i].left * sx - dx;//dx为偏移量,sx为拉伸比例
boxes[i].right = boxes[i].right * sx - dx;
boxes[i].top = boxes[i].top * sy - dy;//dy为偏移量,sy为拉伸比例
boxes[i].bottom = boxes[i].bottom* sy - dy;
float swap = boxes[i].left;
boxes[i].left = 1. - boxes[i].right;
boxes[i].right = 1. - swap;
boxes[i].left = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].left);
boxes[i].right = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].right);
boxes[i].top = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].top);
boxes[i].bottom = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].bottom);
boxes[i].x = (boxes[i].left+boxes[i].right)/2;//重新计算坐标位置
boxes[i].y = (boxes[i].top+boxes[i].bottom)/2;
boxes[i].w = (boxes[i].right - boxes[i].left);
boxes[i].h = (boxes[i].bottom - boxes[i].top);
boxes[i].w = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].w);
boxes[i].h = constrain(0, 1, boxes[i].h);
const int left_shift = min_val_cmp(cut_x[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-pleft*w / ow)));
const int top_shift = min_val_cmp(cut_y[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-ptop*h / oh)));
const int right_shift = min_val_cmp((w - cut_x[i]), max_val_cmp(0, (-pright*w / ow)));
const int bot_shift = min_val_cmp(h - cut_y[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-pbot*h / oh)));
void blend_truth_mosaic(float *new_truth, int boxes, int truth_size, float *old_truth, int w, int h, float cut_x, float cut_y, int i_mixup,
int left_shift, int right_shift, int top_shift, int bot_shift,
int net_w, int net_h, int mosaic_bound)
const float lowest_w = 1.F / net_w;
const float lowest_h = 1.F / net_h;
int count_new_truth = 0;
int t;
for (t = 0; t < boxes; ++t) {
float x = new_truth[t*truth_size];
if (!x) break;
int new_t = count_new_truth;
for (t = count_new_truth; t < boxes; ++t) {
float *new_truth_ptr = new_truth + new_t*truth_size;
new_truth_ptr[0] = 0;
float *old_truth_ptr = old_truth + (t - count_new_truth)*truth_size;
float x = old_truth_ptr[0];
if (!x) break;
float xb = old_truth_ptr[0];
float yb = old_truth_ptr[1];
float wb = old_truth_ptr[2];
float hb = old_truth_ptr[3];
// shift 4 images
if (i_mixup == 0) {
xb = xb - (float)(w - cut_x - right_shift) / w;
yb = yb - (float)(h - cut_y - bot_shift) / h;
if (i_mixup == 1) {
xb = xb + (float)(cut_x - left_shift) / w;
yb = yb - (float)(h - cut_y - bot_shift) / h;
if (i_mixup == 2) {
xb = xb - (float)(w - cut_x - right_shift) / w;
yb = yb + (float)(cut_y - top_shift) / h;
if (i_mixup == 3) {
xb = xb + (float)(cut_x - left_shift) / w;
yb = yb + (float)(cut_y - top_shift) / h;
int left = (xb - wb / 2)*w;
int right = (xb + wb / 2)*w;
int top = (yb - hb / 2)*h;
int bot = (yb + hb / 2)*h;
// fix out of Mosaic-bound
float left_bound = 0, right_bound = 0, top_bound = 0, bot_bound = 0;
if (i_mixup == 0) {
left_bound = 0;
right_bound = cut_x;
top_bound = 0;
bot_bound = cut_y;
if (i_mixup == 1) {
left_bound = cut_x;
right_bound = w;
top_bound = 0;
bot_bound = cut_y;
if (i_mixup == 2) {
left_bound = 0;
right_bound = cut_x;
top_bound = cut_y;
bot_bound = h;
if (i_mixup == 3) {
left_bound = cut_x;
right_bound = w;
top_bound = cut_y;
bot_bound = h;
if (left < left_bound) {
//printf(" i_mixup = %d, left = %d, left_bound = %f \n", i_mixup, left, left_bound);
