双语精读小故事 - 银行骗局 A Bank Fraud

A Bank Fraud


【单词】fraud [frɔːd] n. 欺骗;诈欺;骗子

by Rudyard Kipling


He drank strong waters and his speech was coarse;


【单词】drank 原型:drink 动词过去式 [drɪŋk] v. 喝;饮 n. 饮料;酒;喝酒

【单词】coarse 形容词 [kɔːs] adj. 粗糙的;粗俗的;非精制的

He purchased raiment and forebore to pay;


【单词】purchased 原型:purchase 动词过去式 ['pɜːtʃəs] vt. 购买 n. 购买;购买的物品

【单词】raiment 名词 ['reɪmənt] n. 衣服;[诗]衣饰;<古>服装

"He struck a trusting junior with a horse,"


【单词】struck 原型:strike 动词过去式 [straɪk] n. 罢工;打击;殴打 v. 打;撞;罢工;划燃 struck struck /

【单词】trusting 原型:trust 现在分词做形容词 [trʌst] n. 信任;信托 vi. 信任 vt. 相信;委托

【单词】junior 名词 ['dʒuːniə] adj. 资历较浅的;年少的;下级的 n. 晚辈;三年级生;年少者;地位较低者

And won Gymkhanas in a doubtful way.


【单词】won 原型:win 动词过去式 [wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

【单词】doubtful 形容词 ['daʊtfl] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;不确定的


"Then, 'twixt a vice and folly, turned aside"


【单词】twixt 名词 twixt [twɪkst] adj. 在两者之间 twixt的用法和样例: 例句 They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip. 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜,但事情往往会功败垂成。 词汇搭配 There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. 杯到嘴边还会失手... twixt的相关资料: 临近单词

【单词】vice 名词 [vaɪs] n. 缺点;恶习;邪恶;罪行;生理缺陷 adj. 副的;代理的 prep. 代替 pref. 代理的;副的 n. 老虎钳

【单词】folly 名词 ['fɒli] n. 愚蠢;荒唐事 (复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧.

【单词】aside 副词小品词 [ə'saɪd] n. 旁白;顺便说的话 adv. 在一边;另外;离开

"To do good deeds and straight to cloak them, lied."


【单词】deeds 原型:deed 名词复数形式 [diːd] n. 行为;事迹;[法]契约 vt. 立契转让

【单词】straight 形容词 [streɪt] adj. 直的;坦率的;正直的;准的;连续的;异性恋的 adv. 笔直地;直接;坦率地;连续不断地 n. 直的东西;传统的人;异性恋者

【单词】cloak 动词原形 [kləʊk] n. 斗蓬;宽大外衣;掩盖物 v. 遮掩;隐匿

【单词】lied 原型:lie 动词过去式 [laɪ] v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎 n. 谎言 lay / lied lain /

The Mess Room.


【单词】mess [mes] n. 混乱;混杂;脏乱;一份食品;(军队的)食堂 v. 弄糟;弄乱;妨碍 messed messed messing messes

"If Reggie Burke were in India now, he would resent this tale being told; but as he is in Hong–Kong and won't see it, the telling is safe."


【单词】resent 动词原形 [rɪ'zent] vt. 恨;生气

【单词】tale 名词 [teɪl] n. 故事;叙述;传说 v. 谈论,讲述,搬弄是非;

【专有名词】Reggie Reggie n. 雷吉

【专有名词】Burke [bɜːk] n. 伯克(人名)

【专有名词】India 地名 ['ɪndɪə] n. 印度

【专有名词】Hong-Kong n. 香港

He was the man who worked the big fraud on the Sind and Sialkote Bank.


【单词】fraud 名词 [frɔːd] n. 欺骗;诈欺;骗子

【专有名词】Sind and Sialkote Bank 银行名

"He was manager of an up-country Branch, and a sound practical man with a large experience of native loan and insurance work."


【单词】manager 名词 ['mænɪdʒə] n. 经理;管理者;管家

【单词】up-country 名词 adj; adv 向内地; 在内地

【单词】practical 形容词 ['præktɪkl] adj. 明智的;实际的;实用的;事实上的 n. 实践考试

【单词】loan 名词 [ləʊn] n. 贷款;借出 v. 借;供应货款

【单词】insurance 名词 [ɪn'ʃʊərəns] n. 保险;保险费;安全保障

【专有名词】Branch [brɑːntʃ] n. 分部;部门;分店;分支;树枝 v. 分岔;分支

"He could combine the frivolities of ordinary life with his work, and yet do well."


【单词】combine 动词原形 [kəm'baɪn] v. 联合;使结合;结合 n. 集团;联合收割机;联合企业

【单词】frivolities 原型:frivolity 名词复数形式 [frɪ'vɒləti] n. 轻浮;轻薄;轻佻

【单词】ordinary 形容词 ['ɔːdnri] adj. 平凡的;普通的;平淡的

"Reggie Burke rode anything that would let him get up, danced as neatly as he rode, and was wanted for every sort of amusement in the Station."


【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。

【单词】rode 原型:ride 动词过去式 [raɪd] v. 骑;乘 n. 交通工具;骑;乘车;搭便车

【单词】neatly 副词 [niːtli] adv. 整洁地;熟练地

【单词】sort 名词 [sɔːt] n. 种类;某一种人 v. 整理;分类;处理;安排妥当

【单词】amusement 名词 [ə'mjuːzmənt] n. 乐趣,娱乐;消遣

【专有名词】station ['steɪʃn] n. 站;火车站;电视台;社会地位;牧羊场;驻地;岗位 v. 驻扎;

"As he said himself, and as many men found out rather to their surprise, there were two Burkes, both very much at your service."


""Reggie Burke," between four and ten, ready for anything from a hot-weather gymkhana to a riding-picnic; and, between ten and four, "Mr. Reginald Burke, Manager of the Sind and Sialkote Branch Bank.""


【单词】gymkhana 名词 [dʒɪm'kɑːnə] n. 竞技场;运动会;比赛

【专有名词】Reginald Reginald n. 雷金纳德(男子名)

"You might play polo with him one afternoon and hear him express his opinions when a man crossed; and you might call on him next morning to raise a two-thousand rupee loan on a five hundred pound insurance-policy, eighty pounds paid in premiums."


【单词】polo 名词 ['pəʊləʊ] n. 马球;水球;马球装束

【单词】express 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [ɪk'spres] n. 快车;快递;专使 adj. 明确的;急速的;直接的 adv. 用快递 vt. 表达;表示;挤压出;快递

【单词】opinions 原型:opinion 名词复数形式 [ə'pɪnjən] n. 意见;主张;看法;判断

【单词】rupee 名词 [ruː'piː] n. 卢比(印度&%2365105; 巴基斯坦等国的货币单位)

【单词】pound 名词 [paʊnd] n. 磅;英镑 n. (汽车)扣押所;宠物收留所 vt. 捣碎;敲打;连续猛击 vi. 咚咚地走;怦怦地响

【单词】premiums 原型:premium 名词复数形式 ['priːmiəm] n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费 n. (商)溢价 adj. 高价的;优质的

"He would recognize you, but you would have some trouble in recognizing him."


【单词】recognize 动词原形 ['rekəɡnaɪz] vt. 承认;认出;意识到;表示感激;识别

The Directors of the Bank—it had its headquarters in Calcutta and its General Manager's word carried weight with the Government—picked their men well.


