一、 到了最后,已然明白,只有在对的时间遇见对的人,才能获得一生的幸福。对于不适合自己的人,能做的就是慢慢的遗忘。未曾酒醉已清醒,未曾深爱已无情!In the end, it has become clear that only when you meet the right person at the right time, can you achieve a lifetime of happiness. For those who are not suitable for themselves, what they can do is to forget slowly. Never drunk, sober, never loved, ruthless!
二、你再怎么喜欢热闹欢呼,也要学会与孤独和睦相处,生命大多数时候总是只有一个人,好好享受一个人的时光,孤独到深处,孤独就成了铠甲!剪一段烟花,看尽世间繁华。人们总是在乎是否繁华,却忘记久逝的青春年华。How much do you like to cheer, but also learn to live in harmony with loneliness, most of the time there is only one person, enjoy a person's time, loneliness to the depths, loneliness becomes armor! Cut a section of fireworks to see the prosperity of the world. People always care whether they http://www.bbqmw.net/qm_bbqmbd/宝宝起名宝典are prosperous or not, but forget the long-lost youth.
三、做人一定要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言,放得下一切,最后用笑来伪装掉下的眼泪,要记住越是忍住泪水,越会变成幸福的良药。任何人答应你的事都不算数,只有你自己能做主的事才算数。A man must stand up to lies, perfunctory, cheating, forgetting promises, letting everything go, and finally using laughter to disguise falling tears. The more you hold back tears, the more you will become a good medicine for happiness. Anyone who promises you doesn't count. Only what you can decide counts.
四、时间在变,景物在变,人心在变。天气在变。所幸你还在,只要你不变我都不怕。一年四季满是盛景,心中满是欢喜,只因遇见你。找不到坚持下去的理由,那就找一个重新开始的理由,生活本来就这么简单。Time is changing, scenery is changing, people's heart is changing. The weather is changing. Fortunately, you're still here. I'm not afraid as long as you don't change. Seasons are full of prosperity, hearts are full of joy, just because I met you. If you can't find a reason to stick to it, find a reason to start afresh. Life is so simple.
五、 人生中的无奈,必须坦然的去接受。走近心灵能倾听心灵的跳动,走近情感能感觉情感的炽热,走近尊严能体验尊严的高贵,走近宽容能体验宽容的博大,微笑是放松,微笑是种心情,微笑是种境界,微笑是种宽容。Helplessness in life must be accepted calmly. Approaching the heart can listen to the beating of the heart, approaching the emotion can feel the passion, approaching the dignity can experience the nobility of dignity, approaching the tolerance can experience the magnitude of tolerance, smiling is relaxation, smiling is a mood, smiling is a state of mind, smiling is a kind of tolerance.
六、不要活得太累,不要忙的太疲惫;想吃了不要嫌贵,想穿了不要说浪费;心烦了找朋友聚会,瞌睡了倒头就睡。心态平和永远最美,天天快乐才对!Don't live too tired, don't be too busy and tired; don't be too expensive to eat, don't waste to dress; get tired of meeting friends, and fall asleep when you doze. Peace of mind is always the most beautiful, happy every day is right!
七、迷惘是一种态度,放纵了,收敛了;生命是一种坦然,也哭了,也笑了。生活在没有的你的世界,比任何一种惩罚都要痛苦,你知道吗,对我而言,你是任何人都无法取代的。Lost is an attitude, indulgence, convergence; life is a calm, crying, laughing. Living in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. You know, for me, you can't be replaced by anyone.
八、平和是待人处事的一种态度,也是做人酌一种美德。平和既是一种修养,又是一种工作方法。平和的人,从不被忙碌所萦绕,闲时吃紧,忙里悠闲。待人不严,教人勿高。宽严得宜,分寸得体。身心自在,能享受生活之乐趣。平和的人生,是和谐的人生,健康的人生。Peace is not only an attitude towards people, but also a virtue for people. Peace is not only a kind of self-cultivation, but also a way of working. Peaceful people are never haunted by busyness. They are busy when they are idle.
Be strict with others and teach others not to be tall. Be lenient, strict and appropriate. Physical and mental comfort, can enjoy the pleasure of life. A peaceful life is a harmonious life and a healthy life.