left = left_bound;
if (right > right_bound) {
//printf(" i_mixup = %d, right = %d, right_bound = %f \n", i_mixup, right, right_bound);
right = right_bound;
if (top < top_bound) top = top_bound;
if (bot > bot_bound) bot = bot_bound;
xb = ((float)(right + left) / 2) / w;
wb = ((float)(right - left)) / w;
yb = ((float)(bot + top) / 2) / h;
hb = ((float)(bot - top)) / h;
// fix out of bound
if (left < 0) {
float diff = (float)left / w;
xb = xb - diff / 2;
wb = wb + diff;
if (right > w) {
float diff = (float)(right - w) / w;
xb = xb - diff / 2;
wb = wb - diff;
if (top < 0) {
float diff = (float)top / h;
yb = yb - diff / 2;
hb = hb + diff;
if (bot > h) {
float diff = (float)(bot - h) / h;
yb = yb - diff / 2;
hb = hb - diff;
left = (xb - wb / 2)*w;
right = (xb + wb / 2)*w;
top = (yb - hb / 2)*h;
bot = (yb + hb / 2)*h;
// leave only within the image
if(left >= 0 && right <= w && top >= 0 && bot <= h &&
wb > 0 && wb < 1 && hb > 0 && hb < 1 &&
xb > 0 && xb < 1 && yb > 0 && yb < 1 &&
wb > lowest_w && hb > lowest_h)
new_truth_ptr[0] = xb;
new_truth_ptr[1] = yb;
new_truth_ptr[2] = wb;
new_truth_ptr[3] = hb;
new_truth_ptr[4] = old_truth_ptr[4];
//printf("\n was %d bboxes, now %d bboxes \n", count_new_truth, t);
//int n = imgs
//按照parser中的解释,同时使用mosaic和cutmix数据增强方法,use_mixup = 4;只使用cutmix,use_mixup = 2;只使用mosaic,use_mixup = 3;都不使用,use_mixup = 0
//但是在实际函数中,darknet依然保持他喜欢在代码中迷惑人的风范,use_mixup = 0是使用OpenCV中的调节亮度色彩饱和度、噪点等,use_mixup = 1为mixup
//use_mixup = 2的cutmix被mosaic DA所取代
//use_mixup 用于表征采用哪种增强方法,use_mixup == 4时,拼接4张图片,循环4次,采用mosaic,赋值use_mixup = 3
//use_mixup == 2,赋值use_mixup = 0,则图像拼接的循环执行1次,处理一张图片
//采用use_mixup = 0还是use_mixup = 3按50%的概率发生
data load_data_detection(int n, char **paths, int m, int w, int h, int c, int boxes, int truth_size, int classes, int use_flip, int use_gaussian_noise, int use_blur, int use_mixup,
float jitter, float resize, float hue, float saturation, float exposure, int mini_batch, int track, int augment_speed, int letter_box, int mosaic_bound, int contrastive, int contrastive_jit_flip, int show_imgs)
const int random_index = random_gen();
c = c ? c : 3;//保证图像为RGB三通道
//"cutmix=1 - isn't supported for Detector (use cutmix=1 only for Classifier)"
if (use_mixup == 2 || use_mixup == 4) {
printf("\n cutmix=1 - isn't supported for Detector (use cutmix=1 only for Classifier) \n");
if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if(use_mixup == 2) use_mixup = 0;//循环次数use_mixup+1 = 1;
else use_mixup = 3;//同时使用mosaic和cutmix数据增强方法,循环次数use_mixup+1 = 4
if (use_mixup == 3 && letter_box) {
//printf("\n Combination: letter_box=1 & mosaic=1 - isn't supported, use only 1 of these parameters \n");
//if (check_mistakes) getchar();
if (random_gen() % 2 == 0) use_mixup = 0;//当使用mosaicDA,平均有一半的use_mixup = 0,即不进行任何变换
int i;
//数据增强策略:mosaic条件平均有一半的use_mixup = 0,其他条件下所有use_mixup = 0
//use_mixup == 3的条件下,设置mosaic DA 初始cut值
int *cut_x = NULL, *cut_y = NULL;
if (use_mixup == 3) {
cut_x = (int*)calloc(n, sizeof(int));
cut_y = (int*)calloc(n, sizeof(int));
const float min_offset = 0.2; // 20%
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cut_x[i] = rand_int(w*min_offset, w*(1 - min_offset));
cut_y[i] = rand_int(h*min_offset, h*(1 - min_offset));
data d = {
d.shallow = 0;
d.X.rows = n;//d.X中存储一个batch的n个图片
