using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Samples
public class SourceRenderer
const string TAG_FNTRED = "<font color= \"red\">";
const string TAG_FNTBLUE = "<font color= \"blue\">";
const string TAG_FNTGRN = "<font color= \"green\">";
const string TAG_FNTMRN = "<font color=\"maroon\">";
const string TAG_EFONT = "</font>";
public string ProcessFile(string fileName, string language)
string err_message = "<p><b>Source Viewer Error: cannot show this file</b></p>";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
StringWriter textBuffer = new StringWriter();
String sourceLine;
if (language.Equals("c#", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (fileName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).EndsWith(".cs"))
while ((sourceLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
else if (language.Equals("vb", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (fileName.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).EndsWith(".vb"))
while ((sourceLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
String lang = "c#";
bool isInScriptBlock = false;
bool isInMultiLine = false;
while ((sourceLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
// First we want to grab the global language
// for this page by a Page directive. Or
// possibly from a script block.
lang = GetLangFromLine(sourceLine, lang);
if (IsScriptBlockTagStart(sourceLine))
isInScriptBlock = true;
else if (IsScriptBlockTagEnd(sourceLine))
isInScriptBlock = false;
else if (IsMultiLineTagStart(sourceLine) && !isInMultiLine)
isInMultiLine = true;
textBuffer.Write("<font color=blue><b>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine));
else if (IsMultiLineTagEnd(sourceLine) && isInMultiLine)
isInMultiLine = false;
textBuffer.Write(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine) + "</b></font>");
else if (isInMultiLine)
if (isInScriptBlock == true)
if (lang.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "c#")
else if (lang.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "vb")
else if (lang.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "jscript" || lang.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "javascript")
return textBuffer.ToString();
catch { }
return err_message;
string GetLangFromLine(string sourceLine, string defLang)
if (sourceLine == null)
return defLang;
Match langMatch = Regex.Match(sourceLine, "(?i)<%@\\s*Page\\s*.*Language\\s*=\\s*\"(?<lang>[^\"]+)\"");
if (langMatch.Success)
return langMatch.Groups["lang"].ToString();
langMatch = Regex.Match(sourceLine, "(?i)(?=.*runat\\s*=\\s*\"?server\"?)<script.*language\\s*=\\s*\"(?<lang>[^\"]+)\".*>");
if (langMatch.Success)
return langMatch.Groups["lang"].ToString();
langMatch = Regex.Match(sourceLine, "(?i)<%@\\s*WebService\\s*.*Language\\s*=\\s*\"?(?<lang>[^\"]+)\"?");
if (langMatch.Success)
return langMatch.Groups["lang"].ToString();
return defLang;
string FixCSLine(string sourceLine)
if (sourceLine == null)
return null;
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)(file://t/)", " ");
sourceLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine);
String[] keywords = new String[]
// these are the C# Keywords according to the C# Language Specification secion 2.4.3:
// while technically *not* keywords, these are included for color purposes
// "In some places in the grammar, specific identifiers have special meaning, but are not keywords."
"get", "set"
String[] directives = new String[]
// preprocessor directives (2.5 of the C# Language Specification)
String CombinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + String.Join("|", keywords) + ")";
String CombinedDirectives = "(?<directive>" + String.Join("|", directives) + ")";
// Checking to see if the line contains double quotes
// We want to deal with specific issues with keywords in double quotes
if (sourceLine.IndexOf(""") > -1)
sourceLine = ParseDoubleQuotesCSJS(sourceLine, CombinedKeywords, CombinedDirectives);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, @"\s*[#]\b" + CombinedDirectives +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "#${directive}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "file://b/" + CombinedKeywords +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?<comment>//.*$)",
TAG_FNTGRN + "${comment}" + TAG_EFONT);
return sourceLine;
string FixJSLine(string sourceLine)
if (sourceLine == null)
return null;
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)(file://t/)", " ");
sourceLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine);
String[] keywords = new String[]
// JScript protected reserved words
// JScript New Reserved words
// JScript Future Reserved words
String CombinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + String.Join("|", keywords) + ")";
// Checking to see if the line contains double quotes
// We want to deal with specific issues with keywords in double quotes
if (sourceLine.IndexOf(""") > -1)
sourceLine = ParseDoubleQuotesCSJS(sourceLine, CombinedKeywords, "");
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "file://b/" + CombinedKeywords +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?<comment>//.*$)",
TAG_FNTGRN + "${comment}" + TAG_EFONT);
return sourceLine;
string FixVJSLine(string sourceLine)
if (sourceLine == null)
return null;
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)(file://t/)", " ");
sourceLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine);
String[] keywords = new String[]
// these are the J# Keywords (support for JDK level 1.1.4 class libraries)
// while technically *not* keywords, these are included for color purposes
// "In some places in the grammar, specific identifiers have special meaning, but are not keywords."