【单词】headquarters 名词复数形式 [ˌhed'kwɔːtəz] n. 总部;司令部;指挥部

【单词】picked 原型:pick 动词过去式 [pɪk] v. 拾;捡;挑选;采摘;找茬;偶然学到 n. 拾;捡;选择;采摘;精华 n. 鹤嘴锄;镐;琴拨

【专有名词】Directors [dɪ'rektəz] 董事

【专有名词】Calcutta n. 加尔各答(印度东部的一座城市)

【专有名词】General ['dʒenrəl] adj. 普遍的;全面的;一般性的;大致的;笼统的;常规的;总的;首席的 n. 将军;一般 generalness

【专有名词】government ['ɡʌvənmənt] n. 政府;政体;统治

They had tested Reggie up to a fairly severe breaking-strain.


【固定用法】up to ... 是多意短语,可能的意思主要有:“一直到”,“多达.../最多到”,“忙于…”,“正在做…”,“由…决定”等;当然如果前面是get等与up固定搭配的词,up是它的基本意思(向上的);例句:She can count up to one hundred and backward. 她能数到一百然后再倒着数回来。Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ. 我们的历史教科书仅写到第二次世界大战。The figures add up to 450. 这些数字加起来的总数是450。

【单词】fairly 副词 ['feəli] adv. 公正地;相当地

【单词】severe 形容词 [sɪ'vɪə] adj. 严厉的;严重的;剧烈的;严格的;严峻的

They trusted him just as much as Directors ever trust Managers.


【用法】as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as adj./adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

【单词】trusted 原型:trust 动词过去式 [trʌst] n. 信任;信托 vi. 信任 vt. 相信;委托

You must see for yourself whether their trust was misplaced.


【单词】misplaced 动词过去分词 [ˌmɪs'pleɪs] vt. 错放;误给

"Reggie's Branch was in a big Station, and worked with the usual staff—one Manager, one Accountant, both English, a Cashier, and a horde of native clerks; besides the Police patrol at nights outside."


【单词】horde 名词 [hɔːd] n. 群;游牧部落;移动群

【单词】clerks 原型:clerk 名词复数形式 [klɑːk] n. 职员;办事员 vi. (作为职员)工作

【单词】besides 介词、从属连词 [bɪ'saɪdz] prep. 除 ... 之外 adv. 此外;也

【单词】patrol 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [pə'trəʊl] n. 巡逻;巡查 v. 巡逻;巡查

【专有名词】Accountant [ə'kaʊntənt] n. 会计人员;会计师 accountancy

【专有名词】Cashier [kæ'ʃɪə(r)] n. 出纳员;收银员 vt. 解职;丢弃 cashiered cashiered cashiering cashiers

【专有名词】Police [pə'liːs] n. 警察;警方 v. 维持治安;管辖;监督 policeable policer police policed policed policing polices

"The bulk of its work, for it was in a thriving district, was hoondi and accommodation of all kinds."


【单词】bulk 名词 [bʌlk] n. 体积;容积;大块;大部分;大批 adj. 散装的;大量的 vt. 使膨胀;使成堆 vi. 膨胀;显得重要

【单词】thriving 原型:thrive 现在分词做形容词 [θraɪv] vi. 兴旺;繁荣;茁壮成长 thriver thrived / throve thrived /

【单词】district 名词 ['dɪstrɪkt] n. 地区;行政区 vt. 把 ... 划分成区

【单词】accommodation 名词 [əˌkɒmə'deɪʃn] n. 膳宿;和解;住处;适应

"A fool has no grip of this sort of business; and a clever man who does not go about among his clients, and know more than a little of their affairs, is worse than a fool."


【语法】形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me.他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。

【语法】more than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。

【单词】grip 名词 [ɡrɪp] n. 紧握;手提包;了解;手柄 vt. 吸引;紧抓

【单词】clients 原型:client 名词复数形式 ['klaɪənt] n. 委托人;客户

【单词】affairs 原型:affair 名词复数形式 [ə'feə] n. 私通;事件;事务;事情

"Reggie was young-looking, clean-shaved, with a twinkle in his eye, and a head that nothing short of a gallon of the Gunners' Madeira could make any impression on."


【单词】clean-shaved 过去分词做形容词

【单词】twinkle 名词 ['twɪŋkl] vi. 闪耀;闪烁;眨眼;轻快移动 vt. 使闪耀 n. 闪烁;闪耀;眨眼;瞬息

【单词】gallon 名词 ['ɡælən] n. 加仑(容量单位)

【单词】impression 名词 [ɪm'preʃn] n. 印象;感觉;模仿 n. 印迹;印刷

【专有名词】Gunners Gunners n. 枪手(gunner的复数)

【专有名词】Madeira [mə'dɪərə] n. 马德拉(大西洋的群岛名;该地产的白葡萄酒)

"One day, at a big dinner, he announced casually that the Directors had shifted on to him a Natural Curiosity, from England, in the Accountant line."


【单词】announced 原型:announce 动词过去式 [ə'naʊns] vt. 宣布;宣告;预示;播报 vi. 作播音员;宣布竞选

【单词】casually 副词 ['kæʒuəli] adv. 偶然地;随便地,随意地;漫不经心地;非正式地

【单词】shifted 原型:shift 动词过去分词 [ʃɪft] v. 移动;改变;换挡;字型转换 n. 轮班;变化;移动;计谋;轮班职工

【专有名词】Natural ['nætʃrəl] adj. 自然的;天然的;私生的 naturalness

【专有名词】Curiosity [ˌkjʊəri'ɒsəti] n. 好奇心;好奇;稀奇的人或物 curiosities

He was perfectly correct.


【单词】perfectly 副词 ['pɜːfɪktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地;完整地;完美地;圆满地

"Mr. Silas Riley, Accountant, was a MOST curious animal—a long, gawky, rawboned Yorkshireman, full of the savage self-conceit that blossoms only in the best county in England."


【单词】curious 形容词 ['kjʊəriəs] adj. 好奇的;奇特的

【单词】gawky 形容词 ['ɡɔːki] adj. 笨拙的 n. 笨拙的人

【单词】rawboned 形容词 ['rɔːbəʊnd] adj. 瘦削的;骨瘦如柴的

【单词】savage 形容词 ['sævɪdʒ] adj. 野性的;凶猛的;粗鲁的;荒野的;原始的 n. 野蛮人;粗人;凶恶的人 vt. 激烈抨击;猛烈攻击

【单词】self-conceit 名词 self-conceit [ˌselfkən'siːt] n. 自负;自大

【单词】blossoms 原型:blossom 名词复数形式 ['blɒsəm] n. 花;开花;全盛期 vi. 开花;成长

【单词】county 名词 ['kaʊnti] n. 郡;县 adj. 有郡中豪绅习气的

【专有名词】Silas Silas n. 赛拉斯

【专有名词】Riley adj. 生气的;烦燥的;浑浊的 Riley. n. 赖利(姓氏)

【专有名词】Yorkshireman Yorkshireman n. 英国约克郡人

Arrogance was a mild word for the mental attitude of Mr. S. Riley.


【单词】Arrogance 原型:arrogance 名词 ['ærəɡəns] n. 傲慢;自大

【单词】mild 形容词 [maɪld] adj. 温和的;柔和的;宽大的;清淡的

【单词】mental 形容词 ['mentl] adj. 思想的;心理的;精神的;脑力的 n. 精神病患者

【单词】attitude 名词 ['ætɪtjuːd] n. 态度;看法;姿势

"He had worked himself up, after seven years, to a Cashier's position in a Huddersfield Bank; and all his experience lay among the factories of the North."


【单词】lay 原型:lie 动词过去式 [laɪ] v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎 n. 谎言 lay / lied lain /

【专有名词】Huddersfield ['hʌdəzfiːld] 哈德斯菲尔德

"Perhaps he would have done better on the Bombay side, where they are happy with one-half per cent profits, and money is cheap."


