
Topic: House


Personal compositions: 


I live in an apartment on the five (fifth) floor of a six-storey building. It has three bedrooms, a modern kitchen with a dining table, a living room with big windows, and a small bathroom. My home  (room) is light and spacious, but it can get very drafty (it becomes much drafty BrE: drafty, AmE: draughty) in the winter. I like my apartment because it’s cozy, although it can get noisy, because there’s a restaurant just downstairs (gets noisy sometimes for the restaurant downstairs). At past (in the past), there was a big steel plant behind our residential quarters, so the air quality of our city is not very good. Due to poor management and mass production of this steel plant, Linfen, my hometown, once ranked the worst air quality in China. But now, with the development of supply-side structural reform, the condition become  (becomes) better.

I live with my parents. Our house is near the city center and there are many shops, cafes and a park where we go if the weather is nice. It’s an old area, and it’s quiet  (quite) nice. The most convenient thing is that it’s near in a university, Shanxi Normal University. So I usually go to the library.



I have lived in this house almost 18 years.  Although it has been changed three times to look better and live more comfortably, I can still remember its original appearance clearly. The year when I moved this house, I was seven years old and ready to go to grade one. That summer my mother, my older sister and I worked together to clean the house. I was exhausted then and had no idea that I would spend the most precious moments there. 

In front of the house, there is a big yard where there was an old cherry tree and multiple plants. Every spring when the cherry blossomed, I was biding for the cherry, the sweat fruit. Although the cherry tree has been cut down, I can still recall its beautiful color and sweat scent. My own room is the most important place. I used to study hard till midnight when I was in middle school. Besides I've secretly read many romantic novels on the bed. I believe the house has been one part of me and I would calm myself down whenever I think of the house. Its stability reassures me all the time.

Talking : Amaranth & Angel


Good morning

So you can read your passage firstly.


(Question1:) Would you like to talk something about the special memory about your house?

special memory, I about ten years ago, it's time to graduate from middle school. When I moved there first, I think it's .... the one I lived past I think it's a little trouble to clean this house and especially behind our house there is a steel plant, just like Taigang. everyday (⚠️v的发音) there are (听起来有点像they are) a lot of dust I think. Maybe I need to clean my house twice a day to keep its clean.  Recently because the reform and ...( 听不清)its changed a lot and many ....has been shut down. So the air pollution is better and the dust is , and the dust becomes ...

okay, I used, before I heard your hometown, I read, I read your hometown on the book, the geography, the geography book and the history book. Because linfen, linfen, right? is the simply (symbol 发音错误) of the steel plant (steel发音错误). It's the symbol of the steel industry in China for the 1950s. and I also found that you said your home is near the Shanxi Normal University. It's very good, because one of my .. I can't say the word, I can't think of this word. one of my.. pass it, I will check it later. She went to the Shanxi Normal University to study English. So I think, when you said this, I think we are close, because of this... and (Question 2)so what do you think of the air pollution in your hometown?

A famous Chinese writer Chaijing, she is also from linfen and once she wrote a book Kanjian, in that book she told many things about linfen and many details maybe, especially, in my memory when I was, when I was, elementary people, we really, never seen the blue sky, everyday our sky is a little grey, maybe. so when we were young, we don't know the beauty of the sky, maybe after graduating from middle school or high school, middle school or high school, the air quality (quality的发音有问题)become, became better and last year and last year when I came back from university last winter. it's ...impressing because when I check the tree out its a little stingy smell in the city. I don't know how to say this feeling and then because ... the government carried out several of measures to .... especially this year, this year .... or the countrydown in the city centre are banned to use stones? 炉子,stoves, this winter we saw the art memory in the news cctv come to here to interview the feelings of this city we all think it's better. maybe, there are many steel plants or mile plants so it's the source of the air pollution. those who ran a plant rich but now they , but now maybe they are not rich like past. 

so it's banned to use the coal to fuel now ? in your hometown?

 yes, maybe more, the 90 percent (发音问题) has shut down. 

so you can see the blue sky in your hometown now?

yeah. you know, the smog is serious when in the winter. but in winter we can't go out there are many women they like dancing in the square. last winter when I take on the bar ... I saw many old they wear a mark  (mask) and dancing. I think it's unbelievable , don't they afraid of detrimental their health. I think must worry about this.

so I am considering in the past almost ten years, especially in winter, (Question 3) what your or what your family will do in the bad air conditions?

we had no idea, because the bad environment and the ... things caused this condition, especially in .. there are many cars. so it's also , I think it's also..