"get_", "set_"
String[] directives = new String[]
// preprocessor and conditional compilation directives_
String CombinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + String.Join("|", keywords) + ")";
String CombinedDirectives = "(?<directive>" + String.Join("|", directives) + ")";
// Checking to see if the line contains double quotes
// We want to deal with specific issues with keywords in double quotes
if (sourceLine.IndexOf(""") > -1)
sourceLine = ParseDoubleQuotesCSJS(sourceLine, CombinedKeywords, CombinedDirectives);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, @"\s*[#]\b" + CombinedDirectives +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "#${directive}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "file://b/" + CombinedKeywords +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?<comment>//.*$)",
TAG_FNTGRN + "${comment}" + TAG_EFONT);
return sourceLine;
string ParseDoubleQuotesCSJS(string sourceLine, String keywords, String directives)
// Create a regular expressing to partition out items separated by ".
Regex quoteRegex = new Regex("(".*?")");
// This will return a string array separated by the quotes
String[] sepSource = quoteRegex.Split(sourceLine);
for (int curPos = 0; curPos <= sepSource.Length - 1; curPos++)
if (sepSource[curPos].IndexOf(""") < 0)
// get the #directives colored
if (directives != "")
sepSource[curPos] = Regex.Replace(sepSource[curPos], @"(?i)\s*[#]\b" +
directives + "file://b(/?<!'.*)",
TAG_FNTBLUE + "#${directive}" + TAG_EFONT);
sepSource[curPos] = Regex.Replace(sepSource[curPos], "file://b/" +
keywords + "file://b(/?<!//.*)",
TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
return String.Join("", sepSource);
string FixVBLine(string sourceLine)
if (sourceLine == null)
return null;
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)(file://t/)", " ");
sourceLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine);
String[] keywords = new String[]
// Visual Basic keywords according to section 2.3 of the Visual Basic Language Specification
// added in the directives that don't necessary have a # in front of them all the time that aren't already
// keywords since VB has a different syntax for these types of things then C#/C/C++
"Region", "ExternalSource"
String[] directives = new String[]
// VB preprocessor directives from section 3 of the Visual Basic Language Specification
"Const","ExternalSource","If","Then","Else","Region", "End", "ElseIf"
String CombinedKeywords = "(?<keyword>" + String.Join("|", keywords) + ")";
String CombinedDirectives = "(?<directive>" + String.Join("|", directives) + ")";
// Checking to see if the line contains double quotes
// We want to deal with specific issues with comments "'" and keywords in double quotes
if (sourceLine.IndexOf(""") > -1)
// Create a regular expressing to partition out items separated by ".