d.X.vals = (float**)xcalloc(d.X.rows, sizeof(float*));
d.X.cols = h*w*c;//每个图片的尺寸,这里要考虑RGB通道
float r1 = 0, r2 = 0, r3 = 0, r4 = 0, r_scale = 0;//设置图像抖动最小随机平移量
float resize_r1 = 0, resize_r2 = 0;//用于当图像出现缩放的时候的最小随机平移量
float dhue = 0, dsat = 0, dexp = 0, flip = 0, blur = 0;//抖动、色调、曝光、翻转、糊化参数初始值
int augmentation_calculated = 0, gaussian_noise = 0;//增强计算标志位和是否使用高斯噪声
d.y = make_matrix(n, truth_size*boxes);
int i_mixup = 0;
//mosaic DA条件下一半情况下use_mixup = 3,要执行4次循环,处理4张图片,其他情况use_mixup = 0,循环只执行1次
for (i_mixup = 0; i_mixup <= use_mixup; i_mixup++) {
//如果是非首次循环,augmentation_calculated = 0
if (i_mixup) augmentation_calculated = 0; // recalculate augmentation for the 2nd sequence if(track==1)
//如果track == 1则执行get_sequential_paths,从所有m个训练图片集中获n个取序列路径,否则获取n个随机路径
char **random_paths;
if (track) random_paths = get_sequential_paths(paths, n, m, mini_batch, augment_speed, contrastive);
else random_paths = get_random_paths_custom(paths, n, m, contrastive);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float *truth = (float*)xcalloc(truth_size * boxes, sizeof(float));//真值初始化
const char *filename = random_paths[i];//获取文件名
int flag = (c >= 3);//通道数大于等于3,则flag=1
mat_cv *src;
src = load_image_mat_cv(filename, flag);//使用OpenCV读取图像信息
if (src == NULL) {
printf("\n Error in load_data_detection() - OpenCV \n");
if (check_mistakes) {
//获取图片的原始高oh(origin height)和宽ow(origin width)
int oh = get_height_mat(src);
int ow = get_width_mat(src);
int dw = (ow*jitter);//jitter=0.2
int dh = (oh*jitter);
//min_rdw,min_rdh 一定 < 0,max_rdw,max_rdh 一定 > 0,相当于计算ow和oh的“缓冲带”的上下沿
float resize_down = resize, resize_up = resize;
if (resize_down > 1.0) resize_down = 1 / resize_down;
int min_rdw = ow*(1 - (1 / resize_down)) / 2; // < 0
int min_rdh = oh*(1 - (1 / resize_down)) / 2; // < 0
if (resize_up < 1.0) resize_up = 1 / resize_up;//切边?
int max_rdw = ow*(1 - (1 / resize_up)) / 2; // > 0
int max_rdh = oh*(1 - (1 / resize_up)) / 2; // > 0
//printf(" down = %f, up = %f \n", (1 - (1 / resize_down)) / 2, (1 - (1 / resize_up)) / 2);
if (!augmentation_calculated || !track)
augmentation_calculated = 1;//每4次图像抽取更新一次随机处理的参数
resize_r1 = random_float();//0-1之间的随机浮点数
resize_r2 = random_float();
if (!contrastive || contrastive_jit_flip || i % 2 == 0)
r1 = random_float();
r2 = random_float();
r3 = random_float();
r4 = random_float();
flip = use_flip ? random_gen() % 2 : 0;//use_flip初始值为1,flip为随机0或1
r_scale = random_float();
//cfg中,saturation = 1.5,exposure = 1.5中
dhue = rand_uniform_strong(-hue, hue);
dsat = rand_scale(saturation);//随机为1-1.5之间或者0.66-1之间
dexp = rand_scale(exposure);
if (use_blur) {
int tmp_blur = rand_int(0, 2); // 0 - disable, 1 - blur background, 2 - blur the whole image
if (tmp_blur == 0) blur = 0;
else if (tmp_blur == 1) blur = 1;
else blur = use_blur;
if (use_gaussian_noise && rand_int(0, 1) == 1) gaussian_noise = use_gaussian_noise;
else gaussian_noise = 0;
int pleft = rand_precalc_random(-dw, dw, r1);
int pright = rand_precalc_random(-dw, dw, r2);
int ptop = rand_precalc_random(-dh, dh, r3);
int pbot = rand_precalc_random(-dh, dh, r4);
if (resize < 1) {
// downsize only
pleft += rand_precalc_random(min_rdw, 0, resize_r1);
pright += rand_precalc_random(min_rdw, 0, resize_r2);
ptop += rand_precalc_random(min_rdh, 0, resize_r1);