【单词】one-half 名词 ['wʌnh'ɑːf] n. 二分之一

【单词】per 介词、从属连词 [pə] prep. 每;每一;经过;按照

【单词】profits 原型:profit 名词复数形式 ['prɒfɪt] n. 利润;收益;利益 vi. 得益;获利 vt. 有益于

【专有名词】Bombay n. 孟买(印度中西部城市)

"He was useless for Upper India and a wheat Province, where a man wants a large head and a touch of imagination if he is to turn out a satisfactory balance-sheet."


【单词】wheat 形容词 [wiːt] n. 小麦;小麦色

【单词】imagination 名词 [ɪˌmædʒɪ'neɪʃn] n. 想象;想象力;空想;幻想

【单词】satisfactory 形容词 [ˌsætɪs'fæktəri] adj. 令人满意的

【单词】balance-sheet 名词 ['bælənsʃ'iːt] n. 资金平衡表;资产负债表;贷借对照表

"He was wonderfully narrow-minded in business, and, being new to the country, had no notion that Indian banking is totally distinct from Home work."


【单词】wonderfully 副词 ['wʌndəfəli] adv. 绝妙地;极佳地;惊人的

【单词】narrow-minded 形容词 adj. 气量小的;小心眼的;眼光短浅的 narrow-mindedly narrow-

【单词】notion 名词 ['nəʊʃn] n. 观念;概念;想法;主张

【单词】banking 原型:bank 动词现在进行式或动名词 [bæŋk] n. 银行;岸;筹码;库;田埂;堤;积云;一系列;一组;一排;一团;用于循环再利用的废旧物品回收站 v. 把钱存入银行;开户;筑堤防护;堆积

【单词】distinct 形容词 [dɪ'stɪŋkt] adj. 明显的;清晰的;不同的;独特的

"Like most clever self-made men, he had much simplicity in his nature; and, somehow or other, had construed the ordinarily polite terms of his letter of engagement into a belief that the Directors had chosen him on account of his special and brilliant talents, and that they set great store by him."


【单词】self-made 名词 adj. 自造的;自力更生的;独力奋斗的

【单词】simplicity 名词 [sɪm'plɪsəti] n. 简单;单纯;简朴

【单词】somehow 副词 ['sʌmhaʊ] adv. 以某种方式;不知怎么地

【单词】construed 原型:construe 动词过去分词 [kən'struː] v. 解释;翻译;作句法分析

【单词】ordinarily 副词 ['ɔːdnrəli] adv. 通常;一般地

【单词】polite 形容词 [pə'laɪt] adj. 有礼貌的;客气的;有教养的;文雅的

【单词】terms 原型:term 名词复数形式 [tɜːm] n. 学期;术语;条件;条款;期限;名词 vt. 把 ... 称为

【单词】engagement 名词 [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒmənt] n. 约会;约定;订婚;婚约;雇用;交战;(机器零件等)啮合

【单词】belief 名词 [bɪ'liːf] n. 信念;信仰;相信

【单词】chosen 原型:choose 动词过去分词 [tʃuːz] v. 选择;决定

【单词】account 名词 [ə'kaʊnt] n. 账户;帐目;赊账;老主顾;报告;描述;解释;说明;估计;理由;利益;好处;根据 v. 解释;导致;报账;把 ... 视为;归咎(于)

【单词】brilliant 形容词 ['brɪljənt] adj. 卓越的;灿烂的;美妙的;杰出的;才华横溢的 n. 宝石

【单词】talents 原型:talent 名词复数形式 ['tælənt] n. 天赋;才能,才艺;天才;人才;<英俚>美人

【单词】store 名词 [stɔː] n. 商店;贮藏;充裕 vt. 储存;贮藏;保存

This notion grew and crystallized; thus adding to his natural North-country conceit.


【单词】crystallized 原型:crystallize 动词过去式 ['krɪstəlaɪz] v. (使)结晶;(使)具体化,阐明,明确;(使)成蜜饯

【单词】conceit 名词 [kən'siːt] n. 自负;个人观点;幻想;字字珠玑;好评

【专有名词】North-country North-country adj. (国家)北部的

"Further, he was delicate, suffered from some trouble in his chest, and was short in his temper."


【短语】suffer from 忍受,遭受;患…病;受…之苦;例句:How long have you been suffering from a headache? 你受头痛折磨有多久了?

【单词】delicate 形容词 ['delɪkət] adj. 微妙的;精美的;纤细的;脆弱的;敏锐的;美味的

【单词】chest 名词 [tʃest] n. 胸部;胸腔;箱子;金库

【单词】temper 名词 ['tempə] n. 脾气;性情 vt. 使缓和;调和;锻炼

You will admit that Reggie had reason to call his new Accountant a Natural Curiosity.


【单词】admit 动词原形 [əd'mɪt] vt. 承认;允许进入;给…进入的权利;容纳 vi. 承认;允许进入;允许

【单词】reason 名词 ['riːzn] n. 原因;理由;理智;理性 v. 理论;论证;推理;劝说

The two men failed to hit it off at all.


【单词】failed 原型:fail 动词过去式 [feɪl] vi. 失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳;用完;衰退 vt. 辜负;放弃;缺少;不及格 n. 不及格;没做成

"Riley considered Reggie a wild, feather-headed idiot, given to Heaven only knew what dissipation in low places called "Messes," and totally unfit for the serious and solemn vocation of banking."


【单词】considered 原型:consider 动词过去式 [kən'sɪdə] v. 考虑;思考;认为;体谅;注视

【单词】wild 形容词 [waɪld] adj. 野生的;野蛮的;未开发的;狂热的 adv. 胡乱地;失去控制地 n. 荒野;荒地

【单词】idiot 名词 ['ɪdiət] n. 白痴;傻瓜;笨蛋

【单词】dissipation 名词 [ˌdɪsɪ'peɪʃn] n. 损耗;挥霍

【单词】Messes 原型:mess 名词复数形式 [mes] n. 混乱;混杂;脏乱;一份食品;粪便;(军队的)食堂 v. 弄糟;弄乱;妨碍

【单词】unfit 形容词 [ʌn'fɪt] adj. 不合适的;不健康的 vt. 使不合格

【单词】solemn 形容词 ['sɒləm] adj. 庄严的;严肃的;隆重的

【单词】vocation 名词 [vəʊ'keɪʃn] n. 职业;行业;使命

【专有名词】Heaven ['hevn] n. 天空;天堂 Heaven. n. 上帝

"He could never get over Reggie's look of youth and "you-be-damned" air; and he couldn't understand Reggie's friends—clean-built, careless men in the Army—who rode over to big Sunday breakfasts at the Bank, and told sultry stories till Riley got up and left the room."


【短语】get over 表示“克服;恢复;熬过;原谅”。如:When you break up with somebody you love, that's awful; and it takes time to get over.当你和所爱的人分手了,那是件糟糕极了的事,而且需要很长时间来恢复。

【短语】make friends 表示“交朋友”,后常与with搭配,表示“与……交朋友”。如:We need to encourage our children to make friends with people who will pull them up instead of drag them down.

【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。

【单词】youth 名词 [juːθ] n. 青年时期;青春;青年

【单词】careless 形容词 ['keələs] adj. 粗心的;疏忽的;草率的;无忧无虑的;漫不经心的

【单词】sultry 形容词 ['sʌltri] adj. 闷热的;风骚的;淫荡的;易怒的;激烈的

"Riley was always showing Reggie how the business ought to be conducted, and Reggie had more than once to remind him that seven years' limited experience between Huddersfield and Beverly did not qualify a man to steer a big up-country business."