I lived in the southern part of the Anhui university, Anhui province, and there is no much coals so the air condition is better than your hometown, but when I went to the university I came to huainnan ,another coal city, so I can remember the bad conditions, the stingy smell and the smog. when you took a breath, you can feel, you want to vomit because the bad smell. but about in grade two in the university, the air condition, the sky is blue, the sky becomes blue, because many coal industry has shut down, has shut down. so I can feel a little about your feeling about the bad air.

yes I think for those who live in this kind of city from young, we maybe have a... condition but for those who come there to go to university, because they just stay here a special time and they would go back again then go back here again, so like you, so they are some friends, they are from other place to come to the university they all ..... complain to me, "oh, your city is so especially the stingy smell, they can't stand it." so.,(Question 4) how has housing in China has changed? compared (发音⚠️)to our parents kind?


do you housing in china has changed compared to our parents type?

things, you mean the lifestyle? 

yes the lifestyle and the structure

social structure? oh, there are many differences between our generations and our parents. for about one thing,  about the house, my mother used to tell me, they have to live my uncles and my grandparents when she got married at first. they live in a big, a big house, there are two floors, but my father and my mother can only live in a small room and have a small kitchen, but now I lived in my own house, there are no others came here, my sister, my and my parents, we each have our own room, so I think we have more freedom and more personal room or personal time compared to our parents.

yes, I think housing today means tall apartment buildings if you look in the city, especially in our city, the neighborhood of our house and the... so the development of this city first is the west and the east to attract people to construction. so there are many talks, but recently our areas, there are also is a park.and they are many tall buildings. but in the countryside, there are a lot changes about the city. because my hometown, my grandparents lived in the countryside, so every vocation (vacation) when I went back, go back to visit them, I think it's shocked me. the change at there is not only the houses, but also the decoration, almost every yard has decorated as the ... of a small private palls? because maybe there are two stores or three, or they decorated good.

decorated well.

yeah, decorated well. but the convenience by the way is modern housing, such as better electricity, and hitting. it's one of the ... of rural now not very convenience taking shower. so what changes will occur in the future?

in the future, I think it's unpredictable. I never, my mother used to say, I never thought I will have a phone, have a phone. it's not about the smart phone, but the phone. because he, she worked at home, so she thought she would never go anywhere, so she doesn't, did not need a phone. but now she has the smartphone and she loved it very much. so she will use the phone do many things. so I really think future is impredictable(这个音读错了) I once saw an interview between luyu and Li Kaifu and Li Kaifu told us the future is about AI, artificial industry, you know? and he thought the ai or the cut-edge (发音) technology will improve our life greatly. our people, our human beings can finally have the time and the energy to fulfill ourself. no matter what you dream to do or no matter what you can not do, in the future you can do because of the, because the robot has helped you a lot. so actually I am a little. can you remember Elon musk once said people will be a loser in front the ai or the robot in the future, can you remember that?

yes I remember that.

so they are contradicted, on the one side, they are positive but the other is negative. I hope the future is, will be like what Li Kaifu has said. we have more time to do what we want. what do you think fo the future?

the future, I think it's the current change..residential quarters ( 发音错误)maybe keep building the china buildings, and it's a creative industry business. ai changed our lives. you know, modern housing in china is all the same, tall, identical apartment buildings, residential gardens court yard, sometimes we does more buildings than. but I am hopeful that it will change even it takes.


1. 语气词过多,这个在交流的过程中问题不大,但是会影响流畅度,是一个说话技巧的问题,希望我们都可以尽量避免。

2. 个别单词的发音不清楚,这一点需要平时加强锻炼,将自己遇到的每个词多练习,争取先读对,再连贯。
