



周末看了部电影《欢乐好声音》,讲的是从老爹手里接过衣钵的Mr. Moon,为了挽救经营不善导致濒临破产的剧院而举办一场歌唱比赛,发现了好几位因为生活而被埋没但潜力无限的种子。在一系列阴错阳差之下,剧院毁于一旦,自己也身败名裂。短暂沉寂之后,他鼓起勇气重操家族洗车旧业,无意中听到极具天籁嗓音但先前因为自信心严重不足而错过选拔的小象的自吟自唱,他被深深打动,然后召集所有入围歌手在剧院的废墟上重新开办一场没有奖金但取得巨大成功的故事。他在演出前对大家说,这一次,我们只为自己歌唱。


I followed my heart into the fire

Got burned got broken down by desire

I tried I tried but the smoke in my eyes

Left me blurry blurry and blind

I picked all the pieces up off the ground

I've burned all my fingers but that's gone now

Got the glue in my hands and stick into the plan

Stick into the plan that says I can

Do anything at all

I can do anything at all

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly

Cause nothing's keeping me down

Gonna let it all up

Come on and say right now right now right now

This is my big hello

Cause I'm giving never letting go

I can finally see

It's not just a dream

Gonna set it all free all free all free

You set it all free

I was a girl caught under your thumb

But my scars gonna shine brighter than your sun

And I will break your heart shoot so far

Gonna hit gonna hit hit every target

It counts this time

I will make it count this time

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly

Cause nothing's keeping me down

I'm gonna let it all up

Come on and say right now right now right now

This is my big hello

Cause I'm giving never letting go

I can finally see

It's not just a dream

Gonna set it all free all free all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly

Cause nothing's keeping me down

I'm gonna let it all up

Come on and say right now right now right now

This is my big hello

'Cause I'm here and never letting go

I can finally see

It's not just a dream

Gonna set it all free all free all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

You set it all free