【单词】ought 情态动词 [ɔːt] aux. 应该;应当;本该 n. <古>零

【单词】conducted 原型:conduct 动词过去分词 [kən'dʌkt] n. 行为;举动;品行 v. 引导;指挥;管理 vt. 导电;传热

【单词】remind 动词原形 [rɪ'maɪnd] vt. 使想起;提醒

【单词】limited 原型:limit 动词过去式 ['lɪmɪt] n. 限度;限制;界限 vt. 限制;限定

【单词】qualify 动词原形 ['kwɒlɪfaɪ] vt. 使具备资格;描述;[语]修饰 vi. 取得资格;合格

【单词】steer 动词原形 [stɪə] v. 操纵;驾驶;掌舵;引导

【专有名词】Beverly ['bevəlɪ] Beverly. n. 贝弗利(美国马萨诸塞州东北部城市

"Then Riley sulked and referred to himself as a pillar of the Bank and a cherished friend of the Directors, and Reggie tore his hair."

【译】然后赖利很恼火,称自己是银行的顶梁柱,是董事们珍贵的朋友 ,弄得雷吉怒发冲冠。

【短语】refer to 参考,涉及,指的是,适用于;例句:For further details, please refer to page 426. 详情请看四百二十六页。

【单词】sulked 原型:sulk 动词过去式 [sʌlk] v. 不高兴;愠怒;生气 n. 不高兴;愠怒

【单词】referred 原型:refer 动词过去式 [rɪ'fɜː] vt. 把 ... 提交;把 ... 归因;归类 vi. 参考;谈及;咨询

【单词】pillar 名词 ['pɪlə] n. 柱子;支柱;核心(人物) vt. 用柱支持

【单词】cherished 原型:cherish 过去分词做形容词 ['tʃerɪʃ] vt. 珍爱;抱有;抚育

【单词】tore 原型:tear 动词过去式 [teə] vt. 撕掉;扯下;扰乱 vi. 流泪;撕破 n. 眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝;撕扯

"If a man's English subordinates fail him in this country, he comes to a hard time indeed, for native help has strict limitations."


【单词】subordinates 原型:subordinate 名词复数形式 [sə'bɔːdɪnət] adj. 下级的;次要的 n. 属下;附属物 vt. 使服从;把 ... 放在次要

【单词】fail 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [feɪl] vi. 失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳;用完;衰退 vt. 辜负;放弃;缺少;不及格 n. 不及格;没做成

【单词】indeed 副词 [ɪn'diːd] adv. 真正地;的确,确实;事实上;甚至

【单词】native 名词 ['neɪtɪv] adj. 本国的;本土的;当地的 n. 土著;本地人;本国人

【单词】strict 形容词 [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;精确的;完全的

"In the winter Riley went sick for weeks at a time with his lung complaint, and this threw more work on Reggie."


【单词】sick 形容词 [sɪk] adj. 有病的;恶心的;腻烦的;晕的;令人毛骨悚然的 n. 病人;呕吐物 vt. 追逐;攻击;唆使

【单词】lung 名词 [lʌŋ] n. 肺;呼吸器官

【单词】complaint 名词 [kəm'pleɪnt] n. 抱怨;疾病;诉苦;控告;投诉

【单词】threw 原型:throw 动词过去式 [θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛 n. 抛;投掷

But he preferred it to the everlasting friction when Riley was well.


【单词】preferred 原型:prefer 形容词 [prɪ'fɜː] vt. 宁可;较喜欢;提出(控告)

【单词】everlasting 形容词 [ˌevə'lɑːstɪŋ] adj. 永恒的;持久的;无止境的 n. 永恒;永久盛开的花 [大写]Everlasting: 上帝.

【单词】friction 名词 ['frɪkʃn] n. 摩擦;摩擦力;分歧

One of the Travelling Inspectors of the Bank discovered these collapses and reported them to the Directors.


【单词】discovered 原型:discover 动词过去式 [dɪ'skʌvə] v. 发现;偶然撞见;发觉

【单词】collapses 原型:collapse 名词复数形式 [kə'læps] v. (使)倒塌;(使)崩溃;(使)瓦解;折叠 n. 倒塌;崩溃;暴跌

【专有名词】Inspectors Inspectors n. 检查员,巡视员(inspector的复数形式);

"Now Riley had been foisted on the Bank by an M. P., who wanted the support of Riley's father, who, again, was anxious to get his son out to a warmer climate because of those lungs."


【词法】because of 和 because一样,都是“由于...”的意思,两者的区别在于,because of后面要接名词性的词或短语,例:"I didn't go to school because of my illness.",而because后面要接一个完整的句子,例:"I didn't go to school because I am ill."

【单词】foisted 原型:foist 动词过去分词 [fɔɪst] v. 强迫接受;骗卖给;混入;蒙骗

【单词】anxious 形容词 ['æŋkʃəs] adj. 渴望的;忧虑的

【单词】warmer 原型:warm 形容词比较级 [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的 v. 变暖;使暖和 n. 温暖的空气

【单词】climate 名词 ['klaɪmət] n. 气候;风气

【单词】lungs 原型:lung 名词复数形式 [lʌŋ] n. 肺;呼吸器官

"The M. P. had an interest in the Bank; but one of the Directors wanted to advance a nominee of his own; and, after Riley's father had died, he made the rest of the Board see that an Accountant who was sick for half the year, had better give place to a healthy man."


【短语】make sb. do sth. 让(使得)某人做某事;例句:These tablets make me feel rather sluggish. (吃了)这些药片让我感到困倦无力。

【单词】advance 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [əd'vɑːns] n. 前进;进展;预付金 v. 前进;预付;增长;推进 adj. 预先的;提前的

【单词】nominee 名词 [ˌnɒmɪ'niː] n. 被提名的人;名义人

"If Riley had known the real story of his appointment, he might have behaved better; but knowing nothing, his stretches of sickness alternated with restless, persistent, meddling irritation of Reggie, and all the hundred ways in which conceit in a subordinate situation can find play."


【语法】in which ... 是which引导的定语从句,表示“在...里面”,接近于where;例句:He give me a box in which to keep the toy. 他给了我一个装着玩具的盒子。

【单词】appointment 名词 [ə'pɔɪntmənt] n. 约会;任命;设备;职位

【单词】behaved 原型:behave 动词过去分词 [bɪ'heɪv] v. 表现;行为;举止

【单词】stretches 原型:stretch 名词复数形式 [stretʃ] v. 伸展;延伸;张开;夸大 n. 伸展;张开;弹性;一段时间;<俚>刑期 adj. 可伸缩的

【单词】sickness 名词复数形式 ['sɪknəs] n. 疾病;呕吐

【单词】alternated 原型:alternate 动词过去式 ['ɔːltɜːnət] v. 交替;轮流 adj. 间隔的;轮流的;交替的 n. 代替者;供替代的选择

【单词】restless 形容词 ['restləs] adj. 不安宁的;焦虑的;得不到休息的

【单词】persistent 形容词 [pə'sɪstənt] adj. 坚持的;连续的;固执的

【单词】meddling 原型:meddle 动词现在进行式或动名词 ['medl] v. 干涉

【单词】irritation 名词 [ˌɪrɪ'teɪʃn] n. 刺激;烦恼;刺激物

【单词】subordinate 形容词 [sə'bɔːdɪnət] adj. 下级的;次要的 n. 属下;附属物 vt. 使服从;把 ... 放在次要

【单词】situation 名词 [ˌsɪtʃu'eɪʃn] n. 形势;局面;位置;职位;处境;状况

"Reggie used to call him striking and hair-curling names behind his back as a relief to his own feelings; but he never abused him to his face, because he said: "Riley is such a frail beast that half of his loathsome conceit is due to pains in the chest.""


【短语】due to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.