pbot += rand_precalc_random(min_rdh, 0, resize_r2);
else {
pleft += rand_precalc_random(min_rdw, max_rdw, resize_r1);
pright += rand_precalc_random(min_rdw, max_rdw, resize_r2);
ptop += rand_precalc_random(min_rdh, max_rdh, resize_r1);
pbot += rand_precalc_random(min_rdh, max_rdh, resize_r2);
//printf("\n pleft = %d, pright = %d, ptop = %d, pbot = %d, ow = %d, oh = %d \n", pleft, pright, ptop, pbot, ow, oh);
//float scale = rand_precalc_random(.25, 2, r_scale); // unused currently
//printf(" letter_box = %d \n", letter_box);
if (letter_box)
float img_ar = (float)ow / (float)oh;
float net_ar = (float)w / (float)h;
float result_ar = img_ar / net_ar;
//printf(" ow = %d, oh = %d, w = %d, h = %d, img_ar = %f, net_ar = %f, result_ar = %f \n", ow, oh, w, h, img_ar, net_ar, result_ar);
if (result_ar > 1) // sheight - should be increased
float oh_tmp = ow / net_ar;
float delta_h = (oh_tmp - oh)/2;
ptop = ptop - delta_h;
pbot = pbot - delta_h;
//printf(" result_ar = %f, oh_tmp = %f, delta_h = %d, ptop = %f, pbot = %f \n", result_ar, oh_tmp, delta_h, ptop, pbot);
else // swidth - should be increased
float ow_tmp = oh * net_ar;
float delta_w = (ow_tmp - ow)/2;
pleft = pleft - delta_w;
pright = pright - delta_w;
//printf(" result_ar = %f, ow_tmp = %f, delta_w = %d, pleft = %f, pright = %f \n", result_ar, ow_tmp, delta_w, pleft, pright);
//printf("\n pleft = %d, pright = %d, ptop = %d, pbot = %d, ow = %d, oh = %d \n", pleft, pright, ptop, pbot, ow, oh);
// move each 2nd image to the corner - so that most of it was visible
// 将第二张图片移到角上,这样图片的大部分像素都可以看见,也可能这是最初的设计
// 但是在实际图像处理中,因为要对图片进行平移,flip条件下还要进行数据对换,这个一会给left赋0.一会给right赋0的伎俩并没有什么实际意义
// pleft += pright可以看成增强数据的随机性的一种方式,可以保证平移量出现较大的数据范围
if (use_mixup == 3 && random_gen() % 2 == 0) {
if (flip) {
if (i_mixup == 0) pleft += pright, pright = 0, pbot += ptop, ptop = 0;
if (i_mixup == 1) pright += pleft, pleft = 0, pbot += ptop, ptop = 0;
if (i_mixup == 2) pleft += pright, pright = 0, ptop += pbot, pbot = 0;
if (i_mixup == 3) pright += pleft, pleft = 0, ptop += pbot, pbot = 0;
else {
if (i_mixup == 0) pright += pleft, pleft = 0, pbot += ptop, ptop = 0;
if (i_mixup == 1) pleft += pright, pright = 0, pbot += ptop, ptop = 0;
if (i_mixup == 2) pright += pleft, pleft = 0, ptop += pbot, pbot = 0;
if (i_mixup == 3) pleft += pright, pright = 0, ptop += pbot, pbot = 0;
//无抖动条件下swidth = ow,sheight = oh
int swidth = ow - pleft - pright;
int sheight = oh - ptop - pbot;
float sx = (float)swidth / ow;
float sy = (float)sheight / oh;
float dx = ((float)pleft / ow) / sx;
float dy = ((float)ptop / oh) / sy;
int min_w_h = fill_truth_detection(filename, boxes, truth_size, truth, classes, flip, dx, dy, 1. / sx, 1. / sy, w, h);
//for (int z = 0; z < boxes; ++z) if(truth[z*truth_size] > 0) printf(" track_id = %f \n", truth[z*truth_size + 5]);
//printf(" truth_size = %d \n", truth_size);
if ((min_w_h / 8) < blur && blur > 1) blur = min_w_h / 8; // disable blur if one of the objects is too small
//数据增强普通函数,在image_opencv.cpp中,在进行mosaic DA之前,前进行一轮普通增强
image ai = image_data_augmentation(src, w, h, pleft, ptop, swidth, sheight, flip, dhue, dsat, dexp,
gaussian_noise, blur, boxes, truth_size, truth);
if (use_mixup == 0) {
d.X.vals[i] = ai.data;
memcpy(d.y.vals[i], truth, truth_size * boxes * sizeof(float));