九、高潮时享受成就,低潮时享受人生,有心思时干有意义的活,没心情时做有意思的事。不管生活将我们带到哪里,我们都会永远怀念我们曾经熟悉的那个人。Enjoy achievement at high tide, life at low tide, meaningful work when you are in the mood, and interesting things when you are not in the mood. No matter where life takes us, we will always miss the person we used to know.
十、态度,决定你人生的成长;速度,决定你人生的格局,每一次努力,都是改变人生的方式;每一个规矩,都是转变态度的出发点。人生路,别因为别人看轻自己而放弃;别因为挫折就徘徊不前,坚持梦想,为目标拼搏,从每一个清晨开始,成就你人生的精彩篇章!Attitude determines the growth of your life; speed determines the pattern of your life, every effort is to change the way of life; every rule is the starting point of changing attitude. Life, do not give up because others look down on themselves; do not hesitate because of setbacks, adhere to dreams, strive for the goal, from every morning, to achieve the wonderful chapter of your life!
十一、你不珍惜,我就会走,即使我很喜欢你。人的前半辈子,所有成就里面都有命的置换,你的起点越低或成就越高,命的消耗也就越大。If you don't treasure it, I'll go, even if I like you very much. In the first half of a person's life, life is replaced in all achievements. The lower your starting point or the higher your achievement, the greater the consumption of life.
十二、不要随便把自己心里的伤口晒给别人看,因为这个社会上你根本就分不清,哪些人给你撒的是云南白药,哪些人给你撒的是辣椒和咸盐。别人那么拼命只为了靠近对方,而我们那么拼命只为了错过对方。Don't expose your wounds to others casually, because in this society, you can't tell who sprayed Yunnan Baiyao to you and who sprayed chili pepper and salt to you. Others work so hard to get close to each other, while we work so hard to miss each other.
十三、花开花落又一季,日出日落又一天。曾落下的问候,这一刻一起补偿,所有的关心,凝聚今天。变换的是世间景象,不变的是心中挂牵。今日端午节,发出的是文字,编辑的是诚意,收到的是惊喜,读出的是心欢,打开的是好运,储藏的是幸福。Flowers blossom and fall another season, sunrise and sunset another day. Have fallen greetings, this moment together to compensate, all the concern, condense today.
What changes is the world scene, what does not change is the concern in the heart. Today's Dragon Boat Festival, the text is sent out, editors are sincere, received is a surprise, read out is happy, open is good luck, storage is happiness.
On the way of growing up, we understand that there are some habits that we must give up; on the way of growing up, we have refused to grow up, but gradually understand that no one can refuse to grow up. So we learned to work hard for our future.
十五、人跟人之间的感情就像织毛衣,建立的时候一针一线,小心而漫长,拆除的时候只要轻轻一拉,卸载永远比安装快,失去永远比得到快。The feeling between people is like knitting a sweater. When it is established, it is needle-by-needle, careful and long. When it is dismantled, it is always quicker to uninstall than to install, and quicker to lose than to get.
十六、我爱他,轰轰烈烈最疯狂我的梦,狠狠碎过却不会忘曾为他,相信明天就是未来情节有多坏,都不肯醒来我爱他,跌跌撞撞到绝望我的心,深深伤过却不会忘我和他,不再属于这个地方最初的天堂,最终的荒唐。I love him, the most vigorous craziest dream, crushing but will not forget for him, believe that tomorrow is how bad the future plot is, will not wake up I love him, stumbled into my desperate heart, deeply hurt but will not forget me and him, no longer belong to the original heaven of this place, the ultimate absurdity.
十七、别问我努力的意义是什么,因为我喜欢的东西很贵,我爱的人很优秀,我想去的地方很远,未来可期,相信自己!未来一定会很好,即使现在的生活艰辛,你要相信,糟糕的时间里熬过去了就好了,剩下的就是好运气。Don't ask me what the meaning of my efforts is, because I like it. Things are very expensive, I love people very good, I want to go far, the future can be expected, believe in yourself! The future will be very good, even if life is hard now, you have to believe that the bad time is over, the rest is good luck.