【短语】used to ... 过去一向,过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们以前要上仪态课的。

【词法】hair-curling 是 名词+动名词 组成的复合形容词,复合形容词一般用作前置定语,修饰后面的名词性内容;例句:It was a heart-breaking presentation. 陈述令人心碎。

【单词】striking 原型:strike 现在分词做形容词 [straɪk] n. 罢工;打击;殴打 v. 打;撞;罢工;划燃 struck struck /

【单词】relief 名词 [rɪ'liːf] n. 减轻;解除;轻松;浮雕;救济(品);安慰;替代 adj. 提供救济的;文本的

【单词】feelings 原型:feeling 名词复数形式 ['fiːlɪŋ] n. 感觉;知觉;气氛;鉴赏力;反感 adj. 有感情的;富于同情心的;含情脉脉的 (复)feelings:感情.

【单词】abused 原型:abuse 动词过去式 [ə'bjuːs] n. 滥用;恶习 vt. 滥用;辱骂;虐待

【单词】frail 形容词 [freɪl] adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的

【单词】beast 名词 [biːst] n. 兽;畜牲

【单词】loathsome 形容词 ['ləʊðsəm] adj. 讨厌的;可恶的;令人呕吐的

【单词】due 形容词 [djuː] adj. 应有的;到期的;预定的;应付的 n. 应得物;会费

【单词】pains 原型:pain 名词复数形式 [peɪn] n. 痛苦;疼痛;辛苦;烦人之人或事 v. 使 ... 痛苦;痛苦;疼

"Late one April, Riley went very sick indeed."


"The doctor punched him and thumped him, and told him he would be better before long."


【单词】punched 原型:punch 动词过去式 [pʌntʃ] vt. 按(键);以拳重击;开洞;剪票 n. 殴打 n. 打洞器;钻孔机 n. 感染力 n. (酒、水、糖等制成的)鸡尾酒

【单词】thumped 原型:thump 动词过去式 [θʌmp] v. 重击;怦怦跳;猛击;用拳头打 n. 重击声;重打

Then the doctor went to Reggie and said:—"Do you know how sick your Accountant is?"




"said Reggie—"The worse the better, confound him!"


【单词】confound 动词原形 [kən'faʊnd] vt. 使困惑;混淆;挫败;诅咒

He's a clacking nuisance when he's well.


【单词】clacking 动词现在进行式或动名词 [klæk] v. 发出咔嗒声;使咔嗒咔嗒地响 n. 咔嗒声

【单词】nuisance 形容词 ['njuːsns] n. 讨厌的人;讨厌的东西;伤害

I'll let you take away the Bank Safe if you can drug him silent for this hot-weather."


【单词】drug 动词原形 [drʌɡ] n. 毒品;药 vt. 使服麻醉药;使服毒品;掺麻醉药(或毒药)于

"But the doctor did not laugh—"Man, I'm not joking," he said."


【单词】joking 原型:joke 动词现在进行式或动名词 [dʒəʊk] n. 笑话;玩笑 v. 说笑话;开玩笑

"I'll give him another three months in his bed and a week or so more to die in.


On my honor and reputation that's all the grace he has in this world.


【单词】honor 名词 ['ɒnə] n. 荣誉;荣幸;尊敬;信用;正直;贞洁 vt. 尊敬;使荣幸;对...表示敬意;兑现

【单词】reputation 名词 [ˌrepju'teɪʃn] n. 好名声;声誉,名声,名气

【单词】grace 名词 [ɡreɪs] n. 优美;优雅;恩惠 vt. 使优美;使荣耀

Consumption has hold of him to the marrow."


【单词】Consumption 原型:consumption 名词 [kən'sʌmpʃn] n. 消费;消耗;肺痨

【单词】marrow 名词 ['mærəʊ] n. 骨髓;精华;活力 n. 西葫芦

"Reggie's face changed at once into the face of "Mr. Reginald Burke," and he answered:—"What can I do?""


""Nothing," said the doctor."


"For all practical purposes the man is dead already.


【单词】purposes 原型:purpose 名词复数形式 ['pɜːpəs] n. 目的;决心;意图;议题 v. 打算;决意

Keep him quiet and cheerful and tell him he's going to recover.


【单词】cheerful 形容词 ['tʃɪəfl] adj. 高兴的;快乐的

【单词】recover 动词原形 [rɪ'kʌvə] v. 恢复;复原;重获

That's all.


"I'll look after him to the end, of course.""


【短语】look after 是“照看、照料”的意思,例如:I will look after her child when she is on a business trip. 她出差时我会照看她的孩子。

"The doctor went away, and Reggie sat down to open the evening mail."


【单词】sat 原型:sit 动词过去式 [sɪt] v. 坐;栖息;使就座 n. 坐;栖息

【单词】mail 名词 [meɪl] n. 邮件;邮政 vt. 邮寄

"His first letter was one from the Directors, intimating for his information that Mr. Riley was to resign, under a month's notice, by the terms of his agreement, telling Reggie that their letter to Riley would follow and advising Reggie of the coming of a new Accountant, a man whom Reggie knew and liked."


【单词】intimating 原型:intimate 动词现在进行式或动名词 ['ɪntɪmət] adj. 亲密的;私人的;关系紧密的 vt. 暗示;透露 n. 密友

【单词】resign 动词原形 [rɪ'zaɪn] v. 辞职;放弃;顺从;听任

【单词】notice 名词 ['nəʊtɪs] vt. 注意;留心;通知 n. 通知;注意;布告

【单词】agreement 名词 [ə'ɡriːmənt] n. 同意;一致;协议

【单词】advising 原型:advise 动词现在进行式或动名词 [əd'vaɪz] vt. 劝告;通知;忠告;建议 vi. 提建议

"Reggie lit a cheroot, and, before he had finished smoking, he had sketched the outline of a fraud."


【单词】cheroot 名词 [ʃə'ruːt] n. 方头雪茄烟

【单词】sketched 原型:sketch 动词过去分词 [sketʃ] n. 速写;素描;草图;概述 v. 草拟;速写;(简略地)描绘

【单词】outline 名词 ['aʊtlaɪn] n. 大纲;轮廓 vt. 概述;画出轮廓

"He put away—"burked"—the Directors letter, and went in to talk to Riley, who was as ungracious as usual, and fretting himself over the way the bank would run during his illness."


【语法】sb., who ...,是定语从句,who后面的从句用来修饰前面的人物;

【单词】burked 动词过去式 [bɜːk] v. 秘密镇压;扣压;回避;搁置;<古>使窒息而死以出卖尸体(供解剖用) Burke n. 伯克(人名)

【单词】ungracious 形容词 [ʌn'ɡreɪʃəs] adj. 没有教养的;无礼貌的;不受欢迎的;不被接受的

【单词】fretting 原型:fret 动词现在进行式或动名词 [fret] v. (使)烦恼;(使)焦急;(使)磨损;侵蚀 n. 烦躁;磨损;焦急 n. [音]音品;音柱

【单词】illness 名词复数形式 ['ɪlnəs] n. 病;疾病

"He never thought of the extra work on Reggie's shoulders, but solely of the damage to his own prospects of advancement."


【单词】extra 形容词 ['ekstrə] adj. 额外的 n. 额外之物;临时演员 adv. 特别地

【单词】shoulders 原型:shoulder 名词复数形式 ['ʃəʊldə] n. 肩膀;肩部 v. 承担;扛;肩负;(用肩)推挤

【单词】solely 副词 ['səʊlli] adv. 独自地;单独地;完全

【单词】damage 名词 ['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏 vt. 损害;毁坏

【单词】prospects 原型:prospect 名词复数形式 ['prɒspekt] n. 希望;前景;景色 v. 勘探;寻找

【单词】advancement 名词 [əd'vɑːnsmənt] n. 前进;进步;晋升

"Then Reggie assured him that everything would be well, and that he, Reggie, would confer with Riley daily on the management of the Bank."