Regex quoteRegex = new Regex("(".*?")");
// This will return a string array separated by the quotes
String[] sepSource = quoteRegex.Split(sourceLine);
// Setting to add the ending font (for comments)
bool addEndComment = false;
for (int curPos = 0; curPos <= sepSource.Length - 1; curPos++)
if (sepSource[curPos].IndexOf(""") < 0)
// get the #directives colored
sepSource[curPos] = Regex.Replace(sepSource[curPos], @"(?i)\s*[#]\b" +
CombinedDirectives + "file://b(/?<!'.*)",
TAG_FNTBLUE + "#${directive}" + TAG_EFONT);
sepSource[curPos] = Regex.Replace(sepSource[curPos], "(?i)\\b" +
CombinedKeywords + "file://b(/?<!'.*)",
TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
// check for comment quote
if (sepSource[curPos].IndexOf("'") > -1)
sepSource[curPos] = Regex.Replace(sepSource[curPos],
"(?<comment>'(?![^']*").*$)", TAG_FNTGRN + "${comment}");
addEndComment = true;
sourceLine = string.Join("", sepSource);
if (addEndComment)
sourceLine += TAG_EFONT;
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, @"\s*[#]\b" + CombinedDirectives +
"file://b(/?<!//.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "#${directive}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)\\b" + CombinedKeywords +
"file://b(/?<!'.*)", TAG_FNTBLUE + "${keyword}" + TAG_EFONT);
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?<comment>'(?![^']*").*$)",
TAG_FNTGRN + "${comment}" + TAG_EFONT);
return sourceLine;
string FixAspxLine(string sourceLine)
string searchExpr; // search string
string replaceExpr; // replace string
if ((sourceLine == null) || (sourceLine.Length == 0))
return sourceLine;
// Search for \t and replace it with 4 spaces.
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, "(?i)(file://t/)", " ");
sourceLine = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceLine);
// Single line comment or #include references.
searchExpr = "(?i)(?<a>(^.*))(?<b>(<!--))(?<c>(.*))(?<d>(-->))(?<e>(.*))";
replaceExpr = "${a}" + TAG_FNTGRN + "${b}${c}${d}" + TAG_EFONT + "${e}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
return Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
// Colorize <%@ <type>
searchExpr = "(?i)" + "(?<a>(<%@))" + "(?<b>(.*))" + "(?<c>(%>))";
replaceExpr = "<font color=blue><b>${a}${b}${c}</b></font>";
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
// Colorize <%# <type>
searchExpr = "(?i)" + "(?<a>(<%#))" + "(?<b>(.*))" + "(?<c>(%>))";
replaceExpr = "${a}" + "<font color=red><b>" + "${b}" + "</b></font>" + "${c}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
// Colorize tag <type>
searchExpr = "(?i)" + "(?<a>(<)(?!%)(?!/?asp:)(?!/?template)(?!/?property)(?!/?ibuyspy:)(/|!)?)" + "(?<b>[^;\\s&]+)" + "(?<c>(file:///s:>%7C//Z))";
replaceExpr = "${a}" + TAG_FNTMRN + "${b}" + TAG_EFONT + "${c}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
// Colorize asp:|template for runat=server tags <type>
searchExpr = "(?i)(?<a></?)(?<b>(asp:|template|property|IBuySpy:).*)(?<c>>)?";
replaceExpr = "${a}<font color=blue><b>${b}</b></font>${c}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
//colorize begin of tag char(s) "<","</","<%"
searchExpr = "(?i)(?<a>(<)(/|!|%)?)";
replaceExpr = TAG_FNTBLUE + "${a}" + TAG_EFONT;
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
// Colorize end of tag char(s) ">","/>"
searchExpr = "(?i)(?<a>(/|%)?(>))";
replaceExpr = TAG_FNTBLUE + "${a}" + TAG_EFONT;
if (Regex.IsMatch(sourceLine, searchExpr))
sourceLine = Regex.Replace(sourceLine, searchExpr, replaceExpr);
return sourceLine;
bool IsScriptBlockTagStart(String source)
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, "<script.*runat=\"?server\"?.*>"))
return true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, "(?i)<%@\\s*WebService"))
return true;
if (source.Trim() == "<%")
return true;
return false;
bool IsScriptBlockTagEnd(String source)
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, "</script.*>"))
return true;
if (source.Trim() == "%>")
return true;
return false;
bool IsMultiLineTagStart(String source)
String searchExpr = "(?i)(?!.*>)(?<a></?)(?<b>(asp:|template|property|IBuySpy:).*)";
source = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(source);
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, searchExpr))
return true;
return false;
bool IsMultiLineTagEnd(String source)
String searchExpr = "(?i)>";
source = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(source);
if (Regex.IsMatch(source, searchExpr))
return true;
return false;