[翻译][Pro Android 4]——Chapter 3 理解Android资源








<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 


    <string name="hello">hello</string> 

    <string name="app_name">hello appname</string> 


注意: 在某些Eclipse的发行版本中,  <resources> 节点需要xmln规范才能使用。但指向似乎并不重要了。 下面这两种形式都可以工作:
<resources xmlns="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > 和
<resources xmlns="default namespace" >




注意:  无论有多少个资源文件,都只能有一个R.java文件。 

For the string-resource file in Listing 3–1, the updated R.java file has the entries in
Listing 3–2.

package com.mycompany.android.my-root-package; 

public final class R { 

   //...other entries depending on your project and application 


    public static final class string  


      //...other entries depending on your project and application 


        public static final int hello=0x7f040000; 

        public static final int app_name=0x7f040001; 


      //...other entries depending on your project and application 


   //...other entries depending on your project and application 


Notice, first, how R.java defines a top-level class in the root package: public static
final class R. Within that outer class of R, Android defines an inner class, static final
class string. R.java creates this inner static class as a namespace to hold string
resource IDs. 
The two static final ints defined with variable names hello and app_name are the
resource IDs that represent the corresponding string resources. You can use these
resource IDs anywhere in the source code through the following code structure: 
The generated IDs point to ints rather than strings. Most methods that take strings
also take these resource identifiers as inputs. Android resolves those ints to strings
where necessary. 
It is merely a convention that most sample applications define all strings in one
strings.xml file. Android takes any number of arbitrary files as long as the structure of
the XML file looks like Listing 3–1 and the files reside in the /res/values subdirectory.
The structure of this file is easy to follow. You have the root node <resources> followed
by one or more <string> child elements. Each <string> element or node has a property
called name that ends up as the id attribute in R.java.
To see that multiple string resource files are allowed in this subdirectory, you can place
another file with the following content in the same subdirectory and call it strings1.xml
(see Listing 3–3).

Listing 3–3. Example of an Additional  strings.xml  File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 


    <string name="hello1">hello 1</string> 

    <string name="app_name1">hello appname 1</string> 


The Eclipse ADT plug-in validates the uniqueness of these IDs at compile time and
places them in R.java as two additional constants: R.string.hello1 and