【单词】assured 原型:assure 动词过去式 [ə'ʃʊə] vt. 使确信;使放心;确保

【单词】confer 动词原形 [kən'fɜː] v. 商讨;授予,赐予

"Riley was a little soothed, but he hinted in as many words that he did not think much of Reggie's business capacity."


【单词】soothed 原型:soothe 动词过去式 [suːð] v. 缓和;使安静;安慰

【单词】hinted 原型:hint 动词过去式 [hɪnt] n. 暗示 v. 暗示;示意

【单词】capacity 名词 [kə'pæsəti] n. 容量;容积;能力;职位;资格

Reggie was humble.


【单词】humble 形容词 ['hʌmbl] adj. 谦逊的;粗陋的;卑下的;微末的 vt. 使 ... 卑下;贬低

And he had letters in his desk from the Directors that a Gilbarte or a Hardie might have been proud of!


【语法】have been 是现在完成时的被动形式,表示以前某物被做过什么,例:Those books have been read by me. 那些书已经被我读过了。

【单词】proud 形容词 [praʊd] adj. 自豪的;自尊的;自傲的;壮观盛大的

【专有名词】Gilbarte Hardie

"The days passed in the big darkened house, and the Directors' letter of dismissal to Riley came and was put away by Reggie, who, every evening, brought the books to Riley's room, and showed him what had been going forward, while Riley snarled."


【单词】darkened 原型:darken 过去分词做形容词 ['dɑːkən] v. 变暗;使阴郁;使变暗

【单词】dismissal 名词 [dɪs'mɪsl] n. 免职;解雇;摒弃;不予理会

【单词】snarled 原型:snarl 动词过去式 [snɑːl] v. 吼叫;嚎叫;咆哮;怒骂 v. 纠缠;混乱 n. 咆哮 n. 混乱;缠结

"Reggie did his best to make statements pleasing to Riley, but the Accountant was sure that the Bank was going to rack and ruin without him."


【语法】make+宾语+adj. 意为“使某人/某事(变得)……”。如:We must make the rivers clean.

【时态】be going to do sth. 表示主观打算、准备或有信心做某事,强调事情已计划好并将按照计划来做;will do sth. 则多用于客观的情况,即客观上将要发生的事情.例如:I’m not going to ask her. 我不打算去问她. It will be rainy tomorrow. 明天会下雨.

【单词】statements 原型:statement 名词复数形式 ['steɪtmənt] n. 陈述;声明;【单词】pleasing 原型:please 形容词 [pliːz] adv. 请(=plz) v. 使高兴;使满意;愿意;取悦

【单词】rack 名词 [ræk] n. 行李架;(放衣物、碗碟等的)架子;拷问台;折磨;(比赛开始前固定球位置的)三角框 vt. 使痛苦;把...放在架子上;累计取得

【单词】ruin 名词 ['ruːɪn] vt. 毁灭;毁坏;(使)破产;糟蹋,使(妇女)失去贞操 n. 毁灭;废墟;崩溃

"In June, as the lying in bed told on his spirit, he asked whether his absence had been noted by the Directors, and Reggie said that they had written most sympathetic letters, hoping that he would be able to resume his valuable services before long."


【固定用法】be able to do sth. 能够,会(做);有能力(或办法、机会)做某事;例句:I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。

【单词】lying 原型:lie 动名词 [laɪ] v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎 n. 谎言 lay / lied lain /

【单词】spirit 名词 ['spɪrɪt] n. 精神;心灵;幽灵;精灵 (复)spirits:精力;情绪;烈酒. v. 使精神振作;偷偷带走

【单词】absence 名词 ['æbsəns] n. 缺席;缺乏

【单词】noted 原型:note 动词过去分词 [nəʊt] n. 笔记;便条;纸币;音符;票据;注解;音调 vt. 注意;记录;注解

【单词】sympathetic 形容词 [ˌsɪmpə'θetɪk] adj. 同情的;共鸣的;赞同的 n. 交感神经

【单词】resume 动词原形 [rɪ'zjuːm] v. 重新开始;再继续 n. 简历;履历;摘要

【单词】valuable 形容词 ['væljuəbl] adj. 贵重的;宝贵的 n. (pl.)贵重物品

He showed Riley the letters: and Riley said that the Directors ought to have written to him direct.


【单词】direct 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [də'rekt] adj. 直接的;笔直的;坦白的 v. 对准;指挥;指示;命令

"A few days later, Reggie opened Riley's mail in the half-light of the room, and gave him the sheet—not the envelope—of a letter to Riley from the Directors."


【短语】a few 少量,一点点;few与a few 的区别是,a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法,表示还是有一些的。例如:There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 few:用于可数名词,否定用法,表示几乎没有。例如:There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果…

【单词】half-light 名词 n. 暗光

【单词】sheet 名词 [ʃiːt] n. 被单;纸;(薄)片;一片 n. [船]帆脚索 v. 铺盖;使成片 adj. 片状的

【单词】envelope 名词 ['envələʊp] n. 信封;壳层;封袋

"Riley said he would thank Reggie not to interfere with his private papers, specially as Reggie knew he was too weak to open his own letters."


【单词】interfere 动词原形 [ˌɪntə'fɪə] vi. 干涉;妨碍

【单词】private 形容词 ['praɪvət] adj. 私人的;个人的;私下的;私有的;缄默的 n. 士兵;列兵

【单词】specially 副词 ['speʃəli] adv. 特别地;专门地;尤其

Reggie apologized.


【单词】apologized 原型:apologize 动词过去式 [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉;赔罪

"Then Riley's mood changed, and he lectured Reggie on his evil ways: his horses and his bad friends."


【单词】mood 名词 [muːd] n. 心情;情绪;气氛

【单词】lectured 原型:lecture 动词过去式 ['lektʃə] n. 讲课;演讲;训话 v. 训斥;讲课;教导

【单词】evil 形容词 ['iːvl] adj. 邪恶的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 邪恶;罪恶;灾祸

""Of course, lying here on my back, Mr. Burke, I can't keep you straight; but when I'm well, I DO hope you'll pay some heed to my words.""


【语法】keep意为“使……处于某种状态;保持”,常用于keep+宾语+宾语补足语。如:keep+宾语+形容词/副词。如:Keep the door open.

【单词】heed 名词 [hiːd] v. 注意;留心 n. 注意;留心

"Reggie, who had dropped polo, and dinners, and tennis, and all to attend to Riley, said that he was penitent and settled Riley's head on the pillow and heard him fret and contradict in hard, dry, hacking whispers, without a sign of impatience."