}//use_mixup == 0,表示只进行opencv中的数据增强
// use_mixup == 1,使用mixup
else if (use_mixup == 1) {
if (i_mixup == 0) {
d.X.vals[i] = ai.data;
memcpy(d.y.vals[i], truth, truth_size * boxes * sizeof(float));
else if (i_mixup == 1) {
image old_img = make_empty_image(w, h, c);
old_img.data = d.X.vals[i];
//show_image(ai, "new");
//show_image(old_img, "old");
blend_images_cv(ai, 0.5, old_img, 0.5);
blend_truth(d.y.vals[i], boxes, truth_size, truth);
d.X.vals[i] = ai.data;
else if (use_mixup == 3) {
if (i_mixup == 0) {
image tmp_img = make_image(w, h, c);//生成临时切割好的图像块
d.X.vals[i] = tmp_img.data;
if (flip) {
int tmp = pleft;
pleft = pright;
pright = tmp;
// 平移之后,待切割的图像中有充足的像素点
const int left_shift = min_val_cmp(cut_x[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-pleft*w / ow)));
const int top_shift = min_val_cmp(cut_y[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-ptop*h / oh)));
const int right_shift = min_val_cmp((w - cut_x[i]), max_val_cmp(0, (-pright*w / ow)));
const int bot_shift = min_val_cmp(h - cut_y[i], max_val_cmp(0, (-pbot*h / oh)));
// 每个i_mixup循环切割一块像素点,放入d.X中,构成一个个用于卷积的正方形图像数据
// 排列顺序是左上,右上,左下,右下
int k, x, y;
for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) {
for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
int j = y*w + k*w*h;
if (i_mixup == 0 && y < cut_y[i]) {
int j_src = (w - cut_x[i] - right_shift) + (y + h - cut_y[i] - bot_shift)*w + k*w*h;
memcpy(&d.X.vals[i][j + 0], &ai.data[j_src], cut_x[i] * sizeof(float));
if (i_mixup == 1 && y < cut_y[i]) {
int j_src = left_shift + (y + h - cut_y[i] - bot_shift)*w + k*w*h;
memcpy(&d.X.vals[i][j + cut_x[i]], &ai.data[j_src], (w-cut_x[i]) * sizeof(float));
if (i_mixup == 2 && y >= cut_y[i]) {
int j_src = (w - cut_x[i] - right_shift) + (top_shift + y - cut_y[i])*w + k*w*h;
memcpy(&d.X.vals[i][j + 0], &ai.data[j_src], cut_x[i] * sizeof(float));
if (i_mixup == 3 && y >= cut_y[i]) {
int j_src = left_shift + (top_shift + y - cut_y[i])*w + k*w*h;
memcpy(&d.X.vals[i][j + cut_x[i]], &ai.data[j_src], (w - cut_x[i]) * sizeof(float));
//mosaic DA的核心函数,绑定数据信息d.y
blend_truth_mosaic(d.y.vals[i], boxes, truth_size, truth, w, h, cut_x[i], cut_y[i], i_mixup, left_shift, right_shift, top_shift, bot_shift, w, h, mosaic_bound);
ai.data = d.X.vals[i];
if (show_imgs && i_mixup == use_mixup) // delete i_mixup
image tmp_ai = copy_image(ai);
char buff[1000];
//sprintf(buff, "aug_%d_%d_%s_%d", random_index, i, basecfg((char*)filename), random_gen());
sprintf(buff, "aug_%d_%d_%d", random_index, i, random_gen());
int t;
for (t = 0; t < boxes; ++t) {
box b = float_to_box_stride(d.y.vals[i] + t*truth_size, 1);
if (!b.x) break;
int left = (b.x - b.w / 2.)*ai.w;
int right = (b.x + b.w / 2.)*ai.w;
int top = (b.y - b.h / 2.)*ai.h;
int bot = (b.y + b.h / 2.)*ai.h;
draw_box_width(tmp_ai, left, top, right, bot, 1, 150, 100, 50); // 3 channels RGB
save_image(tmp_ai, buff);
if (show_imgs == 1) {
//char buff_src[1000];
//sprintf(buff_src, "src_%d_%d_%s_%d", random_index, i, basecfg((char*)filename), random_gen());
//show_image_mat(src, buff_src);
show_image(tmp_ai, buff);
printf("\nYou use flag -show_imgs, so will be saved aug_...jpg images. Click on window and press ESC button \n");
if (random_paths) free(random_paths);
return d;