【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。

【单词】dropped 原型:drop 动词过去分词 [drɒp] vt. 落下;跌倒;下降;放弃;漏掉;断绝关系 | n. 滴;微量;减少;滴状物

【单词】tennis 名词复数形式 ['tenɪs] n. 网球

【单词】attend 动词原形 [ə'tend] v. 出席;参加;照料;注意;专心于

【单词】penitent 名词 ['penɪtənt] adj. 忏悔的;悔悟的 n. 改过迁善的人;忏悔的人;悔罪者

【单词】settled 原型:settle 动词过去式 ['setl] v. 解决;定居;安顿;平静;结算 n. 背长椅,座位;定居,安顿

【单词】pillow 名词 ['pɪləʊ] n. 枕头 vt. 枕;搁;垫

【单词】fret 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [fret] v. (使)烦恼;(使)焦急;(使)磨损;侵蚀 n. 烦躁;磨损;焦急 n. [音]音品;音柱

【单词】contradict 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [ˌkɒntrə'dɪkt] vt. 反驳;与 ... 矛盾

【单词】hacking 原型:hack 形容词 [hæk] n. 劈或砍;乱踢;咳嗽 n. 供出租的马车;雇佣文人;(美口)出租车 vt. 非法侵入(他人计算机系统) vi. 劈或砍;咳嗽

【单词】whispers 原型:whisper 名词复数形式 ['wɪspə] n. 低语;窃窃私语;飒飒的声音 vi. 低声说;窃窃私语;飒飒地响 vt. 耳语;私语

【单词】sign 名词 [saɪn] n. 手势;招牌;符号;迹象;正负号 v. 签;签名;做手势;做标记

【单词】impatience 名词 [ɪm'peɪʃns] n. 不耐烦;急迫

"This at the end of a heavy day's office work, doing double duty, in the latter half of June."


【单词】duty 名词 ['djuːti] n. 义务;职责;责任;税;关税

【单词】latter 形容词 ['lætə] adj. 后者的;近来的;后面的;较后的

"When the new Accountant came, Reggie told him the facts of the case, and announced to Riley that he had a guest staying with him."


【单词】guest 名词 [ɡest] n. 客人;宾客;特别来宾;[动植物]寄生生物 v. 做特邀嘉宾;做特约演员;客串;招待;做客

Riley said that he might have had more consideration than to entertain his "doubtful friends" at such a time.


【单词】consideration 名词 [kənˌsɪdə'reɪʃn] n. 考虑;体贴;考虑因素;敬重;意见

【单词】entertain 动词原形 [ˌentə'teɪn] v. 娱乐;使有兴趣;招待;考虑;抱有;容纳

"Reggie made Carron, the new Accountant, sleep at the Club in consequence."


【单词】sleep 动词原形 [sliːp] v. 睡觉 n. 睡眠;睡觉

【单词】consequence 名词 ['kɒnsɪkwəns] n. 结果;后果;重要性;影响

【专有名词】Carron Carron n. 卡伦

【专有名词】Club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;棍棒;(扑克牌中)梅花 v. 用棍棒打;分担花费;

"Carron's arrival took some of the heavy work off his shoulders, and he had time to attend to Riley's exactions—to explain, soothe, invent, and settle and resettle the poor wretch in bed, and to forge complimentary letters from Calcutta."


【单词】soothe 动词原形 [suːð] v. 缓和;使安静;安慰

【单词】invent 动词原形 [ɪn'vent] vt. 发明;捏造

【单词】settle 动词原形 ['setl] v. 解决;定居;安顿;平静;结算 n. 背长椅,座位;定居,安顿

【单词】resettle 动词原形 [ˌriː'setl] v. 重新定居;再安顿;重新成为定居点;再坐下

【单词】wretch 名词 [retʃ] n. 【C】可怜的人;卑鄙的人;<幽默>坏蛋

【单词】forge 动词原形 [fɔːdʒ] vt. 锻造;伪造;建立 vi. 伪造;做铁匠 n. 锻炉;铁匠铺;锻造车间

【单词】complimentary 形容词 [ˌkɒmplɪ'mentri] adj. 问候的;称赞的;免费赠送的

"At the end of the first month, Riley wished to send some money home to his mother."


Reggie sent the draft.


【单词】draft 名词 [drɑːft] n. 草稿;草图;汇票;征兵 vt. 起草;征兵;选秀 adj. 酝酿中的

"At the end of the second month, Riley's salary came in just the same."


【单词】salary 名词 ['sæləri] n. 薪水 v. 给 ... 薪水

"Reggie paid it out of his own pocket; and, with it, wrote Riley a beautiful letter from the Directors."


【单词】pocket 名词 ['pɒkɪt] n. 口袋;袋子;球袋;钱;小块地方;在...掌握之中;保障金 adj. 小型的;孤立的;局部的 v. 装…在口袋里;私吞;击(球)落袋

"Riley was very ill indeed, but the flame of his life burnt unsteadily."


【单词】ill 形容词 [ɪl] adj. 坏的;有病的;恶意的;引起痛苦的 adv. 恶劣地;勉强地 n. 邪恶;不幸;祸害;坏话

【单词】flame 名词 [fleɪm] n. 火焰;热情;燃烧;情人 v. 燃烧;爆发;面红

【单词】burnt 原型:burn 动词过去分词 [bɜːn] v. 燃烧;烧着;烧毁;灼伤;急于 n. 烧伤;燃烧 burned / burnt burned /

【单词】unsteadily 副词 [ʌn'stedɪli] adv. 不平稳地

"Now and then he would be cheerful and confident about the future, sketching plans for going Home and seeing his mother."


【单词】confident 形容词 ['kɒnfɪdənt] adj. 自信的;有信心的;有把握的

【单词】sketching 原型:sketch 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sketʃ] n. 速写;素描;草图;概述 v. 草拟;速写;(简略地)描绘

【单词】plans 原型:plan 名词复数形式 [plæn] n. 计划;方法;策略;设计图;平面图 v. 打算;安排;计划;设计

"Reggie listened patiently when the office work was over, and encouraged him."


【单词】patiently 副词 ['peɪʃntli] adv. 耐心地

【单词】encouraged 原型:encourage 动词过去式 [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ] vt. 鼓励;促进;支持

At other times Riley insisted on Reggie's reading the Bible and grim "Methody" tracts to him.


【单词】insisted 原型:insist 动词过去式 [ɪn'sɪst] vt. 坚持;坚决主张 vi. 坚持;强调

【单词】grim 形容词 [ɡrɪm] adj. 严厉的;冷酷的;可怕的;不愉快的

【单词】tracts 原型:tract 名词复数形式 [trækt] n. 大片土地;器官系统;[解]道;束 n. 小册子

【专有名词】Bible ['baɪbl] n. 圣经;(b~)有权威的书

Out of these tracts he pointed morals directed at his Manager.


【单词】morals 原型:moral 名词复数形式 ['mɒrəl] adj. 道德的;精神上的 n. 寓意;道德;品行;伦理

【单词】directed 原型:direct 动词过去式 [də'rekt] adj. 直接的;笔直的;坦白的 v. 对准;指挥;指示;命令

"But he always found time to worry Reggie about the working of the Bank, and to show him where the weak points lay."


"This indoor, sick-room life and constant strains wore Reggie down a good deal, and shook his nerves, and lowered his billiard-play by forty points."


【单词】indoor 形容词 ['ɪndɔː] adj. 户内的;室内的

【单词】constant 形容词 ['kɒnstənt] adj. 不变的;经常的 n. 常数;恒量

【单词】strains 原型:strain 名词复数形式 [streɪn] n. 拉紧;紧张;血统;笔调;(动植物或疾病的)品种 v. 拉紧;劳累;过分使用

【单词】wore 原型:wear 动词过去式 [weə] v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳 n. 磨损;穿着;耐久性

【单词】deal 名词 [diːl] n. 协定;交易;大量 v. 应付;分配;处理;交易;经营

【单词】shook 原型:shake 动词过去式 [ʃeɪk] v. 摇动;震动;握手 n. 片刻;摇晃;<美口>奶昔

【单词】nerves 原型:nerve 名词复数形式 [nɜːv] n. 神经;勇气;敏感处;叶脉;厚脸皮 v. 鼓起勇气 (复)nerves: 神经紧张.

【单词】lowered 原型:lower 动词过去式 ['ləʊə] adj. 低的;下级的;下层的 v. 降低;减弱;跌落 loweringly lour lowered / loured lowered / loured lowering / louring lowers /

"But the business of the Bank, and the business of the sick-room, had to go on, though the glass was 116 degrees in the shade."


【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形,与情态动词 must 近义但区别在于:have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例句:My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

【单词】degrees 原型:degree 名词复数形式 [dɪ'ɡriː] n. 学位;程度;度数

【单词】shade 名词 [ʃeɪd] n. 阴影;遮蔽;遮光物;(色彩的)浓淡 vt. 遮蔽;使阴暗;使渐变;略减(价格) vi. 渐变

"At the end of the third month, Riley was sinking fast, and had begun to realize that he was very sick."


【单词】sinking 原型:sink 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sɪŋk] v. 下沉;沉没;渗透;低落;变低;衰弱;(太阳)落下 n. 水槽;沟渠;散热器;接收端 sinkable sank /

【单词】realize 动词原形 ['riːəlaɪz] vt. 实现;了解;意识到;变卖

"But the conceit that made him worry Reggie, kept him from believing the worst."


""He wants some sort of mental stimulant if he is to drag on," said the doctor."


【单词】stimulant 名词 ['stɪmjələnt] n. 兴奋剂;刺激物;酒精性饮料 adj. 使兴奋的;激励的;鼓舞的

【单词】drag 动词原形 [dræɡ] v. 拖;拉;迫使;缓慢行进;进行过久;扯进;打捞 n. 拖;拉;累赘;阻力 n. 男子穿的女子服装

"Keep him interested in life if you care about his living."


"So Riley, contrary to all the laws of business and the finance, received a 25-per-cent, rise of salary from the Directors."


【单词】contrary 形容词 ['kɒntrəri] adj. 相反的;截然不同的;执拗的 n. 反面;相反

【单词】finance 名词 ['faɪnæns] n. 金融;财政;资金 vt. 给 ... 提供资金;负担经费

【单词】received 原型:receive 过去分词做形容词 [rɪ'siːv] v. 接到;收到;接待

The "mental stimulant" succeeded beautifully.


"Riley was happy and cheerful, and, as is often the case in consumption, healthiest in mind when the body was weakest."


【单词】consumption 名词 [kən'sʌmpʃn] n. 消费;消耗;肺痨

【单词】healthiest 原型:healthy 形容词最高级 ['helθi] adj. 健康的

"He lingered for a full month, snarling and fretting about the Bank, talking of the future, hearing the Bible read, lecturing Reggie on sin, and wondering when he would be able to move abroad."


【单词】lingered 原型:linger 动词过去式 ['lɪŋɡə] vi. 徘徊;逗留;消磨;漫步

【单词】snarling 原型:snarl 动词现在进行式或动名词 [snɑːl] v. 吼叫;嚎叫;咆哮;怒骂 v. 纠缠;混乱 n. 咆哮 n. 混乱;缠结

【单词】lecturing 原型:lecture 动词现在进行式或动名词 ['lektʃə] n. 讲课;演讲;训话 v. 训斥;讲课;教导

【单词】sin 名词 [sɪn] n. 原罪 v. 犯罪;违反(教规)

【单词】wondering 原型:wonder 动词现在进行式或动名词 ['wʌndə] n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观 v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑 adj. 奇妙的;非凡的

【单词】abroad 副词 [ə'brɔːd] adv. 到国外;广为流传 adj. 在国外;海外(一般作表语)

"But at the end of September, one mercilessly hot evening, he rose up in his bed with a little gasp, and said quickly to Reggie:—"Mr. Burke, I am going to die."


【单词】mercilessly 副词 ['mɜːsɪləsli] adv. 无情地;残忍地

【单词】rose 原型:rise 动词过去式 [raɪz] vi. 上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗;复活 n. 上升;增加;斜坡;小山

【单词】gasp 名词 [ɡɑːsp] v. 喘气;喘息;渴望 n. 喘气

【专有名词】September [sep'tembə(r)] n. 九月

I know it in myself.


"My chest is all hollow inside, and there's nothing to breathe with."


【单词】hollow 名词 ['hɒləʊ] adj. 空的;空洞的;凹陷的;虚伪的;(声音)沉闷的 n. 山谷;洞;窟窿 vt. 挖空 vi. 形成空洞 adv. 完全地;彻底

【单词】breathe 动词原形 [briːð] vi. 呼吸 vt. 轻声说;流露(自信等感情);注入

To the best of my knowledge I have done nowt"—he was returning to the talk of his boyhood—"to lie heavy on my conscience.


【时态】have + 过去分词 是现在完成时;现在完成时用于以下几种情况:1.表示从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have lost my key.(说明过去某时丢的钥匙,现在还未找到.)He has already obtained a scholarship. 他已经获得了一份奖学金。

【时态】have(has) + 动词的过去分词 是动词的“现在完成时”,这种时态主要用于表示 1.从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

【单词】knowledge 名词 ['nɒlɪdʒ] n. 学问;了解;知识;认识;知道

【单词】nowt 名词 [naʊt] pron. 无;没有什么 n. 公牛

【单词】returning 原型:return 动词现在进行式或动名词 [rɪ'tɜːn] v. 返回;归还;回报;回应;申报 n. 归还;返回;(收益)回报;申报

【单词】boyhood 名词 ['bɔɪhʊd] n. 少年时代

【单词】conscience 名词 ['kɒnʃəns] n. 良心;是非之心;顾忌

"God be thanked, I have been preserved from the grosser forms of sin; and I counsel YOU, Mr. Burke....""


【单词】preserved 原型:preserve 动词过去分词 [prɪ'zɜːv] v. 保护;保存;保持 n. 禁猎区;蜜饯

【单词】grosser 名词 ['grəʊsə] [美俚]赚钱的产品或生产

【单词】counsel 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) ['kaʊnsl] n. 劝告;建议;诉讼律师 v. 提供建议;劝告 counseled / counselled counseled / counselled counseling / counselling counsels /

【专有名词】God 其他 (大写首字母时)上帝

"Here his voice died down, and Reggie stooped over him."


【单词】stooped 原型:stoop 动词过去式 [stuːp] n. 佝偻;弯腰;屈尊;俯冲 v. 弯腰;屈服;佝偻;屈尊;降格;俯冲

"Send my salary for September to my mom…done great things with the Bank if I had been spared....mistaken policy....no fault of mine."


【单词】spared 原型:spare 动词过去分词 [speə] adj. 备用的;多余的;闲置的 v. 抽出;饶恕;赦免;节约 n. 备用品;剩余

【单词】fault 动词原形 [fɔːlt] n. 缺点;故障;过错;[地]断层 v. 找 ... 错误

Then he turned his face to the wall and died.


"Reggie drew the sheet over Its face, and went out into the verandah, with his last "mental stimulant"—a letter of condolence and sympathy from the Directors—unused in his pocket."


【单词】drew 原型:draw 动词过去式 [drɔː] v. 拖;接近;画;提取;拉;绘制 n. 平局;抽签;拉;拽;吸引人的事物

【单词】verandah 名词 [və'rændə] n. 游廊;走廊

【单词】condolence 名词 [kən'dəʊləns] n. 哀悼;吊唁;慰问

【单词】sympathy 名词 ['sɪmpəθi] n. 同情;同情心;同感;赞同;慰问

【单词】unused 形容词 [ˌʌn'juːzd] adj. 未用过的;不习惯的

【专有名词】Its [ɪts] pron. (it的所有格)它的

""If I'd been only ten minutes earlier," thought Reggie, "I might have heartened him up to pull through another day.""


【单词】heartened 原型:hearten 动词过去分词 ['hɑːtn] vt. 鼓励;激励;振作

【单词】pull 动词原形 [pʊl] v. 拉;拖;牵;拔;吸引 n. 拉;拉力;引力;划船;影响力

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